For the people who took this serious or who are still reading this thread . . .
little article for ya:
Eminem a Traditional Racist in Modern Times
Many of us (Blacks) have been extremely apologetic or even out-right defensive of whites. For instance Black persons such as Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and many negro preachers throw themselves in front of the firing squad to take the heat for almost any white.
By Nova Mwaafrica Felder
What is our problem black people (sic)? For example when the former (negro proclaimed 1st Black president) president Bill Clinton was getting sexual favors in the oval office from a young impressionable 19 year old white women, we the black community ran to his aid. Shielded him from all
transgressions and of course as the good white supremacists Christians that we are, we forgave him. On the Flip-side when Jesse Jackson's infidelities came to light about his adulterous relationship with an adult woman that led to a love child, we, the black community instead of
sticking together and aiding our brother, spat all the negativities at him.
Jesse Jackson a man that has sacrificed much for us, his people.
Now, to get at the heart of the subject, here we have a white boy, Eminem, who has benefitted so much from us black people, economically and culturally to be specific. Saying things that are out right racist and offensive to us as black people and specifically to our wonderful African Black
Women. In an article by Shaheem Reid of MTV News it states that ten years ago Eminem recorded tracks that were of a racist nature. In one of the songs Eminem says “All the girls I like to bone have big butts/ No they don't, 'cause I don't like that nigger sh--/ I'm just here to make a bigger hit.” As Em says, he’s just here to make a bigger hit; he “don’t like that nigger sh--” but we must remember that he continues to pimp and to love the nigger sh-- of his million-dollar slave 50 cent as long as he keeps producing those green backs. He is even executive producer of the Tupac film Resurrection's Soundtrack, continuing with the Eminem philosophy “I'm just here to make a bigger hit.”
Basically insuring that he gets the “bigger hit” while we get the biggest hit of racism, oppression, and deception. Eminem on another track continues to rap and says “Blacks and whites, they sometimes mix/ But black girls only want your money, 'cause they're dumb chicks,” In this crap, I mean rap, we see the contemptuous nature that Em has for our mothers, daughters, and sisters that nurture us. He apparently feels that all of our Black sisters are gold-diggin (sic) airheads.
When Em spoke about his white mother and white baby-mother he spoke about them specifically. He did not condemn all white women. This shows that it is an issue based on race and prejudice not one of making a mistake as a youngster, as Em says it is.
Now let me ask, who is really in control of what we call hip-hop today if Eminem, a Klan member in a baseball cap and jersey (the Klan’s apparent new uniforms), can come into the African Culture of hip hop and exploit it while he continually harbors feeling of racism towards people of African descent. Is Hip Hop really in our hands?
I continue by reminding us of what Eminem’s white european ancestors have done to us these past 500 or so years. All of us captured Africans in N. America, S. America, The Caribbean, and the greater Diaspora were brought here on slave ships by the hundreds of millions and died in the
hundreds of millions. Let’s not forget the genocide that was inflicted on the 800 million plus Native Americans that were slaughtered by Eminem’s european ancestors in their conquest to control these two continents.
We must remember that it takes millennia for this type of psychosis (behavior) to develop in a people. These murderous-incestuous ways of Eminem’s european ancestor’s were not developed in a day, so how can we expect them to turn over a new leaf in less than 40 years? It was just yesterday in our parents era that we were getting hosed, hung, and flung across the streets of this bloody nation fighting for our rights just to be human. And even today in 2003 we are still continually bruised, battered and beaten at the hand of the oppressor even if it may be at the hands of a negro (defined as a mentally dead Black person) cop or authority figure handing down the brutality (social, physical, spiritual-various forms of brutality) in the guise of white supremacy.
Here are a few names of recent victims of this behavior, Alberta Spruill, Calvin Washington, Ousmane Zongo, 2003(Ashe-an ancient African call and response used when giving respect to passed on ancestors), Patrick Dorismond 1999(Ashe), Amadou Diallo (Ashe), Anthony Baez (Ashe), James Byrd (Ashe), Abner Louima. I could go on for 1000 years if I were to continue. This is just an abbreviated list of our people that have been abused, lynched and killed at the hands of contemporary white supremacy.
We, as an African people, must stop and think about the decisions we make, the causes we support, and even where we buy something as insignificant as a pair of underwear from. We must think before we speak on the Eminem situation. Before we jump to save him (as we
do to our masters traditionally – see 1st paragraph-comments on Clinton vs. Jackson or should I say The negroes vs. Jackson) we must remember what he and his ancestors stand for. Remember Em's idol is Elvis Presley, the foremost CULTURE BANDIT /PIRATE. He is following in his
footsteps. Stealing what was not created by him or for that matter for him. Hip Hop came out of us Africans as an outlet for our constant oppression. We invented this genre of African Music, Hip Hop, to forget about this oppression just for a brief moment and not always
worry about this "GREAT WHITE APE on our Backs" (Malcolm X) as opposed to getting high on drugs or some criminal activity. And now look at her (Hip Hop).
The flunkies are in total control of what is “hot” and “trendy”. The Geffens, Priorities, Sonys, and every other entity that can siphon money out of our black wallets every chance they can get, are in total control. They are the captains of the ship, The SS Hip Hop. It’s not the Jay-Zs, the
Nas’s, Tupacs, Biggies or even the negro actin’ (sic) a fool P. Diddys in control. Seemingly they are but they aren't.
Remember MY GREAT BLACK PEOPLE that our culture belongs to us that means we must control it- process it -package it -market it- eat it –and- s--t it. Our CULTURE BELONGS TO US.
The Late Great Dr. John Henrik Clarke (ASHE) says that we as Africans have always had and continue to have what others want and these others in this case the, europeans, have always been scheming to steal and separate us from what is ours. This includes Our Culture the most sacred
part of us.
Please Brothers and Sisters Remember everything I have said. Study and fight hard and take everything seriously because whether you believe it or not we are in a fight for our culture, language, history, and spirituality. Virtually ourselves.
Hotep Sisters and Brothers as long as the Sun Shines we must Move Forward and never forget in the Spirit of Sankofa and the Millions that have died for us to be here And Finally DO NOT support those that you know as a group do not support you.