look even at the end of your post you returned to kindness and civility. In that you have my respect.
now tell me do you still see me as the person you debated with? I am not without honor and tact. If you feel wronged by me you have my sincere apology and explaination. I am not above saying I'm sorry.
No, you have not wronged me. I am not angry with you, or frustrated, or any of that. Look at my entrance into this post as a friendly shaking of the perch you have hoisted your ego upon. I know that your ego-stroking is not warranted, and I have a feeling you know the same, but I think you take on that persona as a means of standing out, being unique, whatever the case may be.
Clearly you have a good command of the english language, an extensive vocabulary, and a good grasp on many deep philosophical concepts. But even so, your constant ego-petting simply renders all those other attributes pretty useless, because it becomes clear that your central purpose in discussions is not to glean or share knowledge, it is to pat yourself on the back and engage in a mental pissing contest. Which you are completely free to do, you have every right to do so. I just felt like getting in on one of those contests.
You don't have anything to say you are sorry for to me, because I have not been wronged by you. I am locking horns with you because I know the benefit of dropping ego and realizing the self. This exchange (on my end at least) has been completely positive.
rather than say "shut yourself up" i'll say you desisted in persuing your argument. how's that?
Dualistic I am.
Like I said, you are in error if you think that anything you said caused me to refrain from posting or continuing any argument. Once again you are feeding into your ego.
The reality is that I have been extremely busy lately, in and out of town, and the siccness message board is simply not on my short list of priorities. Also, desisting from pursuing an argument is not the equivalent of being "defeated".
It is very likely that you have talked yourself in circles so many times that a person may have simply become tired of going round and round with you. And in the mind of the egocentric, that is interpreted as "I shut him up", "I made him desist in pursuing his argument". Completely fallacious reasoning.
control IS an illusion thats why I used the word influence.
please give me an example of talking in circles?
consistently repeating the same thing is not talking in circles. and I am unaware of anytime that I've made a point that didn't have a tangible conclusion.
yes benefit is subject to opinion. but why would i have to pretend that those things are not benificial to mankind they are and you know it.
What things? All you are saying is "religion is for fools, we need to be progressive so we can benefit mankind". You are saying that religion has not benefitted mankind, but that you somehow have figured out how to do so. My contention is that you have no idea what is beneficial for mankind even though you may think you do. All you are concerned with is this current bodily incarnation, and since you are looking out at the world through a false conception, your supposed "benefits" are also going to be false.
we've already debated perspecive on the absolute and its correlation to the universe to return to that debate is futile. we may never agree on that. which is fine.
Just explain to me how the absolute is not detached from the universe, when the entire universe is relative and under the influence of time?
The absolute is by definition eternal, and the universe is by definition temporal. Therefore the absolute *cannot* be bound by, or contingent upon the universe's existence.
Absolute = 100% independent and eternal
Relative = 100% dependent and temporal
God = Absolute
Universe and all things within it = Relative
I am interested to know how the Supreme Power is not detached from the material universe, will you explain? This is a pretty straightforward question, can you answer it?
dude i said i am not perfect and anything can fail. how are those thing diametricly opposed. how funny
fallable - fail able
infallable - without fail
nothing is without fail. LOL
You can't even see the contradiction,
that is what is funny.
You just said you are fallible, so *WHY* should I accept your next statement that "Nothing is infallible"?
If you tell me you are imperfect, and then you say that there exists nothing which IS perfect, *WHY* should I believe you?
Tell me if you can spot the contradiction in the following statement:
"I am fallible, but the next sentence I speak will be infallible. Nothing is infallible."
Well, if nothing is infallible, then that INCLUDES your statement that "Nothing is infallible".
I am (thanks for the correction) facetious about religion because they all profess to be absolutely right and infallable.
Religion which has its origin in our human history is fallible because it is a temporary and imperfect concoction.
God is not religion. Spirit is not religion. God and spirit are things eternal, therefore they are by definition infallible. Do yourself a favor and separate religion from God, because otherwise you are mistaking a rope for a snake, and are ignorantly trying to kill the rope.
I wish to build outside the auspices of religion because it is more progressive. when people realize that religion is a hinderance to humanities progress they will begin that humanitarian progress.
"It is more progressive". I'm so sick of hearing pseudo-intellectuals throw around these meaningless buzzwords like "progressive", "freethinking", and the like.
Progressive towards
what? What is this great progression that you wish to make?? I have a feeling it is not actually a progression at all, more likely a regression.
And once again, you keep referencing religion, but you are using the term way too loosely and I doubt that you actually know what real religion is. It is obvious that you have a big amalgamate of ideas floating around in your head regarding what you think "religion" is, and your superficial ego is convinced it is nonsensical, useless, whatever.
The problem is, which :H: pointed out, that God and spirituality and religion are completely different topics, and by lumping them all together under the negatively connotated term "religion", you are in essence "cheating" in your diatribes about "progression" and humanitarian benefit.
You can't defeat Vedic philosophy, nor can you refute God as revealed through them.
But what you CAN do, is say that since the Vedas describe God, that they are on the same level as every other religion, and you can then lump anything that has to do with God into that same catch-all term of "religion". Then on the strength of the distaste most people have for that word, you can
pretentiously appear to refute God/religion by claiming that you wish to act "progressively" for the good of mankind, whereas religion is nothing more than a hinderance for fools.
its the american way. the express reason why the goverment separated church and state.
No, the government knew the difference between God and religion, and they separated church and state so that no one religion would have the ability to turn the new democracy into a theocracy. THAT is why they separated church from state.
Why do you think "In God We Trust" is on our money? Why does the pledge of allegiance contain the words "under God" in it?
If religion/God is for fools, then how could the founding fathers, who had the foresight to separate church from state, be foolish enough to trust in God??
If one doesnt have an angle what sets him apart from the crowd?
Huh?? Every individual has an angle, even if that individual is nothing more than a blind follower. We all have a unique perspective by default.
my efforts to be the difference or the "dualist" as you said makes XianeX a visible character on the siccness.
I didn't say you were making an effort to be a dualist. I simply disagreed with you where you said that mankind has adverse and positive effects on me. I am not constrained to that dualistic outlook.
But if that is what your whole purpose is, to be a "visible character", then I suppose we have come to the end of this discussion because my argument has been validated. I argued that you are simply posturing, playing a useless game of "my ego is bigger than yours", and if you truly are trying to be "distinct", and a "visible character" by trotting your ego around, then I guess I was right and I will move on.
I have been made aware of many chatroom debates and discussions about me that I haven't participated in. If I didn't do what I do what would make noteworthy enough that people would discuss me (regardless if the like me or not if they think i'm crazy or dead wrong). If my presence was without substance I couldn't be in some peoples top ten GOM posters.
So it IS all about popularity and being noteworthy? Being in someone's top ten posters does not mean that you therefore have substance. I saw people who listed people and said "Such and such is my favorite cause they say crazy way out shit". Talking crazy is not necessarily substantive, but it IS attention-getting. You get attention not for talking crazy, but for talking in a condescending manner.
Like you said you arent trying to knocc my hustle but if I was to undermine myself because of your opnion I will have destroyed the presence that I have built.
you would not undermine yourself, that is what
I am doing. I am dismantling your "presence", and you have admitted as such by saying your ego is pretentious, and consequently, so are your posts.