Kirk Cameron will Prove God's Existence

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Nov 17, 2002

the debate wasn't a few minutes, it was a few hours. And Ray Comfort said that he could prove God in that time. Most of what he was saying was an appeal to sentiment, not rational argument. He certainly did not prove God as he claimed he would.
Aug 5, 2004
That was a pathetic attempt at proving gods existence I could have come up with a lot better arguments. When will stupid Christians realize we don’t have the requirements that scientists need to prove gods existence. Gods word will and is proving its existence with time. I’m a Christian and I’m embarrassed to have the dude from growing pains trying to prove my lords existence on national TV


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
k-nine said:
And you know this from watching one youtube video? Ray comfort is a good guy,what do you expect when givin only a handful of minutes to prove something.Your critical ass-shut the fuck up,talkin about someone who you dont know shit about.
You say Ray Comfort is a good guy...

I don't think anybody who is a science-illiterate fraud can be a good guy...

You want a proof of what I'm saying - here it is:

Aug 6, 2006
JLMACN said:
Damn got really hurt by my joke huh?

chill out bro..... :cool:

Huh? :confused: How do you feel that I'm in any way hurt by the comments of a degenerate Native? And please excuse me for assuming that you were a racist troll, my mistake..:cool:

JLMACN said:
you fucking should have stopped evolving a long time ago..
JLMACN said:
In general black people are some of the laziest individuals in america.

May 10, 2002
Heresy, Who the hell are you to make a statement like "now tell my why your opinion matters" ???????????????????????????????

Seriously get over yourself, its the internet, You have nothing over anyone here, and when the same question is asked to you, you have nothing to say. Sadly ironic.


Apr 25, 2002
Cmoke said:
Heresy, Who the hell are you to make a statement like "now tell my why your opinion matters" ???????????????????????????????

Seriously get over yourself, its the internet, You have nothing over anyone here, and when the same question is asked to you, you have nothing to say. Sadly ironic.

This post is not deserving of an in depth response.


Apr 25, 2002
First of all, everytime we argue, you are defending the bible
Not true. If I can show you three instances were we "argued" and I didn't bring up the bible, told you to stop bringing it up and told you to stay on course will you leave this board for three weeks?

I think it is logical to suppose you're a chrisitan, although I still have to see a single definitive statement about what your worldview exactly is
I am not a "christian", and I've said what I am many times now.

Second, every argument I cite applies just as well to every other religion around the globe
Yes, your opinons and beliefs may be applicable to every religion, but you are constantly attacking ONE religion and a specific "god."

Tell me a religion and I will tell you why it's bullshit, I can also tell you why all religions are bullshit and I actually do that very often
You provide me the opinion you are entitled to, but you also fail to realize that many religions have done good, so we end up going around and around in the same circle. :)

I just don't know what you want
You do know what I want. Like I told you before, if you are going to be in a position of authority, and are on your way to becoming a scientist, you need to work in certain areas. There is a time and place for everything, but the way you come off is just as bad as the fanatical religious zealot. Provide the info, let people decide if it is important enough to look into, and if they do, you have done your job...hint hint....


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
HERESY said:
Not true. If I can show you three instances were we "argued" and I didn't bring up the bible, told you to stop bringing it up and told you to stay on course will you leave this board for three weeks?

I am not a "christian", and I've said what I am many times now.
say it again, I've missed it all these times

Yes, your opinons and beliefs may be applicable to every religion, but you are constantly attacking ONE religion and a specific "god."

You provide me the opinion you are entitled to, but you also fail to realize that many religions have done good, so we end up going around and around in the same circle. :)
I can argue that the bad religions have done vastly outweighs the good, but that's not my point, true, I am criticizing religions based on what they've done, but I have a much bigger objection against religion and it is that it's a false superstition that keeps people in dark about the real world. I hope you understand that

I do not attack one god, I attack all of them, it is just one that I mention most often and I already told you why

You do know what I want. Like I told you before, if you are going to be in a position of authority, and are on your way to becoming a scientist, you need to work in certain areas. There is a time and place for everything, but the way you come off is just as bad as the fanatical religious zealot. Provide the info, let people decide if it is important enough to look into, and if they do, you have done your job...hint hint....
sticking to the scientific principle is not zealtory, it's called being a good scientist...
Jun 17, 2004
ThaG said:
I can argue that the bad religions have done vastly outweighs the good, but that's not my point, true, I am criticizing religions based on what they've done
BTW I just wanna to say something to this real quick. You know I'm agnostic but I would argue that religion itself is responsible for the very progression of civilization. I would dare say if it wasn't for religion we would be living fairly primitive lifestyles. Let me explain...

