Iraqi Soldier Who Killed U.S. Troops is a Hero

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May 9, 2002
Jesus. Paragraphs, please learn how to use them.

No, that is not the reason. You act as the entire would would want to invade Amerika! How come Sweden isn't constantly being attacked? Don't they have one of the weakest armies in the world? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Yes, the world would be a whole lot better. The US military is responsible for more chaos and destruction on this planet than any terrorist organization, that's for sure.

That should be the fucking purpose of our military, protection, not invading foreign third world countries for Imperialist intentions.

So in other words, you admit that I'm not benefiting from our armed forces. Thanks, that was my entire point. If and when a foreign country invades amerika, then yes, it would benefit me and I'd pick up guns myself.

No, quite the opposite my friend. Because of the US troops, because of modern day Imperialism, because of the fact we have troops in over 150 countries, because we invade third world countries and slaughter populations, are the exact reasons why we are LESS SAFE. The entire world hates America for all of these reasons. Not the other way around. 9/11 didn't happen because people are jealous of our freedoms, it was because of the actions of our military.

The only support we can offer them is by trying to bring them back home. That is all.


War crimes. Look it up. Nazi troops were criminals by supporting genocide. Same goes for the US troops in Iraq. If any US troop has any sense at all they would quit the armed forces, no matter what the consequences.

When I close my eyes all I see is little bloody babies in a glad bag nigga, Manson aint shit.

I can say whatever the fuck I want. And for the record I said "I love my home." Read it again. And it's true, I love my home. But fuck the illegal US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and fuck all of those who are willingly oppressing and killing innocent people.

Again, that is the sole purpose of having armed forces. To protect from a foreign invasion. It's funny though, you don't see Sweden getting attacked or invaded and their army hasn't done shit in years. Hmm, what a concept.

You're a very confused man. You're still buying into that nonsense about our military protecting our freedoms and all that talk. And that's why they are in Iraq, Afghan, etc. You're an idiot. You cannot comprehend what is really going on, either that or you're in denial. Just like the Pope and Catholicism. Close you're eyes, cover your eyes and yell "la la la la la, I can't hear you, la la la la." It's cool, I wish I was living in la la land too.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
if you support the army so much why don't you come join up and get treated like a bitch everyday.
that'll never happen....people who support the army and all that on here, for the most part would never join....they are just like the people they are telling to leave the country...only less intelligent, cause at least the people who don't support the war/troops etc have good the fact that we are there illegally in the first place, or the fact that we propped up Saddam until he gained more power and then executed him....or gave him the weapons earlier on...i mean shit, those reasons must just be conspiracy

i was thinking that shit too, hahaha...
Mar 12, 2005
well you live in America, you enjoy the freedoms that you have and the US Army protects those freedoms, so yea you should support the army. Whether you support the war or not, you should still support the troops.
Man shut up! Who's trying to take our freedoms away? Our own government or "TERRORISTS".


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Man shut up! Who's trying to take our freedoms away? Our own government or "TERRORISTS".

Who got rid of Habeas Corpus? I believe that was the Bush Admin. What else did they do? Illegally invaded another country and executed it's leader, after this country put him into power to do our bidding until he got powerful and said fuck off.

And just so you know what Habeas Corpus is Coondogg, I will post the definition.

This is just a little bit, I will provide links in case you need further explanation.
In common law countries, habeas corpus (/ˈhabiəs ˈkɔɹpəs/) (Latin: [We command] that you have the body) [1] is the name of a legal action, or writ, through which a person can seek relief from unlawful detention of themselves or another person. The writ of habeas corpus has historically been an important instrument for the safeguarding of individual freedom against arbitrary state action.

Our own government is taking away our rights and telling us it's to protect our freedom....if you don't have freedom in the first fucking place, you have nothing to protect....if you can't figure the rest out on your own, I don't know what to tell you (but telling you anything more will be a waste of my time).


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
i never understood why people say shit like "they are fighting for your freedom!!!" so what you're saying is, is that if the troops weren't in iraq this moment, my freedom would be in jeopardy?

you know you would have a terrorist in your porch trying to break in and kill you and steal your shit if the troops weren't in Iraq (and every other country around the world for the most part).

those fucking terrorists would be invading our country with their huge massive armies with jets and fighter planes and ships of all kinds with weapons of mass destruction...

those terrorists are just waiting for the US to leave Iraq! Cause Iraq is the only fucking place they are located! fuckin right eh!


28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
you know you would have a terrorist in your porch trying to break in and kill you and steal your shit if the troops weren't in Iraq (and every other country around the world for the most part).

those fucking terrorists would be invading our country with their huge massive armies with jets and fighter planes and ships of all kinds with weapons of mass destruction...

those terrorists are just waiting for the US to leave Iraq! Cause Iraq is the only fucking place they are located! fuckin right eh!


