Iraqi Soldier Who Killed U.S. Troops is a Hero

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May 13, 2002
well, wut do you call it when somebody betrayz somebody thatz helping them.
Well, how bout we put it in a different perspective that a stoner can understand.

Let's say you have an associate, he's not really your boy, or someone you consider a friend, just someone you kinda know, you two work together.

One day you come to work and find this guy raping a women that is good friends with your family.

Do you A). defend the women cuz she's your people or B). defend your associate based on the fact you work with him?

Now, make the situation about 100,000 times worse than that (foreign invasion, practically genocide, etc.) and you have the topic at hand.
Nov 27, 2006
Anyone who kills a US or British troop in Iraq is a hero. Regardless of the situation. If you consider yourself "pro-amerikan" you'd think the same.

I don't want troops to die, but these people got to do what is right, and this is kill off the invaders. Bring the US troops home immediately, yes, but while they are occupying foreign land, I hope the Iraqi's can kill as many as possible.
the fact that you want American troops to die just shows how disgusting of a human being you really are. If this country is so horrible then honestly why the fuck do you live here? all you people bitch and complain about our government and armed services and yet you benefit from both every single day. Move to Canada if its so bad here. I dont agree with the war but i would never wish harm to any solder nor would i wish any harm to Iraqi civilians. Of course out of the thousands of our troops in Iraq there are going to be a few who commit dishonorable acts and they should be punished. Supporting the troops who risk their lives every single day doesn't mean you support or agree with the war. The majority of troops probably don't agree with the war but they are still out there everyday doing their job and risking life and limb for their country and because of that they deserve our respect and support.


Sicc OG
Apr 12, 2005
being I was there for a tour I can tell you Ive seen some fucked up shit, but marines or soldiers beating a far stretch...I have witnessed innocent people getting shot, not through marines being careless or wreckless, but through breakdown in communication and nerves... I am by know means defending the actions of those who take shit in their own hands, or beliving we have any business over there.Besides special forces who have a lil less supervison and leeway to do as they see fit, the average soldier or marine is under more of a strict orders. Besides the obvious politics, It aint what most picture being over there...Its fucked up being over there..i cant say i dont blame insurgents..they just doing what they think is right and we are actually doing more harm then good..funny thing is so many marines and soldiers and most americans perception of Iraqis are pretty far off, sure they walk around in white man dresses and woman dressed like ninjas.with sandals. and some live like ancient civilizations did, but dont get it twisted, many are very smart and educated. Ive met alot of really great people and Ive met some backstabbers.. Ive seen some ugly ass desert, as well as nice landscapes near the tigris and the euphrates river,,Ive walked in the ancient ciy of babylon seen the lion of babylon..ishtar gates..etc......
Dec 8, 2005
well he didnt just shoot the one dragging her, the article says he shot what 5 people. shitty situation, now that they got their hands on him, i bet hes wishing he was dead if they havent put him out already.
May 13, 2002
the fact that you want American troops to die just shows how disgusting of a human being you really are.
Thanks. I think the same about you.

BTW, I said I don't want any troops to die and prefer they come home immediately. However, as long as they are there killing and torturing Iraqi's and stealing their natural resources, Iraqi's have every right to kill each and every one of them, which I support 100%.

If this country is so horrible then honestly why the fuck do you live here?
We've been over this before. This is my home and I love my home. Just because I do not agree with our current government doesn't mean I should up and leave (unlike the hundreds of thousands of Iraq's that have been forced to leave their homes). I'd rather try and make change.

all you people bitch and complain about our government and armed services and yet you benefit from both every single day.

I dont agree with the war but i would never wish harm to any solder nor would i wish any harm to Iraqi civilians.
Again, read above. Personally I have no problem wishing harm on "evil doers" (like George Bush, the Pope, etc.)

Of course out of the thousands of our troops in Iraq there are going to be a few who commit dishonorable acts and they should be punished.
Each and every one of them is guilty of a crime.

Supporting the troops who risk their lives every single day doesn't mean you support or agree with the war.
If you truly support the war you would want them home immediately.

The majority of troops probably don't agree with the war but they are still out there everyday doing their job and risking life and limb for their country
No, they are not doing anything positive for their country, they are however being USED by their country (which is not respectable or admirable).

and because of that they deserve our respect and support.
They don't deserve shit but a body bag.
May 9, 2002
Thanks. I think the same about you.

BTW, I said I don't want any troops to die and prefer they come home immediately. However, as long as they are there killing and torturing Iraqi's and stealing their natural resources, Iraqi's have every right to kill each and every one of them, which I support 100%.

We've been over this before. This is my home and I love my home. Just because I do not agree with our current government doesn't mean I should up and leave (unlike the hundreds of thousands of Iraq's that have been forced to leave their homes). I'd rather try and make change.


Again, read above. Personally I have no problem wishing harm on "evil doers" (like George Bush, the Pope, etc.)

Each and every one of them is guilty of a crime.

If you truly support the war you would want them home immediately.

No, they are not doing anything positive for their country, they are however being USED by their country (which is not respectable or admirable).

They don't deserve shit but a body bag.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
well this is America, and if your a true american (whether you agree with the war or not) you should be pro-US army
That is NOT true, at least in my opinion.

If you are a TRUE follow the fucking constitution...which does not say anything about a standing fucking army--except for maybe the fact that we are not meant to have a standing army and that was the point of militias and the right to bear arms.

If you're a real American, and a patriot, you stand up when this country is FUCKING UP and do something about it because you care.

