International Gun Ban Treaty

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May 4, 2005
didnt the nazis make everyone register their guns then shortly after they banned weapons and confiscated every gun that was registered?

if they ban guns in the us... we are fucked. i find it insane that so many people think otherwise.

theres cameras on the street corners.. soon to have flying drones on us soil.

all to stop 'terrorism' ... BULLSHIT. just another step closer to completely controlling the working people.

they aint worried about you getting robbed or shot in the street. theyre worried about 300 million people with 80 million weapons circulating.


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
im sure if guns were still as available as they are in the US then the problem will be a lot worse. if you look at murder rates etc at most countries that has banned guns vs the US they are lower.
Statistically you are right, the murder rate has declined, but drive by's are on the up.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
didnt the nazis make everyone register their guns then shortly after they banned weapons and confiscated every gun that was registered?

if they ban guns in the us... we are fucked. i find it insane that so many people think otherwise.

theres cameras on the street corners.. soon to have flying drones on us soil.

all to stop 'terrorism' ... BULLSHIT. just another step closer to completely controlling the working people.

they aint worried about you getting robbed or shot in the street. theyre worried about 300 million people with 80 million weapons circulating.
I don't understand why people think that if they have a gun there somehow is no power asymmetry between them and the government. What are you going to do? Shoot the whole army?

That's for individual cases, of course. In the same time, there is very good reason to be worried about 300 million people wiht 80 million guns, a lot of them either not very stable or under the influence of some sort of paranoia - if societal order breaks down for some reason, this is a recipe for complete disaster.
Feb 7, 2011
A sober and rational analysis of what the common good is and how it can be best achieved is what should guide legislation and policy making. But it can't happen because the majority of people are incapable of such a thing because they have never reached the needed level of intellectual development
A sober and rational 'analysis' as far as legislation and law are concerned is all subjective.. hence the way of politics.

Ill never understand why people equate intellect and intelligence with rationale and common sense when an intellectually sound mind can be just as crazy and sociopathic as someone you find in a mental institution. Being intelligent shouldn't be the only prerequisite to having the authority to sign and rescind law, because that doesn't take into consideration the fact that they be completely socially inept and unable to humanize a problem or an issue.

I find it especially amusing those who espouse gun control legislation but turn completely mute when the subject of implementing such legislation arises. How would we go about confiscation? Sending armed police door to door? Or are we putting our total faith into the population and trusting that everyone gave up their guns? If we can have fundamental rights taken away that were given to us per the document our country was founded on, what will come next?


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
A sober and rational 'analysis' as far as legislation and law are concerned is all subjective.. hence the way of politics.

Ill never understand why people equate intellect and intelligence with rationale and common sense when an intellectually sound mind can be just as crazy and sociopathic as someone you find in a mental institution. Being intelligent shouldn't be the only prerequisite to having the authority to sign and rescind law, because that doesn't take into consideration the fact that they be completely socially inept and unable to humanize a problem or an issue.

I find it especially amusing those who espouse gun control legislation but turn completely mute when the subject of implementing such legislation arises. How would we go about confiscation? Sending armed police door to door? Or are we putting our total faith into the population and trusting that everyone gave up their guns? If we can have fundamental rights taken away that were given to us per the document our country was founded on, what will come next?
As I said above, people have a very twisted perception of the importance of the constitution and of the immutability of "fundamental" rights. First, the law is to serve the people, not to be worshiped by them, therefore if it has outlived its usefulness, it can and should be changed accordingly. As time passes and sociteties develop, laws are bound to become outdated and inadequate. Second, unrestricted gun ownership is not a "fundamental right" - the vast majority of the civilized world imposes very serious restrictions on it and those societies also happen to be much more safer than the one outlier. I don't see why taking the guns away should be such a problem - the government offers to buy the guns within a certain period after announcing the ban, after that whoever owns one but has not been given permission to do so under the new much more restrictive regime is guilty in illegal possession of a gun and punished in whatever way the law specifies. Are there going to be a lot of right-wing lunatics who will barricade themselves with their guns and violently resist this? Yes, but this is precisely the reason why guns need to be taken away from them...
Mar 11, 2011
A sober and rational 'analysis' as far as legislation and law are concerned is all subjective.. hence the way of politics.

