Is marijuana really this bad?

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Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
So fuckin what if it's intent to sell. The average murderer spends 7 years in jail, and this guy is facing 20 YEARS for selling an herb that never harmed anyone? It's absolutely absurd.
I didn't say it was RIGHT, I was just stating the obvious on how the bullshit system works. It is fucked up, I agree...if it's gonna change we have to change it, in a civil fashion.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Ed Rosenthal is a long time marijuana growing guru. He wrote many books including Marijuana growers hand book, The Big book of buds, Marijuana Beer, and Ask Ed: Marijunana Law - don't get busted. He believes that different strains of cannabis are useful for alleviating the symptoms of different ailments. One strain might help AIDS patients regain their appetite, another mihgt reduce nausea for chemotherapy patients, ect. He was just trying to help sick people and faces 20 years in jail!!!?!? and just before he got raided san francisco's district attorny was on Ed's radio show praising the efforts of the medical marijuana cooperatives...

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Okay, I just asked my brother what his friend got when he was caught growing 50 marijuana plants and all he had to do was pay a fine. Don't know how much he had to pay but that's a lot more reasonable then 20 years for 100 pot plants.

That isn't far fetched, that makes perfect sense. I'm saying the shit will be legal before my generation dies off. I mean, think about it, people our ages will start running for office in 10 or 20 years. How many people in my generation alone smoke bomb, have smoked bomb, or believe it should be legal even if they haven't smoked it? It will be legalized eventually.
I don't think that weed will be legalized in the United States anytime soon. You don't go overnight from having weed as a felony charge, having people being charged with life sentences, to having full legalization of marijuana. In Canada the current, as well as the last prime minister we have had supported decriminilization of marijuana, but of course Amerikkka is always breathing down canada's neck about that issue. Saying it would hurt relations between canada and america and make crossing the border a whole lot harder, making it hard for canada to export goods into the united states.
Apr 25, 2002
Where do you live??? Having weed on your person is NOT a felony, it's not even a felony in Las Vegas anymore. If you have a shitload of weed bagged up and ready to sell, then it's a felony. But I see it like this, tax evasion is also a felony...ya feel? The government isn't getting paid, so they're going to pop you for it. Believe me, it's not OVERNIGHT, it's been slowly changing for years. First with the clubs, which were then deemed illegal by the federal government, but they haven't closed them obviously it's not a HUGE issue. We went from getting arrested for weed posession to getting let go...if we have a card we keep what we have, if we don't we may lose what we have, but we still go home. Shit has changed dramatically over the past 5-10 years when it comes to weed. So it wouldn't be a surprise to me if weed was legalized within the next 20 years. It's better for you than alcohol, cigarettes, and shit, even McDonald's...they just have to find a way to distribute marijuana and tax it. They also have to find a way to regulate all the street salesmen, that's how it works.
Apr 18, 2003
first of all, weed will not be legal in the u.s during any of our lifetimes.... someone needs to bring up a stat on how much the gov made off maryjane last year.. legallization is not anywhere in our horizon... its legal for me to poss., grow and smoke and i still get harrassed constantly by pd's.... ive even had some bull dyke cop tell me ' i hope you o.d. one of these days!!' when i told her my legal reason for possesing and smokin herb

Sydal Quote:
Originally Posted by Mac Jesus
You guys keep saying that in California it ain't as bad but what about Ed Rosenthal? The guy is facing 20 years for growing 100 marijuana plants for a San Francisco Medical Marijuana club. That's a helluva a lot of time for just growing a bit of marijuana for some sick people.

Dawg, he had 100 MARIJUANA PLANTS!! That's intent to sell. California isn't bad at all when it comes to weed, but if you have 100 plants, fuhgeddaboutit, mass production right there. With a club card, you can buy weed from a club, you get a permit to grow marijuana for SELF MEDICATION, or you can opt to sell what you grow FOR YOURSELF, back to the club. But, you can't mass produce weed. Who's to say this cat wasn't full of shit? Even if he wasn't, that's intent to distribute. That was stupid of dude for growing that many plants to begin with.

Believe me, I live in California, right in the heart of the Sillicon Valley, and my boy is a club member


you need to do some homework, i dont know anything about that case,, but is very legally (ca) possible for someone to grow 100 plants. not every patient has a place to grow there own so a group of people can come together and grow more then 100 plants....... shit isnt the limit in mendocino county 99 per person

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Where do you live???

Having weed on your person is NOT a felony, it's not even a felony in Las Vegas anymore. If you have a shitload of weed bagged up and ready to sell, then it's a felony.
First off is this true within all of the united states? Like I stated at the beginning of the thread Larry Jackson got a life sentence for having .16 of a gram, that was in 1992 in Oklahoma. Second, if it's a felony charge to grow/sell marijuana, it ain't going to be legal for a long long long long time, trust me on this. It ain't even fully legalized in canada yet, and we're waaaaaaaaay ahead of y'all on relaxed weed laws. trust me on that. I'd like to see some of the laws in the middle states.