Not sit back like a bitch and let shit happen.
Nov 27, 2006
Thanks. I think the same about you.

BTW, I said I don't want any troops to die and prefer they come home immediately. However, as long as they are there killing and torturing Iraqi's and stealing their natural resources, Iraqi's have every right to kill each and every one of them, which I support 100%.

We've been over this before. This is my home and I love my home. Just because I do not agree with our current government doesn't mean I should up and leave (unlike the hundreds of thousands of Iraq's that have been forced to leave their homes). I'd rather try and make change.


Again, read above. Personally I have no problem wishing harm on "evil doers" (like George Bush, the Pope, etc.)

Each and every one of them is guilty of a crime.

If you truly support the war you would want them home immediately.

No, they are not doing anything positive for their country, they are however being USED by their country (which is not respectable or admirable).

They don't deserve shit but a body bag.
Are there foreign troops in our streets or in your home? no there isn't and its because we have the strongest army in the world. If it weren't for our troops our country would be very different. God forbid we ever truly do need our troops to protect us domestically after an invasion but if we do you will find out how civilians benefit from the armed services. The fact that your safe and don't need to worry about an invasion is all the proof you should need to show you how we benefit from the armed services. I never said i wanted our troops to stay there, of course i want them to come home but while they are stuck there we should all support them. It is not impossible to disagree with the war and support the troops at the same time. Supporting the troops means that you understand what their going through and means you donate to their families and it means you take the time to write the troops a letter letting them know that they have the support of their country. To say that each and everyone of them is a criminal is insane and ridiculous, and to say all they deserve is a body bad is just disgusting and if you honestly believe that then there is clearly to way to reason with you because your a horrible person. You cannot say that you love this country and then in the same sentence that all of our troops deserve body bags. If there is ever a war on our soil our troops will protect you without question, however you clearly dont deserve that protection.
May 13, 2002
Jesus. Paragraphs, please learn how to use them.

Are there foreign troops in our streets or in your home? no there isn't and its because we have the strongest army in the world.
No, that is not the reason. You act as the entire would would want to invade Amerika! How come Sweden isn't constantly being attacked? Don't they have one of the weakest armies in the world? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm

If it weren't for our troops our country would be very different.
Yes, the world would be a whole lot better. The US military is responsible for more chaos and destruction on this planet than any terrorist organization, that's for sure.

God forbid we ever truly do need our troops to protect us domestically after an invasion
That should be the fucking purpose of our military, protection, not invading foreign third world countries for Imperialist intentions.

but if we do you will find out how civilians benefit from the armed services.
So in other words, you admit that I'm not benefiting from our armed forces. Thanks, that was my entire point. If and when a foreign country invades amerika, then yes, it would benefit me and I'd pick up guns myself.

The fact that your safe and don't need to worry about an invasion is all the proof you should need to show you how we benefit from the armed services.
No, quite the opposite my friend. Because of the US troops, because of modern day Imperialism, because of the fact we have troops in over 150 countries, because we invade third world countries and slaughter populations, are the exact reasons why we are LESS SAFE. The entire world hates America for all of these reasons. Not the other way around. 9/11 didn't happen because people are jealous of our freedoms, it was because of the actions of our military.

I never said i wanted our troops to stay there, of course i want them to come home but while they are stuck there we should all support them.
The only support we can offer them is by trying to bring them back home. That is all.

It is not impossible to disagree with the war and support the troops at the same time. Supporting the troops means that you understand what their going through and means you donate to their families and it means you take the time to write the troops a letter letting them know that they have the support of their country.

To say that each and everyone of them is a criminal is insane and ridiculous,
War crimes. Look it up. Nazi troops were criminals by supporting genocide. Same goes for the US troops in Iraq. If any US troop has any sense at all they would quit the armed forces, no matter what the consequences.

and to say all they deserve is a body bad is just disgusting and if you honestly believe that then there is clearly to way to reason with you because your a horrible person.
When I close my eyes all I see is little bloody babies in a glad bag nigga, Manson aint shit.

You cannot say that you love this country and then in the same sentence that all of our troops deserve body bags.
I can say whatever the fuck I want. And for the record I said "I love my home." Read it again. And it's true, I love my home. But fuck the illegal US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and fuck all of those who are willingly oppressing and killing innocent people.

If there is ever a war on our soil our troops will protect you without question,
Again, that is the sole purpose of having armed forces. To protect from a foreign invasion. It's funny though, you don't see Sweden getting attacked or invaded and their army hasn't done shit in years. Hmm, what a concept.

You're a very confused man. You're still buying into that nonsense about our military protecting our freedoms and all that talk. And that's why they are in Iraq, Afghan, etc. You're an idiot. You cannot comprehend what is really going on, either that or you're in denial. Just like the Pope and Catholicism. Close you're eyes, cover your ears and yell "la la la la la, I can't hear you, la la la la." It's cool, I wish I was living in la la land too.
Jun 27, 2003
There aint no way in hell you can say if you don't support the US Army you should leave, and I'm in the service and I'ma say that shit. I don't fuckin support the US Army, shieeeet. I've seen the day to day workings of the military, matter of fact I'm on the way out in a lil bit, and everybody in this country should have the right to feel however the fuck they want and say whatever the fuck they want.
The fact that some people here are saying and thinking that shit due to educated thinking is enough for me to say they are entitled to their opinion and I respect it even if it were to differ from mine. You coming up on this bitch saying love it or leave it basically, without really thinking the issue through is retarded to me.
if you support the army so much why don't you come join up and get treated like a bitch everyday.