Dec 8, 2005
I like the passion people speak with in this thread, it highlights how big of a problem and how polarized this nation has become. But i have a few questions. and you might ask "why dont you say anything about coondogg". Well because in my opinion from other threads hes a complete fucking idiot, its like asking me to steal lunch money from a retarded kid.

hey, u can be charged with murder for simply being in a car during a drive by..
yeah you can be charged for murder, not shot on site, and they didnt murder her, one of them drug her by the hair, even the uncle only says that the soldiers made the women cry. im not defending what they did, but this isnt a very good comparison. he probably should have shot the dude. long as they are there killing and torturing Iraqi's and stealing their natural resources, Iraqi's have every right to kill each and every one of them, which I support 100%.
so as long as a few are committing these acts, you support 100% the right for those being perpetrated against to kill "each and every single one of them" referring to the rest of the military? Which natural resources are the ground troops stealing for themselves? Hmmm...Donald Rumsfeld and Bush i would assume, thought along the same lines. This is basically the redneck argument against all of Islam except you flip sides. Its also the argument against illegal immigrants, but but remove killing and torturing and add deportation. .

Because of the US troops, because of modern day Imperialism, because of the fact we have troops in over 150 countries, because we invade third world countries and slaughter populations, are the exact reasons why we are LESS SAFE. The entire world hates America for all of these reasons. Not the other way around. 9/11 didn't happen because people are jealous of our freedoms, it was because of the actions of our military.
you refer a lot to imperialism. what do you think the motivation of this imperialism is? and what benefits do you think can come of it? and the statement that the enitre world hates america is quite ridiculous. some of it hates us, others are naturally jealous of our posistion and projection of power, and a large part loves us. if they truley hate us, hollywood wouldnt be the biggest cultural influence in the entire world. its why the poor claim to hate the rich but try to emulate them. but if you are only talking from a military perspective, then you still cant say the entire world. Israel loves Bush.

and finally, 9/11 happened because of the actions of out military you say. so seriously look at this, where was our militray when that happened? where was our military during the USS Cole bombing ? I'm hoping you would say "well no shit, but its because of things we had done way before that" and give me some historical facts and context. the point i want to make, is that those historical events will not be erased if we leave iraq, they will not be erased just because our military comes home. the damage we have done will follow and haunt our nation for some time, this is what i think the hawks reason and the justification for us escalating. basically, we have already come too far to go back now, some would say. and again, so long as we support israel, we will always be a target. can we agree on that?

There aint no way in hell you can say if you don't support the US Army you should leave...
..and everybody in this country should have the right to feel however the fuck they want and say whatever the fuck they want.

Illegally invaded another country and executed it's leader, after this country put him into power to do our bidding until he got powerful and said fuck off.
are you really firmly against illegal acts or do you just pick and choose? you dont strike me as someone who strictly follows laws or even has regard for them when it comes to yourself, but i notice you harp on this "illegal invasion" quite a bit. And a serious question, which nation would you prefer to see as emerge as the next world power, and why do you think they will not fall victim to their own greed?

you know you would have a terrorist in your porch trying to break in and kill you and steal your shit if the troops weren't in Iraq (and every other country around the world for the most part).

those fucking terrorists would be invading our country with their huge massive armies with jets and fighter planes and ships of all kinds with weapons of mass destruction...

those terrorists are just waiting for the US to leave Iraq! Cause Iraq is the only fucking place they are located! fuckin right eh!
i enjoy sarcasm. this is percieved by some as a clash of civilizations, we have all discussed this before. if he doesnt understand why some people say those things, he should pick up "Milestones" its free on the internet. Dont tell me im the only one who has read this.
Sep 28, 2002
< Not GO Army don't know why you would think that.

I said he's a murderer because thats all I got from the story. Being nonbiased means you don't immediatly jump to one side and thats what I try to be (doesn't always happen but oh well my opinion don't mean shit!) Believe it or not their are people in this world who will lets say kill somebody for one reason like I don't know making racist comments about a given race and then lie about it and say they did it for another reason like protecting a womans honor. Not saying thats what happened but again how am i supposed to know because dude says so?

Regardless if smacking around arab women was punishable by death over there half the men in the middle east would be in body bags.

As far as killing of american troops by iraqis is concerned its their country and we shouldn't be their unless we're on vacation so when we are there uninvited its their call.

LOL @ 206's H impression


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
are you really firmly against illegal acts or do you just pick and choose? you dont strike me as someone who strictly follows laws or even has regard for them when it comes to yourself, but i notice you harp on this "illegal invasion" quite a bit. And a serious question, which nation would you prefer to see as emerge as the next world power, and why do you think they will not fall victim to their own greed?
If people are being killed, then I am against the illegal act, unless it's complete self defense (but then it wouldn't be illegal). I would really have to base it on a case by case situation, otherwise I would be over generalizing and making assumptions.

