Unfortunately we all know this won't happen, but I couldn't agree with you more, the target of any and all destruction should be the court system, not the community. Is this getting any media coverage at all? It's truly sad when the Siccness is my source for what should be national news.
you should go check it out.... use that word **NIGGA** you were so adamant about defending in the past, & maybe "cave in" a few chests while you are at it :cheeky:
you should go check it out.... use that word **NIGGA** you were so adamant about defending in the past, & maybe "cave in" a few chests while you are at it :cheeky:
uhhh random. but that sounds like a wonderful idea. im already in my car on the way there to preach the good word of using "**NIGGA**" in everyday life...i have a feeling that the people of Oakland might not need to be informed of its normal use though
"This aint the siccness.net, we dont internet bang." wait....
anyways, check out this nice little video i did for my pal Mr Illmannered
no sir. in that thread i talked about how theres a lot of people (including white people *gasp*) that are raised around the word "nigga" being used normally and not as a negative thing. people seemed to disagree
no sir. in that thread i talked about how theres a lot of people (including white people *gasp*) that are raised around the word "nigga" being used normally and not as a negative thing. people seemed to disagree
haha no i didnt. Gabe is good people. i find it funny that siccness made it seem like Gabe is 6'6 and made of pure muscles or somethin, i believe im bigger than he is though.
the things said on the MAC DRIZZA account were when i was a teenager, i said a bunch of shit that made me sound like an idiot, im sure you could find plenty more haha.