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Aug 6, 2006
scraper707 said:
so, parkboyz, i didnt say the white ones were smart, u dumb fuck, i meant for those who dont know any spanish, the translation is for the smart ones...
i guess you cant get sarcasm...fuck it

p.s. i didnt even read the rest of yuor post because you just sound like a fuckin idiot... taking shit out of context
I went back and read what you said and still believe that I had the right interpretation. Besides, I was in no way being antagonistic toward you, and if you would of continued to read you would of saw that, what I wrote wasn't even directed to you petty hoodlum.
May 19, 2005
ParkBoyz said:
This must be a world wide perception then, what is it exactly that designates these people(whites) as "the smart ones"?...
i just didnt understand this part... maybe i fucked up on how i phrased my sentence... whatever the fuck. it just annoyed me that after what i said, you put that dumb shit up there
Mar 9, 2005
INPUT said:
You said generalizations have a place, I was disagreeing with you. And sure, every FOLLOWER of something is NOT as smart as the LEADER.

That's not rocket science brethren. The leader picks people that are ignorant because they can train those people to do what the leader wants. But that doesn't mean that every single last member is a fucking retarded douche mouth. It simply means, just like in other situations, that SOME people are not as smart as others, but you can't say that one group is stupid...plus, stupidity is left up to each individual's personal definition.
A leader is not required for generalizations - if someone chooses to be a racist, they don't have to base their own thoughts on a 'leader', someone who has racist thoughts and are a few rungs higher up on the racism ladder.

I disagree with your statement that every follower of something is not as smart as the leader - you're essentially suggesting that every American is dumber than George W. Bush, or that not a single Catholic is as intelligent as the Pope.

I also refrained from using the words fucking retarded douche mouth - I thought stupid summed it up nicely enough without the expletives. Subjective stupidity is left up to each individual persons definition - that's the problem with the world today. So many people consider themselves smart based on their own self-ascribed criteria, ignorant of their own stupidity. I think we should all try to exercise a more democratically objective categorization of stupidity, the world would be a better place. It wouldn't be any LESS stupid, but at least those who were stupid would become aware of the fact and try to better themselves.

INPUT said:
We will NEVER fully be able to communicate our ideas, because what you read, you fit to your perspective, and I think most people do the same thing, including me. I'm reading this book called "The Politics of Experience," and it basically says that you will never experience what it's like to be me (that's obvious) but in turn, you won't know where I'm coming from, or how I mean things because you haven't experienced like exactly as I have....anyway, I'm done rambling for now...been on a research kick for school and needed a break...
Previous experiences, of which I may be unaware, often do make people more stupid than they otherwise would have been had those experiences not taken place. If someone says something stupid based on past experiences, I'm not going to change my mind and say 'they're probably not stupid, they just have a different past'. That's an excuse for stupidity. If someone dropped you on your head as a baby, then you may be permanently 'stupid' - I may not know where you're coming from or what you mean. Your fall as a child wouldn't cancel out the discrepancy between smart and stupid (i.e. smart=100, same as (stupid=40 + dropped-on-head=60)=100), it would just provide an excuse for why you are stupid.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Bush is smarter than the DUMB FUCKS that VOTED FOR HIM. That is all. He was smart enough to lie to those stupid sons of bitches and they ate it up.

And do you think that someone one day just becomes racist from DNA or something? It's a learned behavior. If you NEVER saw, heard, whatever the N Bomb...you wouldn't know what it was, and wouldn't use it cause it didn't exist in your world.

I do agree that most people (probably everyone) thinks they are smarter than they really are.

I didn't really understand the last part though, what I was saying there didn't have anything to do with people being stupid, that's why I made it a separate paragraph....
Mar 9, 2005
INPUT said:
Bush is smarter than the DUMB FUCKS that VOTED FOR HIM. That is all. He was smart enough to lie to those stupid sons of bitches and they ate it up.
And yet he is the leader of you all. No American citizen is exempt from this classification. Therefore, he is smarter than you (we all know that's bullshit!).