Believe me, it's not OVERNIGHT, it's been slowly changing for years.
And the laws will continue to slowly change, but like I stated, it won't be fully legalized anytime soon, it's going to take you a long ass time to even see decriminalization in the states. Only thing holding back Canada is the pressure put on us by the states.
Apr 25, 2002
If growing 100 plants is LEGAL, then why do they keep raiding pot farms? There was a raid here in San Jose a little over a year ago maybe. They don't know who was growing it I don't think, but they uprooted the shit. If it's legal to grow all kinds of weed, it would be an illegal action to uproot the plants and destruct private property. It's legal to grow if you have a permit to do so, I know that much.

@ Mac Jesus, I don't know what the laws are in other states regarding bud, it varies. If Larry Jackson got life in prison for that, then Larry Jackson got fucked. If that was the law back then, well, that was the law. Las Vegas just got rid of it's felony laws for possession not too long ago. Mandatory 1 year prison sentence for having A marijuana SEED!! It all depends on where you're at. Where I live, weed isn't a big issue. As a matter of fact, when I was 16 I was blowin' major clouds in the mall parking lot, a cop walked by, and doubled back about 10 minutes later. All he did was tell us to leave the parking lot and he didn't wanna see us there again that day. I was taking a hit when he walked by so he knew what was goin' on, and that was 6 years ago...shit's gotten more lenient since then.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
but still you guys are a long way from decriminalization, therefor it ain't going to be legalized for a long assss time.

decriminalization will come first.
Apr 25, 2002
Sydal said:
they just have to find a way to distribute marijuana and tax it. They also have to find a way to regulate all the street salesmen, that's how it works.

im afraid if the government gets a hold of it and it turns into crap sold over the counters with hella chemicals like ciggaretts
Jul 10, 2002
gov't funded chron. is the most potent... Fred Hutch got that fiyah.

Just like back in the prohibition days, they say people were drinking shitty booze and whiskey for expnesive inflated prices, make it legal and the quality of hybrids out there will be so incredible and prices will be more affordable...
Apr 18, 2003
sydal -"If growing 100 plants is LEGAL, then why do they keep raiding pot farms? There was a raid here in San Jose a little over a year ago maybe. They don't know who was growing it I don't think, but they uprooted the shit. If it's legal to grow all kinds of weed, it would be an illegal action to uproot the plants and destruct private property. It's legal to grow if you have a permit to do so, I know that much."

there is a catch.... its "legal" in ca for med patients, BUT california is goin over the federal law and the feds dont take a liking to that...

so big grows are STILL risky, even if all paper work is in order ( 100 plants is not that big of a grow. the feds were probly just making an example of him cuz he has a big name in med marijauna.)

cali is supposed to be keeping the dea out of medical grows, and if you are "busted" you should be able to walk out of court.. but regaurdless big grows are risky

and......... FUCK BUSH
Apr 25, 2002
Oh, yea, of course the feds are going to do's still against federal law. If they would keep their nose out of state affairs that are so MINOR, there wouldn't be an issue with it. Anybody doing any kind of time for WEED is ridiculous. Weed is weed, never really hurt anybody. I personally don't see the big deal, not a whole lot of people out there doin' stupid shit and hurtin' anybody while they're blunted.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I wanna move to Canada, lol...How's the weather up there anyway? Does it ever get hot? This country's laws blow dick...I agree that weed is very far from legalization. Realize that Cali is the ONLY state with laws like that, out of 50. That's not SHIT when you really think about it. Keep in mind most of the population of this country probably thinks weed is a "sin." That's why I said my comments were far fetched, it's gonna be at least another 10-20 years before decriminalization, and probably another 10-20 for it to be legal, if that ever happens, which I doubt will....You guys underestimate how much control our government has and wants to have over our lives. Hope is a good thing, but its gonna be awhile, in my opinion.
Jan 9, 2004
Police: Man Kills Mother After She Flushes Marijuana Down Toilet

POSTED: 12:24 pm EST February 2, 2005
UPDATED: 12:27 pm EST February 2, 2005

MISSION, Texas -- Authorities say a Rio Grande Valley man accused of killing his mother apparently was upset because she flushed his marijuana down the toilet.

Nicholas Jack Kenison, 24, of Mission, is charged with murder in the weekend slaying of 50-year-old Gloria Abelina Kenison in the home they shared. Bond for Nicholas Kenison is set at $500,000.

Hidalgo County sheriff's deputies said Kenison is accused of beating his mother with a crowbar, then putting a trash bag over her head.

Sheriff Lupe Trevino said Kenison allegedly attacked the woman because she destroyed his stash of drugs.

The victim's body was discovered Sunday by a neighbor and Nicholas Kenison was later arrested.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003

And if she just left him one fuckin' joint it probably would of calmed his nerves and he wouldn't of had to kill the bitch.

mean when I`m weedless never in denial, I'm a fiend and I need this ~Mac Dre

Not all potheads are murderer's, the guy probably had all kinds of wierd mental problems. But seriously tho, I wonder how much marijuana she flushed because that's just scandalous.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Canada can be warm at times, If I was you i'd check into Vancouver. I ain't sure but the weather can't be that different then that of Seattle. Ain't Seattle only like 3 hours away?

Today where I live, it was a beautiful day 8 degrees Celcius (46.4 Farenheight). That's helluva warm for this time of year. But I live in the praries.. usually it's -30 around now. The snow comes in Oct. and doesn't leave till April/May.