@ 206 After reading these posts (and past threads) I can
HONESTLYsay I see WHY you don't believe in a "god" or "creator".
@916 you said the following:
There is automatic progression in the lesser conscious life forms.
Progression to what? Are you telling me that something which started off as an amoeba soul can become a human soul? Or are you telling me we start as a "soul" with no specific "type" (raw material) and become a specific type of soul?
So lets say an ant soul comes into existance. This soul works it's way up? How? Over time? What are the guidelines for doing so? How does this ant soul move up? It's simply automatic right? How long does it take? 10,000 years for each form?
The human form of life is a crossroads where one may move up into better material existence, down into a more abominable existence, or they can transcend material existence altogether and return to the spiritual world where they are not forced to undergo birth and death
1. Please define material existance
2. Please define abominable existance
so the human form is where one comes to the crossroads? Ok let me ask you a question. Do animals SIN or make bad judgements (two different things here)? If a lion kills a human being does that place the lion soul four slots down and further from being human? So when do the lower forms (souls) have a knowledge of right and wrong? When they become HUMAN? So it moves up the ladder, becomes a human soul and that starts the process of right and wrong?
If you have no scientific knowledge about the planets where does your knowledge of these planets come from? Now before you answer read and understand the question bro. I'm not saying you NEED science to prove that these planets exist. What I'm asking is what is YOUR proof that they exist? Is it a candy wrapper, a crsytal ball, a scripture, research, spyware or a wmd?
Do the souls here on earth now, who were previously on earth, always explain what their past life was like?
No but according to what mosa said some of them do. If people here are able to remember past life on this planet how come they can't remember "My name is Samus Aran, I was born on the planet Zebes and raised by the Chozo"? Can you provide me with ANY source where someone explains another planet and another life?
Your question really boils down to, why don't we all remember our past lives? One could also ask, why don't we all remember what we were doing on October 16th, 1998. Our memory is hardly perfect.
So our memory is hardly perfect but people talk about past lives here on earth. As I asked before can you provide me with ANY source where someone explains another planet and another life? I would love to read that info for myself.
How do souls travel? They are carried by the subtle body (mind, intelligence and false ego). Astral, space, what difference does it make? One has no conception of the subtle mind itself other than by its symptoms imposed on the gross body, so what to speak of the spirit-soul which is even more subtle than the mind?
So basically souls travel from one body to the next via mind, intelligence and false ego? Thats how a soul inhabits the body in the womb? Through mind and intelligence?
Different planets fall into one of three categories. Earth falls ito the middle planetary system. Then there is also the lower planetary system where the inhabitants are more demoniac and the upper planetary system where the demigods reside.
Ok this is really good info here but it doesn't answer my question. What are the requirements for those souls to enter the earth realms? Can they CHOOSE to come to earth or is that dictated by karma? So the untouchables go where? They go to the lower planets? What are the names of some of these lower planets? Do the planets have specific requirments of karma/reincarnation or do they simply follow "universal law"?
Souls are constitutionally part and parcel of God, the Supreme Soul. So originally we were all in the spiritual world, but somehow or other we have fallen. In general we can say that we had a desire to become our own enjoyers. We had this desire to leave the association of God and try and become our own gods. Just look around you. Practically the whole world is engaged in trying to be God, whether they admit it or not. People are trying to be independent enjoyers, controllers, and creators of all they survey. Also consider that while many souls are falling down, some are being liberated.
I will agree with you to some extent. However I do not believe we were all in the spiritual realm as entities or "beings" with thought. I believe MAN (adam) had a pure physical form but pure spiritual thought. I believe the only person to revert back to the original form is yeshua.