INPUT said:
And do you think that someone one day just becomes racist from DNA or something? It's a learned behavior. If you NEVER saw, heard, whatever the N Bomb...you wouldn't know what it was, and wouldn't use it cause it didn't exist in your world.
I strongly disagree with the concept of people being genetically predisposed to racism (although there may be exceptions - merely speculation though). If you never saw or heard the N Bomb, that doesn't mean you would not be racist - that just means that your racism would find another means to express itself. Features of the mind, such as racism, are faceless - we simply assign symbols to our abstract thoughts and share these with the world.

INPUT said:
I do agree that most people (probably everyone) thinks they are smarter than they really are.
In the past, I always considered myself to be smarter than I actually am. I still do to an extent, but knowing that you don't know is in itself knowledge and being aware of your ignorance reduces your ignorance.

INPUT said:
I didn't really understand the last part though, what I was saying there didn't have anything to do with people being stupid, that's why I made it a separate paragraph....
I interpreted it as an extension of the previous paragraph - that nobody is right to judge the intelligence of another person based on the fact that they've lived different lives and thus their definitions of stupidity differ. I was disagreeing with that concept. Now who's the one rambling! Stockton was right - I do talk a lot of shit!


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Hutch said:
And yet he is the leader of you all. No American citizen is exempt from this classification. Therefore, he is smarter than you (we all know that's bullshit!).
I dont' take orders from him. He didn't make any laws that I follow. Therefore, he doesn't lead me. If I was a stupid fucking soldier, he would lead me.

I strongly disagree with the concept of people being genetically predisposed to racism (although there may be exceptions - merely speculation though). If you never saw or heard the N Bomb, that doesn't mean you would not be racist - that just means that your racism would find another means to express itself. Features of the mind, such as racism, are faceless - we simply assign symbols to our abstract thoughts and share these with the world.
I didn't say it was genetic, I'm saying if you don't experience it, you won't know about it. If you stayed in one room for you whole life, while only being in contact with ONE other human being that never remotely said anything about skin color, or race, you wouldn't know.

In the past, I always considered myself to be smarter than I actually am. I still do to an extent, but knowing that you don't know is in itself knowledge and being aware of your ignorance reduces your ignorance.
I agree with the latter part of that.

I interpreted it as an extension of the previous paragraph - that nobody is right to judge the intelligence of another person based on the fact that they've lived different lives and thus their definitions of stupidity differ. I was disagreeing with that concept. Now who's the one rambling! Stockton was right - I do talk a lot of shit!
We all talk a lot of shit. It's good to communicate ideas. I see where you're going with that, and you are right. Every person has a different definition...what I was getting at though, is when people gang up and say they agree, they really don't know what the fuck they're agreeing on, cause they don't REALLY KNOW what the other people are talking about...they just put it in perspective of their own life and follow accordingly.
Mar 14, 2006
kids ain't born racist or trained racist. all parents say stupid shit sometimes and kids pick up on it. i believe though, and this is my opinion, that kids associate white with clean and dark with dirty, like when they take baths, wash their hands... and what they pick is just an attempt to behave good. one day those kids will grow up and know better. just my 2 cents.
Jul 10, 2002

According to the interview these children come from a variety of social and economic class... the problems lies with where/why children learn to "associate white as clean and dark with dirty"....
is it school, the media, parents, the enviornment, what?

Also, why should they have to wait to grow up to know better? Ideally, all children should have a positive sense of self worth, in a society that supports diversity, individuality, and creativity not the opposite...
Aug 6, 2006
JoMoDo said:

According to the interview these children come from a variety of social and economic class... the problems lies with where/why children learn to "associate white as clean and dark with dirty"....
is it school, the media, parents, the enviornment, what?

Also, why should they have to wait to grow up to know better? Ideally, all children should have a positive sense of self worth, in a society that supports diversity, individuality, and creativity not the opposite...
Young blacks tend to not have that sense of self worth though. It's always hard times for the majority of them/us, early in life they face challenges. They see young white kids living a happy and free life, and maybe they aspire to live and be like that also, so they're built to subconsciously prefer white. Because white means success and happiness in their eyes, while black means poverty and despair.. They need a better social understanding of the world, as soon as they're able to learn about it.