Marines In Iraq Shoot to Kill Everybody, says Ex Marine

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Jan 27, 2003
thanks mac, I am only doin my job though. It is alot goin on over here that the media doesn't speak about. Like the marine said though, we don't know who the enemy is, U can look at is as we are keeping you safe. Because we are fighting "terrorist" But the civilians here for the most part like us, and most of the unsurgents just want us to leave. But these ppl are not playin over here. THey really be blowin shit up wit out mercy. Honestly the insurgents probably killed more innnocent ppl then we have.
Jun 18, 2004
davmos said:
thanks mac, I am only doin my job though. It is alot goin on over here that the media doesn't speak about. Like the marine said though, we don't know who the enemy is, U can look at is as we are keeping you safe. Because we are fighting "terrorist" But the civilians here for the most part like us, and most of the unsurgents just want us to leave. But these ppl are not playin over here. THey really be blowin shit up wit out mercy. Honestly the insurgents probably killed more innnocent ppl then we have.
Keep your eyes open, and come home alive man...good luck out there.
May 8, 2002
FunK-3-FivE said:
r u thanking him because of what he does or are you thanking him because you honestly think the war in iraq is one to "perserve our freedom"?

FunK-3-FivE said:
If your reason is the first one i stated then i understand, but if it is the latter then u are one dumb bitch.
thats your OPINION. and you have the right to express it just as I also do.

L Mac-a-docious said:
Hey Macleansnatch! Did you see this post by any chance?
did you read his last post????

davmos said:
the civilians here for the most part like us.
davmos said:
most of the unsurgents just want us to leave.
davmos said:
Honestly the insurgents probably killed more innnocent ppl then we have.
May 16, 2002

Hey heres a lil info if you didn't know it. Before you are a war veteran you have to be a soldier. So by sayin that you think all soldiers are mindless robots and you hope they die (like you directed at me) and then tellin homeboy thanks for your help and you appreciate what he's doin out there and postin a picture of a war vet shot in the head... you gotta be one confused ass mindless dumbass. Your a hypocrite and an ass kisser who just flip-flops his opinions accordin to what other people say.

Try going to one of your homeless vets that you help out so much and tell him and show him what you said to me. And I'll bet that he will tell you to keep your damn dollar and your lies of vanity cuz the only person your tryin to make feel better is yourself and then I'll bet he stomps the shit out of your cowardass.

"Just so you know I'm not against you comrade. Your simply doin your job. I'm against the people who sent you there and the people who may fuck you over when your duties are over" -2-0-6 @ davmos

Ay he don't need to be insulted and then get his dick sucked. He needs you to fix the problem you claim you have with his superiors. And you know how you do that? You fight right beside his friends that are still there in the mix causin ruckus and changin things from the inside out. Cuz your letters and your bitchin and whinin won't stop a bullet... but your fists can.

"Death to the U.S. imperialists! Long live Iraq!"- 2-0-6

You wanna holler that shit and then tell another soldier you ain't against him while you post a pic of one of our mothafuckin brothers shot in the head! Well uhh... I'll buy you a plane ticket right now to Baghdad and you can braveheart it up over there all the fuck you want. What's that? You don't want to live in a third world country where propane is used more then electricity, where the weather is 120 degrees on the daily, where the woman have to wear dresses that cover up thier whole body and get slapped for even talkin to another dude, where your greatest leader who claimed he'd fight to the death was found in a hole hidin while his people died fightin, and the best car you can get is a beat up ass toyata pickup? Are you sure? I'm sure you could find an internet hookup SOMEWHERE over there, freedom of speech is a bitch ain't it? C'mon now dog I thought that you did alot for your cause when you shut off your computer?

Don't bitch out now, I'm sure the Iraqi insurgents could desperately use you help and your william wallace words to help there cause you so deeply believe in. Hey and maybe you could even get a chance to pop a shot at me before I blow your your ass up with more firepower and technology then you could fathom instead of hopin someone else will do your dirtywork like a true bitchass coward.

My advice before you type some more bullshit:

Knuckle up and stick to what you believe in, or shut the fuck up before you make a COMPLETE AND TOTAL JACKASS out of yourself.

Thank you.

