Great post.
My only question: If there is no right or wrong, what point is there to get?
True... not saying my statements are "right" either.. they are of course my opinion as well and any thought reference point i've attached to is by default a belief no doubt. But what it comes down to is finding the path of least resistance or the path that ends the seed of ignorance.. it's a view that serves to remove what that creates the separations and divisions that lead to conflict.
If you look at these "beliefs" and "belief systems" as cultural conditioning... strictly.. then the location of where you are born on the planet and who you are exposed to in your years of development have created who you take yourself to be. If Mr. Diamond or Timm were born in an Islamic country then they would be practicing Muslims..
we attach to ideas and concepts, turn them into beliefs and opinions.. and mistake them for ultimate truths. And then believing we know the truth we go out into the world and form relationships or disputes with others based on these reference points. These relationships are a mirror: If someone mirrors back your own beliefs and ideas you attach to them.. if someone doesn't mirror you then there's aversion. And depending on the subject matter cause and effect of the attachment or aversions escalate. And the escalation explodes when alot of people who mirror each other start to group together. With organized groups you now have huge masses of people representing the same formula inside yourself. Instead of person A and person B in dispute it becomes Group A and Group B in dispute.
And this goes back to seeking acceptance like that thread that was on here before. People want to reify their beliefs and feel they have the "right" idea or concept and having others who believe the same thing makes you feel good. People who attach to ideas that are less popular become outcasts and are persecuted.. made fun of.. you see that in school as a child. This is all human nature playing itself out. If you begin to break it all down it becomes almost comical.
But instead of looking at the whole formula playing out and trying to cut it from the root.. people try to come at it from "one side" of the separation believing they have the truth. It's like the idea of the mythical hydra head (and i'm sure the story of this creature represents this idea) you can't just try to cut off the heads of the hydra. The hydra has to be killed at its center. The problem has to be addressed at the root and cut at the root. If cut at the root the whole problem falls flat on its face... its a house of cards with a domino effect all the way through the whole spectrum. Coming at the problem from one side is likened to trying to solve a problem in a dream... you have to see that its a dream.. people have to wake up and until they do they'll keep dreaming they have the answer and dreaming they're finding solutions(which is making everyone think they way they think because they're weak minded fools and need everyone to mirror them so they feel validated). The tragedy is that its not a dream in its application... people are dying.. being murdered and killed for these beliefs. But thats just the way things are and until people want to change there won't be change... so accept what is or suffer.. even though alot of what is, is suffering 100 fold.
And thats of course, my opinion.