Incisions, you scared little bitch.

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Aug 17, 2011
how will i sleep at night knowin masked lemon doesnt believe me?

i know i said i would bow out gracefully, but i cant help but sayin it one last time..quit bein such a bitch, my dude.
Nov 11, 2006
44 100 % correct...y'all niggas is BITCHES. got these dudes STALKING your family members off this nigga LOL!!! GOD DAMN!!! Please tell me this whole thread is a can't be this many cowardice as niggas hiding behind their just can't be. I been screen shooting this thread and reporting it on my Facebook in a forum called "Fake Ass Internet Niggas" and what's funny is...all the logic y'all tryna pass over on this guy Incision about why you stalking his family is bullshit...eveybody in the other forum is thinking y'all a bunch of fags lol!!! MAAAAAN IM people lol!!! There's women saying shit about the posting up info of his mother just shows these Niggas got to much time on their hands and no woman lol!!! I'm bout ta take this shit to another message board and have some fun...keep up the good work.

Do I look like a fuckin snitch nigga?

From the above, I would say yes
Mar 18, 2008
how u guna believe a dude who stalks peoples family on the internet?....arson started all this shit because i posted up a fee i smashed n he did a days worth of detective work to try and prove i was lyin.. when his investigation came up short, he resorted to goin after my fam to redeem his honorable detective title.
This Arson cat is funny...I've seen snitches get worked over on siccness and I've seen child molesters get worked over...this guy is running real close to that level...Incision posting up females EVERYBODY does that..posting up MOTHERS is entirely different...glad to see Danna stepped up to the plate I got 100% respect for her...these other cats???should follow her lead about this Arson dude instead of tryin to justify his actions. And bra you ah stand up nigga for all these WACK niggas coming at you in waves using your mother...EVERYBODY OUTSIDE of sees it for what it is...