I do not like to see innocent people die. But you are correct, I do not hold regard for the law when it comes to myself....but I don't really do much illegal shit, besides smoke weed and speed--in my car, I don't smoke speed, lol.

To me, murdering is quite different than sitting on my couch, or at the beach, smoking a joint, or a blunt or what have you.

Honestly, which nation....hmm...I would have to say I'm not too sure. I can almost 100&#37; guarantee that the US would succumb to it's own greed, as it always does. However, if we prop up another dictator/government in Iraq, we can give that 10 years and they'll be against us by then and who knows what'll happen.

I think most people assume that I hate this country. That is not so, I hate the people running this country, and what they stand for. I like this country, I just think there need to be some extremely drastic changes made.

In all honesty, I think that no matter what happens, we're pretty much fucked.

i enjoy sarcasm. this is percieved by some as a clash of civilizations, we have all discussed this before. if he doesnt understand why some people say those things, he should pick up "Milestones" its free on the internet. Dont tell me im the only one who has read this.
:) I'm glad you enjoy sarcasm. And I don't know if you're the only one that's read it, but I haven't, so I'll look it up.
May 13, 2002
nhojsmith said:
so as long as a few are committing these acts, you support 100&#37; the right for those being perpetrated against to kill "each and every single one of them" referring to the rest of the military?
Yes, that is correct. As long as the military is illegally and unethically destroying their homeland, they have the right to defend themselves. It's also important that there is a high Amerikan death toll in order for the Iraqi resistance to be "successful", which increases the chance of the US getting the fuck out of there.

Which natural resources are the ground troops stealing for themselves?
Who said they were stealing it for themselves? They are stealing it for the people they decided to work for.

This is basically the redneck argument against all of Islam except you flip sides.
no, it's not. There is logic in my thinking. In order for Iraqi's to be "victorious" (meaning, they can have their country to their own), they need to defend it by fighting (killing) the foreign invaders. It sucks, but they have that right to defend themselves as free people.

Its also the argument against illegal immigrants, but but remove killing and torturing and add deportation. .
No, not at all. I'm specifically talking about Iraqi's defending their homeland, natural resources, right to decide their own future, etc.

you refer a lot to imperialism.
How could one speak on Iraq without ultimately linking it to the true motive.

what do you think the motivation of this imperialism is?
Capitalism. (Imperialism is "the highest stage of capitalism" )

and what benefits do you think can come of it?
Benefits to whom? The US or Iraq?

No benefits to the Iraqi people whatsoever.

Obvious benefits to the US.

and the statement that the enitre world hates america is quite ridiculous.
Ok, the majority of the world hates the US. Better?

Israel loves Bush.
Gee, I wonder why.

and finally, 9/11 happened because of the actions of out military you say. so seriously look at this, where was our militray when that happened?
All over the world.

where was our military during the USS Cole bombing ?
All over the world.

I'm hoping you would say "well no shit, but its because of things we had done way before that" and give me some historical facts and context.
Well you don't need to ask me for historical facts and context. Just look at what Mr. Osama said himself:

The events that influenced me directly trace back to 1982 and subsequent events when the United States gave permission to the Israelis to invade Lebanon, with the aid of the sixth US fleet.


While I was looking at those destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me to punish the unjust one in a similar manner by destroying towers in the United States so that it would feel some of what we felt and to be deterred from killing our children and women...​

the point i want to make, is that those historical events will not be erased if we leave iraq they will not be erased just because our military comes home. the damage we have done will follow and haunt our nation for some time, this is what i think the hawks reason and the justification for us escalating.
Yes, but it's a starting point. People used the argument that the US military shouldn't leave Vietnam. We're too far deep, don't let the Communists win, etc. Look how that mess turned out.

and again, so long as we support israel, we will always be a target. can we agree on that?
Stop supporting Israel.

Yes, many people in the mid-east will be pissed off if we continue to support Israel, but that doesn't mean invading Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't worsen the situation any more. It obviously has and as long as we occupy land in the mid-east the situation is going to continue to worsen. Again, I bring up Sweden and how no one is trying to bomb them to death. Other countries have supported Israel as well without being terrorized. There are many, many more factors involved then simply supporting Israel.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-, that sig is fuckin HILARIOUS.......i ain't seen that movie in years....the green eyed, i got green stay the fuck away from me.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I use to watch it a lot when I was a kid (when it was on TV). I don't know why the hell I liked It's a good movie though, and it's still entertaining.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
yeah, i always thought that after i saw mortal combat when it came out (in the games, and the movie).