The first civilizations implemented laws/rules to govern their populations (Hammurabi's Code being the first documented example) these laws made their society more efficient if you will. Laws that made their populace refrain from selfish/primitive behavior (such as rape, murder and theft) which allowed them to act as one, instead of as individuals.

These first civilizations had nothing more than fear of God(s) or deities to enforce their laws, the governing forces were neither omnipresent nor almighty which a "God" therefor could be. If the populace would have disregarded these laws, they could have never acted as one and progressed, they would have acted as individuals against each other. Fear of an invisible, almighty force was the only solution which could have caused large masses to obey a set of laws (which unified the society).

I would even suggest that the very reason why religion is so popular today, is because these groups (with their laws and "fear of god") grew and became stronger while other smaller groups with no laws or religion were unable to compete in survival against the unified societies.

You could say religion has already served it's purpose, governments have long since been able to enforce laws without fear of god. But to say religion has caused more harm than good is a stretch. Though true, countless wars and conflicts have been based on religion (and it could be argued it was used as a justification, but not the basis of). I would say the good religion has done far outweighs any negative aspects of what "Fear of God" has caused. Religion and "Fear of God" was the very foundation of the first civilizations, once again I reiterate that it is responsible for the very progression of civilization itself. Keep in mind I myself do not believe in any such God(s).
Aug 26, 2002
FunK-3-FivE said:
BTW I just wanna to say something to this real quick. You know I'm agnostic but I would argue that religion itself is responsible for the very progression of civilization. I would dare say if it wasn't for religion we would be living fairly primitive lifestyles. Let me explain...

no disrespect...

but you have got to be kidding. Religion is one of the main reasons we are NOT advanced as we should be. Women were held back for so long because of the Old testament. Africans, Indians, Asians, & some Europeans were made slaves because of the Old Testament......

These are not progressions. These are the very roots that keep us in a racist - slave driven society. I will say the exact opposite as you. If it werent for Religion we would be living longer & healthier lives. With religions there is a "after" life, so not many people care about this one.



Apr 25, 2002
say it again, I've missed it all these times
This isn't SIMON SAYS.

I can argue that the bad religions have done vastly outweighs the good, but that's not my point, true, I am not criticizing religions based on what they've done, but I have a much bigger objection against religion and it is that it's a false superstition that keeps people in dark about the real world.
The bold and underlined contradict each other.

I hope you understand that
I understand that you're contradicting yourself, yes.

I do not attack one god, I attack all of them, it is just one that I mention most often and I already told you why
No, you usually attack a specific religion and make that the focus of your argument. And doing so on the grounds that "this is a christian country" doesn't cut it. If you are going to consider something DYNAMIC as religion and say it is part of the worlds problem, why not look at something STATIC like color/race/ethnicity and focus on that as well?

sticking to the scientific principle is not zealtory, it's called being a good scientist...
But thats not what I am talking about. Read my previous response to you again.
Jun 17, 2004
JLMACN said:
no disrespect...

but you have got to be kidding. Religion is one of the main reasons we are NOT advanced as we should be. Women were held back for so long because of the Old testament. Africans, Indians, Asians, & some Europeans were made slaves because of the Old Testament......
You didn't read the rest of my post. Go back and read.

Again, Religion was the foundation of the first civilizations. "Fear of God" was the only tool able to enforce laws back then (laws which created unified societies where people worked together as one, instead of as individuals against each other). Without it, we wouldn't have civilization today.

JLMACN said:
These are not progressions. These are the very roots that keep us in a racist - slave driven society.
What I am describing is the very roots of society and civilization ITSELF.

You're trying to argue religion in the context of today. If you read my post I stated that "you could say religion has already served it's purpose in history."