to jayos defense, he DID try to put on cripto
although cripto is HORRIBLE
i had to say it, fuck it.
whatever theres no reason to hate on jayo
someone mentioned jayo and cricet 'formed a truce'
you know how dope it would be to hear some steve vicious/cricet/jayo?
at the end of the day jayos whole rhyme style was like that, on some takeover shit, he was just heads up at everyone at the time...and well when you make like three songs dedicated to sherm sticks...i get where you comin from with that style
Edit: before you can respond (part 2 on daz the next day after 'daz is dead') is in my top 10 west coast diss songs EVER
daz couldnt come harder lyrically than that song if his life depended on it, and i like daz's music
the only person who i really think got the best of jayo song wise was snoop/eastsidaz