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May 13, 2002
@brain dead,

“How many people have been killed in the name of Socialism, 206's grand cause? The count is upwards of 200 million. So keep that sickle in your sig and be proud...your homeboys have done well.”

How many have died in the name of capitalism? Over one billion? Lets not forget that America is not the only capitalist nation. Your homies have done quite well.

“So I mean honestly 206, keep that sickle up in your sig, with the 140+ million death count inflicted by the regimes of the Soviet Union, as well as its "satellite" states, and be proud of that shit, but make it a conspiracy when the US Govt holds prisoners of war without lawyers.”

Have you honestly read any of my previous threads about communism? I seriously doubt you have, because if you did, you would know that I am a MARXIST, I am NOT a Stalinist. I will proudly keep the hammer & sickle in my sig because I know what it stands for. Your “140+million death count” is also bullshit, I challenge you to provide strong facts that prove this number. I bet this “death count” includes numbers from WWII. Look at America alone and it’s “death toll” since the end of WWII.

“Compared to almost any country in the World, the US has a good ass human rights record. Imagine if any African country, any Southeast Asian country, etc., was the size and wielded the power of the US. Would shit have all been blown up already or what?”

ROFL!!!!!! This has got to be one of the stupidest statements you have ever made! Yes, America has a “good ass” record of killing humans across the globe.
Jul 7, 2002
already dead. said:
Oh my fuckin god. I have to hold back on this. My stomach is ready to hurt from laughter. The USSR made itself look bad historically, no book will ever change that. Show me a book that made the USSR look good, and I will read it.

In any case, keep living in your la-la land world where communism can work. Among the educated it's basically joke economics. Everyone who is anyone laughs at the theory that communism will someday be properly implemented. Only the most BS liberal professor will teach you some bullshit like that. Like I said before, it could work in 1st or 2nd World countries, or on a small scale, but not with a country like America.
NO, in my view anything that talks bad FROM THE FIRST TO THE LAST CHAPTER IS BIAS!!

i bet you dont even know some virtues of USSR, thats how bias you are. And u calling that book a well thought out book..LOL


or are you living in lala land? assuming that i said communism will work

and on the subject of USSR, ask u'r ex girlfriend how well are the people now in Russia

already dead. said:
Like I said before, it could work in 1st or 2nd World countries, or on a small scale, but not with a country like America.
shut the fuck up, that is an idea/opinion that can't be proven...LMAO

already dead. said:

You are talking about the great Bengali famine of 1943, correct? And the many subsequent Indian famines? There were a serious number of factors that contributed, including price gouging, the Japanese invasion of Burma, the price of rice, etc. And yes, the government had some say in the issue, but for the most part the populace deemed the govt. useless and ineffectual, not deliberately out to kill people.
well no shit sherlocks, same can be said for the China's famine.

already dead. said:

And the generally accepted figure is between 20 to 30 million deaths. A high price, for sure, but how many people starved under Communism? None? You really would be a foolish idealist if you thought so. My ex-girl was from Russia...interview some Russian immigrants predating 1985 and you'll hear some interesting stories.

And there is a big difference between a famine, and marching people out in the village square and poppin their knot with a bullet, the preferred method of "debate" in Marxist countries.
the generally figure WAS NOT 20-30 MILLION., it was 100million.
in fact it was the scholar Amartya Sen, that did that work and won the Nobel Prize for it. but becuase u live in lala land, you believe 20-30 million.

and how the fuck did u concluded that i didnt believe communism have major famine? ARE YOU LIVING IN LALA LAND?

in the BLACK BOOK OF COMMUNISM, it states that 100million people died becuase of it. of the 25milllion of those deaths, was cuased by CHina's famine.

so the buttom line is this, you are wrong to assume communist countries had more deaths than capitalist countries.

the famine in India 1945-80 (democratic capitalism) alone totals all the deaths under communism.