Ender a.k.a A real soldier
Jan 27, 2003
Keep your eyes open, and come home alive man...good luck out there.

thanks, I always do, I barely sleep over here. I'm blessed though, the Most High has led me out of all the violent situations presented to me unharmed.
May 13, 2002
Ender said:

Hey heres a lil info if you didn't know it. Before you are a war veteran you have to be a soldier. So by sayin that you think all soldiers are mindless robots and you hope they die (like you directed at me) and then tellin homeboy thanks for your help and you appreciate what he's doin out there and postin a picture of a war vet shot in the head... you gotta be one confused ass mindless dumbass. .
Where the fuck did I say all soldiers are mindless robots?
Where the fuck did I say I hope all soldiers die?
Where the fuck did I thank "homeboy" for his help?
Where the fuck did I say I appreciate what he's doing?

LMAO, you're one confused little bitch because I NEVER SAID ANY OF THESE THINGS.

Your a hypocrite and an ass kisser who just flip-flops his opinions accordin to what other people say
I stand by all my statements which are not "flip-flops." Yes, I don't give a fuck if you die or SOLDIERS like you die 'cuz I think you're a bitch, a fool, a tool, and you deserve what’s coming to you. On the other hand, soldiers who realize the war is bull shit and want out I have sympathy for and I wish they can come home safe. There is nothing hypocritical about that.

"Death to the U.S. imperialists! Long live Iraq!"- 2-0-666

You wanna holler that shit and then tell another soldier you ain't against him while you post a pic of one of our mothafuckin brothers shot in the head! Well uhh... I'll buy you a plane ticket right now to Baghdad and you can braveheart it up over there all the fuck you want. What's that? You don't want to live in a third world country where propane is used more then electricity, where the weather is 120 degrees on the daily, where the woman have to wear dresses that cover up thier whole body and get slapped for even talkin to another dude, where your greatest leader who claimed he'd fight to the death was found in a hole hidin while his people died fightin, and the best car you can get is a beat up ass toyata pickup? Are you sure? I'm sure you could find an internet hookup SOMEWHERE over there, freedom of speech is a bitch ain't it? C'mon now dog I thought that you did alot for your cause when you shut off your computer?
lol@my greatest leader! Fuck Saddam, I said that from the start. This has nothing to do with him; it has everything to do with U.S Imperialism and if you don't know that than you are a fucking moron. Plain and simple.

Don't bitch out now, I'm sure the Iraqi insurgents could desperately use you help and your william wallace words to help there cause you so deeply believe in. Hey and maybe you could even get a chance to pop a shot at me before I blow your your ass up with more firepower and technology then you could fathom instead of hopin someone else will do your dirtywork like a true bitchass coward.
What? You really think you can get me a plain ticket to Iraq, you fucking idiot? Try your best getting a plain ticket, ok? If you can get one, send it to me, if not, I'd be satisfied with any neighboring country. Hit me up, PM, and I'll give you my address.

Knuckle up and stick to what you believe in, or shut the fuck up before you make a COMPLETE AND TOTAL JACKASS out of yourself.
I am sticking to what I believe in that is why we are having this discussion.

The funny thing Ender, is your advice is to stick to what I believe in. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU BELIEVE IN? You believe in Jesus, right? You believe in the bible, right? lol, you fucking hypocrite; who the fuck would jesus bomb? I thought jebus said love thy enemy? He was for peace not war you mindless drone. And here I am, the Atheist who is for peace. I live more of a christian life then you ever will. Remember Jesus when your gun is "screamin bitch."

Thank you.

2-0-Sixx - Someone who can think for himself.
Oct 13, 2003
I don't understand how there are people justifying the deaths of innocent people?? One idiot even tried to connect 9/11 with the war in Iraq!!! WTF???

Like I said earlier, I recently got honorably discharged from the military. My older brother is in Iraq as we speak. If my brother made an unjustified kill toward any civilian that posed no threat to him or his fellow soldiers, I would lose all respect of his heroism. I would also consider him a coward and a civilian killer.

