Ender said:
For every post you make about homeless vets you should go out and give one a couple bucks, offer them a place to stay, or a friend to talk to. As a matter a fact don't post another one of those articles until you do so. And uhh... let me know when you do this and I give you my word that I'll never talk shit to you again. Deal?
No I don't know you, no I don't know who you know, no I don't know what you do after you turn off your computer at night.
That’s right, you don’t know me; you don’t know shit about me. Listen-- there are very few people that I know of on this board who actually admit to taking care of the homeless when given a chance. I am one of those people. I give money and food to the unfortunate when I have the chance and I donate money/clothes/food to different homeless organizations. I do my part. But, I am NOT the one who made these people poor and hungry in the first place. I’m not the one who fucked them over, especially these vets who put their fucking lives on the line for this country. I’m not the one who turned my back on these people. No, I am simply a man who sees a problem and sees how this country truly is.
I’ll post any god damn fucking article that I please. You can sit there saying that until I give these vets a place to say, I can say shit? lol, you have some nerve playboy. Like I have the resources to take care of the homeless situation in amerikkka when I’m struggling on my own.
And don't come at me with well all you're doing is letting the problem be known. Because you'll just strengthen GreedyGreg's arguement that all yall do is bitch, complain, and cry about shit.
As I’ve stated several times before- I do a lot more than bitch. I am extremely active in my community, I do as much as I can do to try and make a different and I’ll tell you now I will be dedicated to the Socialist cause until the day I die. So fuck you and greedgreg for saying I don’t do shit when neither one of you know who the fuck I am.
Also don't be bringing up MLK and talkin about how he was a lover of peace cuz like I stated before MLK wanted an end to ALL racism not just racism against a specific race.
I’ll bring up MLK if I please. Plus, no where on this thread did I mention he was a lover of peace or whatever. Please go back and read my MLK statement.
I'm about to do my time for this country. Because I love this place. I'll give a year of my life in that shithole because then I'll have a leg to stand on when I want to voice my opinion on how I think war should be fought. I won't sit back in the comfort of my home exercisin my right to smoke blunts and type bullshit that people have fought and died to give me, and call other people who believe in this country and are still willing to fight and die for it mindless robots (which is kinda like saying ignorant nigger boy if you think about it hmm... MLK would be proud of you).
Personally I don’t give a flying fuck what you do. That’s tight that you love this country. Go join the Imperialist war and assist the raping of the mid-east or wherever else they may send you. Just remember if you’re in Iraq; you’re not fighting for freedom.
But I do know that you have no right to say anything about how war should be fought and you ain't got no right to say a goddamn thing about the people over there right now gettin there asses shot at and bombed, cuz you don't know SHIT about gettin your hands dirty and unless you work in the pentagon... you don't know SHIT about war.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
So when you’re in the military and your gun is screaming “bitch,” you remember that shit. You remember what the fuck you SHOULD be fighting for.
LONG LIVE IRAQ! DEATH TO THE U.S IMPERIALISTS! (freedom of speech is a bitch, huh?)
Be careful in the military. Hope you don’t end up like this
Or perhaps you'll be like the
5,500 Deserters