yeah, my girl, is/was a doubt, and guys can tell when she tell me she's never had a boyfirend except once and slept with over XX # of guys (which means 30+) (they never tell the true #)....i tried to let the past be the past...but i cant....yeah its a double standard and that just the way it is....i only dated good girls before her ( no sluttiness,trashiness,loose lips and legs...etc) and though i'd try something didnt work, our relationship was never about trust and communication and it just got in the way....and thats life, you live and learn,
never agai will i get inside a woman...before i get inside her...if you know what i mean...and i realized that if your going to be with someone and really tell them you love them, you have to learn to accept them for all they are and what they did...and if you dont it will never work...
and thats what i learned.....Never trust a big butt asnd a smile...that girl is pooooison....
if something seems to good to be is.
no matter how good you fuck her, shes been fucked twice as good, for twice as long by someone twice as big you who pleased her more then you ever
yeah it never works....either deal with their past or move on to someone who you dont question