Is it still considered snitching in a child custody case?? Thoughts

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May 4, 2002
Did a tech 9 troll just happen. Ive seen some pussy whipped shit but this is way to out there.

First off the doc would know if ur bm was doing any drugs or smoking. Thats a fact. Having a baby isnt just popping a kid out. There are ultra sounds,blood tests ect.

I dont feel bad for anyone who knocks up a bitch. ( no disrespect to the goons).


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
everybody knows america is invulnerable and we likely blew those towers up ourselves so we could then invade the middle east and destroy afghanistan and establish an obedient government for future exploitation of their trillions of dollars in mineral mines. also to create a stronghold to launch the campaign to take iraqs oil. thats the only thing that makes sense, and theres nothing wrong with what we've done, ppl need to get over it. all this waterboarding and other nonsense is a blessing for these crazy heathens. we are baptising them with freedom. freedom and god bless
You know, now I see the light. Baptised with freedom, I'm ok with this.
May 7, 2013
Nope I've never done any drugs except smoked a little weed. I have no criminal record and have a university degree. I don't think a single person in there family has gotten out of 9th grade. I also found out tonight that her parents have been investigated my CPS before in the past for drugs. Anyways fuck it I'm on my way to either tell them what the fuck is up and get out or taking him to my parents for good.
You tell them nothing, you owe them nothing. You pick up your son, you file for emergency temporary custody, you meet with the lawyer and keep it movin. They are not your family you are not married to the bitch, you owe them nothing, tell them nothing. The court has not established any type of custody yet therefore it is not kidnapping, especially for removing your child from an unsafe environment. Your parents should be filling you in on this shit already.

edit: Saw your post getting your son, congrats. Now be ready, the baby mama is going to get crazy and harass the shit out of you at first. She will go in two directions, either she will really clean up for her child, or she will get heavier in drug use and not give a shit. Neither of those are your problem. Stay away from her, bitches (no disrespect to real women) are sheisty and will try any trickery they can to flip on you. Remember, every step you take moving forward needs to be about your son, not anyone else.
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Props: [-KoRp$-]559
Feb 11, 2006
Yo 2 days later after reading this shit you still not kicked those people out yo house. tbh from reading all the shit in here ya baby momma only using the kid as a link to you cos u so soft,,,you will more than likely get your son with no fight from her as she is on dope and aint really that bothered ,if thats the case she will be thinking bout dope and be glad to get shot of your kid.

If you still aint manning up and kicking those dope fiends out your house or what ever and feeding them you just gonna be treated like a trick
Oct 14, 2007
I got him back last night and CPS is now starting an investigation ASAP on his mother. I talked to my lawyer this morning and he told me since there is no custody order set that I am able to keep him with me and my parents until everything is sorted out in the courts in order to keep him safe. I also gave the notice today to the landlord and they have to all be out jan 1st. I changed my cell number so she can't contact me and I am about to put a restraining order on her so she can't just show up here at my parents. Thanks everyone!!!! I got him with me now full time and that was the important thing. It's ultimately my fault for getting involved with there lowlife fucks but my son shouldn't have to pay for me having him with a utter lunatic. Her dad apologized to me and said he knows how stubborn they are and that she is gonna end up in jail soon enough.


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
yeah its time to get a lawyer get the child into your custody 100% and bail ...leave that broad and her parents behind.....just get your kid what the fuck you gotta do ...but when you do it, make sure you have evidence to back it up ..courts tend not to give a damn about the fathers side of the story to them its a hearsay ....document everything that goes on..EVERYTHING...make a journal with dates/times what happened are helpful as well... get it done

edit: only read the first post

now that you have the kid, go for the throat and get full legal custody...fuck that bitch she might clean up for a minute, she'll back peddle though and drag you down further in her bullshit and you sound like a softy already so you need to just bail 100%...and do not fuck her, bitches play the pussy game frequently to get what they want to make you think you're in control...
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May 9, 2002
I got him back last night and CPS is now starting an investigation ASAP on his mother. I talked to my lawyer this morning and he told me since there is no custody order set that I am able to keep him with me and my parents until everything is sorted out in the courts in order to keep him safe. I also gave the notice today to the landlord and they have to all be out jan 1st. I changed my cell number so she can't contact me and I am about to put a restraining order on her so she can't just show up here at my parents. Thanks everyone!!!! I got him with me now full time and that was the important thing. It's ultimately my fault for getting involved with there lowlife fucks but my son shouldn't have to pay for me having him with a utter lunatic. Her dad apologized to me and said he knows how stubborn they are and that she is gonna end up in jail soon enough.
Ata boy!!!! Grab your nuts and do work!
Jun 5, 2004
Cps might try to investigate you too just to let u know but good that u handled it

I remember that episode of the simpsons where they came and investigated n took the kids away because of little shit, they were like "ooh, toilet paper roll is hung in a overhand fashion, thats dangerous" lol

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
imo you should have had them out of your house by december first.

waiting till new years for dope heads to move? they are getting fucked up and trashing your place new years eve & will be dead hungover new years

id be suprised if your house has any copper left in it by new years eve
theres gonna be alot of exscuses thrown your way that last week

youre gonna have a struggle come new years that
so if i were you i wouldnt do any drinking that day stay sober and new years eve go check on the process, if they havent stsarted packing start moving their shit yourself to the front of the house, next day be over there muthafuckin 7am and have them get the fuck out or youre physically moving them and their shit yourself

better stick to your guns on this one breh
they dont seem to be the type to find a new situation to move to
they seem like the type to look for ways out or excuses all the way till the last few days

december is the month your heart better grow some icicles
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May 7, 2013
I got him back last night and CPS is now starting an investigation ASAP on his mother. I talked to my lawyer this morning and he told me since there is no custody order set that I am able to keep him with me and my parents until everything is sorted out in the courts in order to keep him safe. I also gave the notice today to the landlord and they have to all be out jan 1st. I changed my cell number so she can't contact me and I am about to put a restraining order on her so she can't just show up here at my parents. Thanks everyone!!!! I got him with me now full time and that was the important thing. It's ultimately my fault for getting involved with there lowlife fucks but my son shouldn't have to pay for me having him with a utter lunatic. Her dad apologized to me and said he knows how stubborn they are and that she is gonna end up in jail soon enough.
Jail is not the answer though and either is CPS. In the end, no one won, the child loses by not having a mother and a father. Like I said though, her problems are not yours or your sons so congrats on stepping up. I hope for your sons sake she cleans up and becomes a good mother to your son, children deserve both a mother and a father.
Feb 11, 2006
imo you should have had them out of your house by december first.

waiting till new years for dope heads to move? they are getting fucked up and trashing your place new years eve & will be dead hungover new years

id be suprised if your house has any copper left in it by new years eve
theres gonna be alot of exscuses thrown your way that last week

youre gonna have a struggle come new years that
so if i were you i wouldnt do any drinking that day stay sober and new years eve go check on the process, if they havent stsarted packing start moving their shit yourself to the front of the house, next day be over there muthafuckin 7am and have them get the fuck out or youre physically moving them and their shit yourself

better stick to your guns on this one breh
they dont seem to be the type to find a new situation to move to
they seem like the type to look for ways out or excuses all the way till the last few days

december is the month your heart better grow some icicles

this is the truth
Jun 5, 2004
Yea for some reason im glad we gave this nigga good advice...

I feel like if everybody told him to go punch her whole family in the twat and do a one-footed backflip while he plugs his nose... He woulda done it

Be a leader not a follower breh it really is amazing that u made this thread asking us advice for somethin like that...