Ill never understand why people equate intellect and intelligence with rationale and common sense when an intellectually sound mind can be just as crazy and sociopathic as someone you find in a mental institution. Being intelligent shouldn't be the only prerequisite to having the authority to sign and rescind law, because that doesn't take into consideration the fact that they be completely socially inept and unable to humanize a problem or an issue.

I find it especially amusing those who espouse gun control legislation but turn completely mute when the subject of implementing such legislation arises. How would we go about confiscation? Sending armed police door to door? Or are we putting our total faith into the population and trusting that everyone gave up their guns? If we can have fundamental rights taken away that were given to us per the document our country was founded on, what will come next?
Rational thought process is actually very objective when common goals are established by the masses (example Health Care/ Less People Being Blapped etc). From there you look at statistics, trends, root causesm and other contributing factors and it should be pretty easy to construct a proper course of action. Individual people and business do it every day using the same formula.

The real trick with politics is getting people to vote against rationality and their own self-interest, and the self-interest of the public as a whole. Example being 100 or so EXTREMELY wealthy people pulling the strings of the tea party and getting those half with fucks to completely destroy legislation and end all programs that benefit toothless LeeRoy and Never Had a Job Nancy. That is what politics in America is about.
Mar 11, 2011
No way in hell are they banning guns here. You'll have alot of upset Oregonians if they do...
Definitely lol, Eastern Oregonians would form a militia.

Banning guns entirely is fucking ridiculous. What they really need is much stricter gun laws, from who can purchase down to extending prison sentences for gun crimes

And yes the two bars at the bottom of my sig make my point a little lulzy
Aug 18, 2002
Hoplophobia (n.): The irrational fear of weapons, correctly described by
Freud as "a sign of emotional and sexual immaturity". Hoplophobia, like
homophobia, is a displacement symptom; hoplophobes fear their own
"forbidden" feelings and urges to commit violence.
May 9, 2002
A lot of people need their guns for hunting
What is "a lot"? Please back this up with a source/link. I would bet you dollars to doughnuts its MUCH less than you think it is/want it to be.

not everybody buys all of their food from the grocery store.
Even people that hunt buy shit from stores.

Maybe you should move to North Korea or China if you don't like the freedoms that we have....
So, not liking guns means i dont like freedom? Please tell me you are smarter than this.

What if some lunatics kick down your front door at 1:00 AM in the morning and pistol whip you, the police won't be there in time to save your life,that's why you need guns for self defense.
Well, seeing as i live in a secure building, i dont have to worry about that. But, to go along with that, what if you are walking down the street and a plane falls on your head?

If we started running each other over instead of shooting each other, there wouldn't be a ban on cars.
Well, seeing as how cars serve an entirely DIFFERENT purpose than guns, this analogy is irrelevant to anything about guns.

Its not the guns that are aiming and shooting, its the people behind it.. Outlawing the tool isn't going to stop violence.. Its time to really look at ourselves and our attitudes toward fellow human beings..
Its a combination of both, and to think otherwise is asinine. Some of these "lunatics" are that much more deadly with a gun in their hand, then say, a bat. You can run from a odds of doing so from a gun a are much tougher.

lol since blunt force trauma to the head never killed anyone.. I picked up the body of a man who fell outside a bar and died. Replace the billy club with a gun, you still have 2 angry groups of people..
Again, you can shoot someone from a long distance, you cant use a bat outside of about a 6 foot radius. Another terrible analogy.

change the world to work around u and your fears.. seems legit. I think theres a word for people like you bro, its called being 'pacifist".
And only on the Sicc would someone make being a "pacifist" a bad thing. Wowzers.

I mean, making it harder for people who already abide by the law to obtain one of these 'tools of death' makes TOTAL sense. We can just ask the armed gunman who doesn't have a registered firearm to wait for the cops to arrive right?... rririigght..
Thats the problem...we have LET the issue get this far. If you read what i typed, i already mentioned that we, as a country, have fucked ourselves. We cant go back now. You cant just give candy to a kid, and then take it back. Im not an idiot. That doesn't mean i have to AGREE with it.

