Incisions, you scared little bitch.

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Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
Your step daddy must of been named Shane and I bet he beat you like the little piece of shit you are. Oh and you must have never seen the Western movie Shane. Go enjoy a O'Douls you fucking pansy.

Id honestly would rather hang out with Mixxer than your stupid ass. And I gives zero fucks what your first name is diggidy
Oh, a movie character named Shane, good comeback!

Coach E. No

Jesus es Numero Uno
Mar 30, 2013
Bet u wouldnt say that shit to shane mosely, u'd be sleep real quick
I bet you I'm not afraid of a dude 3inches shorter than me and 60lbs lighter. Not to mention he's brain damaged as hell at this point.

Shane Carwin on the other hand, good point. He'd probably maul me. So fine, 1 tough guy named shane on this earth. 1.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
if he had a 4 year old daughter, would u rape her in front of his eyes?
true...and a nigga like that would prolly try joinin u in the act anyways. dp on a 4 year old can get a lil messy.
dudes said alot of other shit in support of chomo's in the past, either its just to be "funny" or get a rice out of everybody, but he enjoys stirring shit up, when you have 2 siblings, and one is a racist who makes songs of dropping n bombs to troll people, and the other is a disgusting faggot who makes twerk videos, you wonder about his upbringing, and it makes alot more sense why he would think something like molesting kids is a joke. So like I said, he wanted attention and now he has gotten it, fuck him and fuck his faggot ass family.
Jan 18, 2006
He just needs to take a time out. For real. If he jus lets this shit boil over, learn, an come back later correct im sure nobody would have issue with that. But if you jus gon come like always you need to let this be your final farewell. #jerrysfinalthought
Funny at your hash tag cuz this shit is more entertaining to watch then any talk show
Nov 11, 2006
I bet you I'm not afraid of a dude 3inches shorter than me and 60lbs lighter. Not to mention he's brain damaged as hell at this point.

Shows how stupid u are, u think 3" in height and 60lbs matter to a professional fighter against a lame, square, out of shape fool from oklahoma who aint never fought a pro fight in his life? Sugar shane would put u to sleep and laugh at ur 200lb fatass....

And once again ur ignorance shows, since when did someones first name determine their toughness??
Dec 8, 2010
That "Tha Shit" screen name was Incisions?

I cant check at the moment.
yeah. i suspected it originally because his first screen name was "Now_I_Know" (which is also his youtube name) and both Tha Shit and Now_I_Know typed the same way, talked about the same things, and Tha Shit joined soon after Now_I_Know was banned. Then later Emma did an IP check on Incisions and it was a match with Tha Shit, but i don't remember which thread that was.