Had the cop seen him pour liquor in the can I think the cop would of mentioned it. And he wouldn't of left the can behind at the scene due to evidence.
It was all bullshit on the cop's part. Private property or not the man was doing nothing wrong. And filming out in the street does not require anybody to sign a waver to give permission. And he wasn't filming the building.
I personally think the man was right to stand his ground and not give in. I'd do the same thing. I'll be dammed if I let any son of a bitch, cop or not, literally stick his nose in anything I'm consuming WTF?!?!?!
Some of you get seriously pussified. It's not hard to see within this thread that some of you are scared to go to jail. Some of you would bow down to a bitch ass crooked cop to avoid going to jail, but you come in here and talk mad gangsta shit in other threads. Nobody wants to go to jail, but you can't be a pussy either. Especially when the fuckin' cops don't have a probable cause to make it stick.
He was probably booked and released. Or probably cited at the station and released within a few hours. I don't know the laws in North Carolina, but no matter what state your in within the good ol' U.S. of A, but that video will say a whole lot in court.
I'd be showing everybody the tape like O-Dog and be like...
And I'd have numerous copies of that video in different places and passing it out for free like a mixtape