LOL, I guess thats because you are a queer from LGBT for Obama community

i suppose we should ban knives in england since you're twice as likely to get stabbed there as opposed to being shot in the US
Again...knife...gun...distance...rates. Of course you are 2X as likely to get stabbed in England...THERE ARE NO FUCKING GUNS. I mean...really? You are nearly 5X more likely to get killed in the US than in the UK. Hell, you are more likely to get killed in CANADA, than you would in England. If you compare London to NY, and yes, they are very comparable, you would find that there were over 450 homicides in 2009 (which, BTW, was the lowest EVER in NYC since stats were recorded for crime)...while less than 150 in London.

guns dont cause crime, people with the urge to kill, hurt or more or less take from people intend to cause crime...
No one said guns caused crime, and your tiring use of fallacies are not helping your argument at all here. We live in a society that more or less GLORIFIES violence and gun play. "God" forbid US TV can show a nipple...but its quite OK to show people bleeding and dying at 7PM on NBC. Are you starting to get the trend here and why guns, and violence as a whole, are an issue in the US?

guns come in to play more often then not because it takes a idiot to do the job with a gun
Now you are at least forming a rational argument. The question is, why are there so many "idiots" here? Wghat has gone wrong in the last 75 years or so, to cause this?

people who keep comparing guns crime dont realize how much goes much goes unsaid...and how much goes out and out unsolved...
And of course, WE dont...but you do, right? Is that where this is headed? You have no clue as to what I or any other poster knows about...anything. So, lets just not go there. Thanks.

guns are a tool
A readily available tool. That is part of the problem.

but the idiots you see on youtube flashin straps dont realize that...does that mean everyone with a gun flashes it on youtube and acts a fool?
I dont see what this has to do with anything.

in the hands of people trained, and comfortable around a gun, the chances of accidents, or purposeful shootings are minimal...wanna know why? cause they respect a gun as a tool and use it accordingly
And all it takes is for something to tear that person a part emotionally, and they can snap and go on a shooting spree. C wut i did ther?

end of argument

p.s. i dare someone try to pry a rifle out the hands of one of them good ol country boys
Again, this attitude, combined with paranoia, is part of why we are in this mess.

The USA is a different country than those ones. We have Bill of Rights and Amendments, if they take the 2nd Amendment away than eventually they will erase our other can't just pick and choose 1 amendment tooken away, if one is tooken away they take the other ones after.and then Americans will have no rights
They have already taken some away, yet i didn't see you bitching about them when they disappeared.

I did. And I actually have a lot more freedom here...Cheers.

these arguments are pretty pointless though as it is unlikely that i am going to change anyones opinion and likewise with others changing my opinion.
Pretty much says it all.
May 9, 2002
Hoplophobia (n.): The irrational fear of weapons, correctly described by
Freud as "a sign of emotional and sexual immaturity". Hoplophobia, like
homophobia, is a displacement symptom; hoplophobes fear their own
"forbidden" feelings and urges to commit violence.
Really? Freud?

Popular use of the term

Firearms authority and writer Colonel Jeff Cooper coined the word in 1962[7] to describe a "mental disturbance characterized by irrational aversion to weapons."[8] Although not a mental health professional, Cooper employed the term as an alternative to slang terms, stating: "We read of 'gun grabbers' and 'anti-gun nuts' but these slang terms do not [explain this behavior]." Cooper attributed this behavior to an irrational fear of firearms and other forms of weaponry. He stated that "the most common manifestation of hoplophobia is the idea that instruments possess a will of their own, apart from that of their user."[9] Writing in an opinion piece, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review columnist Dimitri Vassilaros asserted that the term was intended by Cooper as tongue-in-cheek to mock those who think guns have free will.[10]

The meaning and usage ascribed by Cooper falls outside of the medical definitions of true specific phobias. For example, specific phobias require that the person be aware and acknowledge that their fear is irrational, and usually causes some kind of functional impairment.[11] True medical phobias of firearms and other weapons can exist, but are unusual.[4]
And from Cooper himself...
I coined the term hoplophobia over twenty years ago, not out of pretension but in the sincere belief that we should recognize a very peculiar sociological attitude for what it is -- a more or less hysterical neurosis rather than a legitimate political position. It follows convention in the use of Greek roots in describing specific mental afflictions. "Hoplon" is the Greek word for "instrument," but refers synonymously to "weapon" since the earliest and principal instruments were weapons. Phobos is Greek for "terror" and medically denotes unreasoning panic rather than normal fear. Thus hoplophobia is a mental disturbance characterized by irrational aversion to weapons, as opposed to justified apprehension about those who may wield them.

