I actually think Clottey could be alot more aggressive in this fight if he chooses to be, and it would turn this fight upside down for Pacman. Not saying he will do it, but if he does he has the chin and the power to stop Pacman. Clottey has never been stopped so Pacman has his hands full. Yeah, if Clottey reverts to his old defensive posturing ala Winkie Wright, then I'll give a rough fight to Pac on points, but I feel like there is a sense of urgency in Clottey, but we'll see.
As far his body mass, I think like Pacman, Clottey has to bulk up to reach his weight. He's small in stature and in my opinion is not a true to form welterweight. He's a smaller guy who is able to absorb the punishment at the higher weight classes and since there is more money there, he stays there. Could you imagine the damage he would cause as light welterweight? I honestly think he has to keep his weight up with weight training or he would not meet the weight requirements for the welterweight class. He's solid muscle, yet he comes in at the weight with ease. He never looks drained like a guy coming down in weight.