I don't care where you stand on the topic, killing civilians is not right in ANY WAY, SHAPE, and OR FORM. PERIOD.
Apr 25, 2002
my question to you dumb fucks is: do u think the terrorists are sitting in a crowd with a sign on them saying "I AM A TERRORIST" u think the troops just roll up on innocent women and children sitting down somewhere and blast em? and i would love to see 20sixxx play fisticuffs with any person who was in the us army, marines, navy, anything, i also would just love to see him on the hands would just be amusing
May 13, 2002


Can you justify this greedygreg? Is this the christian thing to do?

Why is it that I got to play "fistcuffs" with soldiers? There are PLENTY of soldiers who hold the same views as I do and they are cool people in my eyes. Solidous_Snake is an example of a soldier who I have respect for.
Oct 13, 2003
Greedy, your real hard head to accept facts. . . .

Say Iraq invaded America. Say they killed off your family. Say they found you and killed you also, because they thought you and your family were a possible threat. So now you and your whole family is gone because the Iraqi amry wasn't sure if you were a "terrorist". Like you said...

greedygreg209 said:
do u think the terrorists are sitting in a crowd with a sign on them saying "I AM A TERRORIST"....
Your comments and opinions are not justified and make no sence.
May 16, 2002
Aye so let's say hmmm... you roll into an Iraqi city where they have been killing American's and or kidnappin foriegners and puttin them on video tape begging for their lives wait, wait... better yet they were just doing their job as a construction worker whatever maybe they were even ohh let's say KOREAN and they were beggin for their life to their family and country and they got thier throat slit... so anyway your rollin thru this city and you know this has been happenin and you know it's by Iraqi insurgents who wear no uniforms cuz their usin guerilla tactics and yeah... your rollin thru the town... okay and... BAM! all of a sudden you see some dumbass with a sign that says "Death to all the U.S. imperialists! Long live Iraq!"..............................

You shootin him?

I am.

If only they were dumb enough to hold up signs that said "I am a terrorist". It would make my job a whole lot easier.

And I agree with Solidous_snake If my brother slit an innocent civillian's throat while they begged for their life instead of an accidental stray bullet in the crowd I would lose all respect for his heroism also.
Mar 27, 2004
Ender said:
Aye so let's say hmmm... you roll into an Iraqi city where they have been killing American's and or kidnappin foriegners and puttin them on video tape begging for their lives wait, wait... better yet they were just doing their job as a construction worker whatever maybe they were even ohh let's say KOREAN and they were beggin for their life to their family and country and they got thier throat slit... so anyway your rollin thru this city and you know this has been happenin and you know it's by Iraqi insurgents who wear no uniforms cuz their usin guerilla tactics and yeah... your rollin thru the town... okay and... BAM! all of a sudden you see some dumbass with a sign that says "Death to all the U.S. imperialists! Long live Iraq!"..............................

You shootin him?

I am.

If only they were dumb enough to hold up signs that said "I am a terrorist". It would make my job a whole lot easier.

And I agree with Solidous_snake If my brother slit an innocent civillian's throat while they begged for their life instead of an accidental stray bullet in the crowd I would lose all respect for his heroism also.
wtf are u doin in an iraqi city in the first place? seriouslly u guys expect there not to be trouble when u invade a country and just roll up into cities, "why do they hate us"
Jun 18, 2004
A1Yola415 said:
wtf are u doin in an iraqi city in the first place? seriouslly u guys expect there not to be trouble when u invade a country and just roll up into cities, "why do they hate us"
Exactamundo...without an invading force there would be no "insurgents."
@ Ender...Picture're at home eating dinner with your family and a fucking missle blows you and your family into pieces...would you be pissed off if your brother, who was late for dinner that night, decided to pick up a gun and use guerilla tactics to fight against the army that killed you?
Oct 13, 2003
L Mac-a-docious said:
Exactamundo...without an invading force there would be no "insurgents."
@ Ender...Picture're at home eating dinner with your family and a fucking missle blows you and your family into pieces...would you be pissed off if your brother, who was late for dinner that night, decided to pick up a gun and use guerilla tactics to fight against the army that killed you?

You hit the mark on that one.

Ender, your gonna have to do better than that.
Feb 10, 2004
if the insuregents are giving the US and coallition forces a hard time they could have easily overthrow saddam long ago if they wanted to.

some of you think terrorist is the same as insurgent.