first of all, weed will not be legal in the u.s during any of our lifetimes.... someone needs to bring up a stat on how much the gov made off maryjane last year.. legallization is not anywhere in our horizon... its legal for me to poss., grow and smoke and i still get harrassed constantly by pd's.... ive even had some bull dyke cop tell me ' i hope you o.d. one of these days!!' when i told her my legal reason for possesing and smokin herb
Sydal Quote:
Originally Posted by Mac Jesus
You guys keep saying that in California it ain't as bad but what about Ed Rosenthal? The guy is facing 20 years for growing 100 marijuana plants for a San Francisco Medical Marijuana club. That's a helluva a lot of time for just growing a bit of marijuana for some sick people.
Dawg, he had 100 MARIJUANA PLANTS!! That's intent to sell. California isn't bad at all when it comes to weed, but if you have 100 plants, fuhgeddaboutit, mass production right there. With a club card, you can buy weed from a club, you get a permit to grow marijuana for SELF MEDICATION, or you can opt to sell what you grow FOR YOURSELF, back to the club. But, you can't mass produce weed. Who's to say this cat wasn't full of shit? Even if he wasn't, that's intent to distribute. That was stupid of dude for growing that many plants to begin with.
Believe me, I live in California, right in the heart of the Sillicon Valley, and my boy is a club member
you need to do some homework, i dont know anything about that case,, but is very legally (ca) possible for someone to grow 100 plants. not every patient has a place to grow there own so a group of people can come together and grow more then 100 plants....... shit isnt the limit in mendocino county 99 per person