Yeah, Freud all the way.


پراید آش
Nov 5, 2002
screwdrivers are readily available, your point?

i say we ban all hardware tools, lowes, home depot, were comin for you!

rat poison is easily purchasable at any wal mart, you can slip it into someones drink and they are gone, should we ban it?

i suppose you can use this clothes iron to make your clothes look clean and crisp or..maybe just maybe you can beat someone to death with it, it needs to be banned....july 10th, international ban hammers, screwdrivers, lowes, rat poison, and clothes irons day...the UN backs me 1000%

if you think this country is any safer without guns, you belong in the casket with whitney, cuz you smoked yourself stupid

p.s. only guns kill people...they dont kill wild game for food, or protect families from intruders, or help reassure a would be victim that within his legal right, a gun is his/her best form of protection

with your additude we should ban anything that can kill another human, since people are just stupid enough to use something in a way that violates federal law...rather they how it is labelled on the bottle for use

please, miss me with that bullshit, go pick someone else apart, i dont care really, i dont


پراید آش
Nov 5, 2002
you can google how to make your very own zip gun and kill someone...should we ban all the equipment used to put a zip gun together?
Mar 11, 2011
LOL @ all the comparisons to other "weapons"

Guns empower people to commit violence, screw drivers don't. Yes some1 can kill someone with a screw driver, swiss army knife or a goldfish bowl but it is much more difficult. They will tell you that stabbing somebody is a much/ much more difficult task (emotionally and physically) than shooting em while driving by
May 9, 2002
screwdrivers are readily available, your point?

i say we ban all hardware tools, lowes, home depot, were comin for you!
Tools serve an actual purpose to improve our lives...guns dont. More crappy analogies. Is this all you folks have???

rat poison is easily purchasable at any wal mart, you can slip it into someones drink and they are gone, should we ban it?
How many people die per year from rat poison...compared to guns? More shitty analogies. Keep em comin.

i suppose you can use this clothes iron to make your clothes look clean and crisp or..maybe just maybe you can beat someone to death with it, it needs to be banned....july 10th, international ban hammers, screwdrivers, lowes, rat poison, and clothes irons day...the UN backs me 1000%
MMMm...fallacies...its whats used on the Siccness to prove points!

if you think this country is any safer without guns, you belong in the casket with whitney, cuz you smoked yourself stupid
Well, pretty much every western European country is safer without guns...but, well let you tell it.

p.s. only guns kill people...they dont kill wild game for food, or protect families from intruders, or help reassure a would be victim that within his legal right, a gun is his/her best form of protection
Not if no one else HAD guns. Are people just blatantly MISSING this point on purpose? You act like they will take YOUR guns away, but let EVERYONE else keep theres. Seriously folks? Where the fuck is the critical thinking on this website? Is everyone a fuckin moron?

with your attitude we should ban anything that can kill another human,
Please show me where i indicate this, please. Thanks.

since people are just stupid enough to use something in a way that violates federal law...rather they how it is labelled on the bottle for use
this is the only thing worth a damn in your whole rant. Kudos for showing signs of intelligence.

please, miss me with that bullshit, go pick someone else apart, i dont care really, i dont
You do care, otherwise you wouldn't have said shit.

you can google how to make your very own zip gun and kill someone...should we ban all the equipment used to put a zip gun together?
Oct 9, 2008
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. All taking away the 2nd amendment does is takes away the right for law abiding citizens to defend themselves. They will never get all the guns off the street or stop them from existing. Criminals will be armed so why can't ordinary citizens?

The problem with the US is we live in a protectionist society. The overwhelming majority of people who live here believe that if shit hits the fan our government will save us! Thats a joke and has been proven a joke with natural disasters like "Katrina."

I personally believe that any man who doesn't agree with the second amendment has no bussiness holding office in the white house! Our country was built on guns and without firearms we would still be Englands bitch and we would not be the super power we are today.

Passing a bill like this would be spitting in the face of not only our forefathers but all US citizens. We need to fight for rights like this to keep our govenment a domocracy and not let it turn our nation to communist rule.