IN LOVE WITH A STRIPPER: Could you *seriously* date a stripper?

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28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction and my girl of 5 years...thought we were gonna get married...broke up in April.

Since then, I started dating a stripper. I had hella reservations about the whole thing. Knew she manipulated dudes for money, was concerned about looks, how much cash a guy has, all that shit. I was completely skeptical about a lot of shit.

Turns out she's one of the coolest girls I've ever met, I'm extremely happy right now, and she's making me love life again. It started out as a rebound, but I do like her, and I trust her. Not gonna get into too many details cuz I don't feel like putting my personal life on blast right now, but the girl is a 10, and she keeps it real as fuck.

Before I met her, I'd answer this question with a FUCK NO but all I know is my life is great right now, and she's a big part of it.
"don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner"

Apr 21, 2006
If were talking about strictly dating, yeah I would date one. It doesnt matter to me as long as shes getting paid and has something to fall back on. You cant be a stripper forever, gotta be investing that shit into school or a business. If I were to settle down on a serious tip, she'd have to quit altogether and we'd have to have something else popping off, real estate etc.. I'm just imagining all the weirdos and chumps and haters you might have to deal with.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
update. so the newest of this stripper hoes psychotic ways.

She was tweeking off adderall so hard, this bitch took the family dog, walked it to the front door, kicked it outside physically and said "BYE SEVEN" (the dogs name). Someone coming out of the bathroom heard this and was like what the fuck is wrong with you, did you just kick the dog out the house? she goes "....yessss" like all shy with a smile.

Her reasoning for kicking the dog out the house was this:

She said, (i am not making this up) when she saw the dog, the dog was speaking to her telepathically. the voice was speaking so hard and so ferocious that she could not take even looking at the dog without holding her ears and screaming. through this, she found out that the dog was much like her : unwanted, a slave to others, hated life. So she decided the best thing to do was to kick the dog out on the streets, at 10pm on a 40 degree night, where racoons run wild and would have tore this dog to shreds by the next hour. Apparently she decided the dog needed to be free, and see what life had to offer. It wasnt happy eating free food, having a owner whom it loves, friendship with the other dog which is like its sister, the cat (they get along) and all the love from everyone in the house. This delusional bitch really believed she had dog ESP and that she was doing the dog and EVERYONE ONE ELSE a favor since the dog was so sad and wanted to leave through her dog ESP.

the only reason she hadnt been kicked out is because were afraid she'll slit her wrists cuz this is some grade A nutcase shit goin on. so, someone had to tell her mom, (another mother who was worried) on some 'well if someone didnt tell me what was going on with my daughter id be pissed" her mom didnt raise her, said she didnt know what to do with her and felt that she made a mistake by bringing her to the states.

this is just the highlight. shes been stealing everything in the house, drugs, weed, cigs, food, shampoo, soap, makeup, anything she can get her hands on.
last time the door knocked and the dogs barked and she started looking worried like the world was ending in 12 seconds, i opened my bedroom door, looked at her and said "DO NOT CALL THE COPS" and checked the door.

i just had to vent. fuckin crazy retard stripper bitches. fuck. keep my doors locked.

i walk outside and this dumb daffy duck lookin bitch be tryna show her body off like someone gives a fuck. shit is sad. my boy came over to check on her while we were all out of town. the dogs started barking at the door knock. she hit the ground like modern warfare call of duty...crawled with her elbows to the other side of the house, got two butcher knives, crawled back, all while yelling "whats going on!!! SHHHHH!!!" (my boy could hear this) then calls 911. he had 2 strikes and enough on him to get 3. luckily the nigga jet before the cops came. she thought that since he knocked on the door, it was professional burgalars that knock on the door to see whoms home then invade the house, raping and killing everyone in the house.

so right? do the world a favor stay away from crazy stripper bitches...get some head and cut b. even being around one is hazardous sometimes..this bitch is a special case but i KNOW she aint the only one.

she aint getting money, and this aint hookers at the point.
pussy safari ass bitch.
im honestly thinking about calling the show intervention. just because theyd pay her real well.

i put it out there cuz this is like, normal shit. thats just what happened yesterday.
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Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
definitely the second one, sometimes the first one. i sold the bitch two small lines of cut coke (maybe 8 dollars of coke) for 40 dollars. lmao. and it led to the ho coming to my window at 4am talkin bout "HELLOOO!?!? HELLO???? CAN YOU LET ME IN??" lying about losing her keys so she can get coke at 4am. i cut the ho off after that shit, pulled her aside and checked her off top. but luckily the tramp is slightly afraid of me so all of my shit including my room is off limits to her. if i caught her in my shit, smack smack.

bitch was buying tweek from the homie, tried to come up on him like the nigga couldnt count, giving him 240 instead of 480. then wanted the rest for free on the account that the ho sits on dick to get money, so of course shed have the cash. only problem is she sucks at being a play-whore. so the homie got stuck with 240 in speed. i told him charge her 3 extra per pill for being the tweeker she is. she gon need em....and when she does, treat her like a knock, come out the pocket extra for leaving him stuck.

dirty ass bitch calls half smoked cigarettes 'refrieds'....lmao..bitch has a fucking slang name for half smoked cigarettes like its something of value.

chick got mad at my landlord because my landlord clowned her...made her some coffee, put laxatives in it and watched her drink it. landlord was late to work due to that. its just, man...some of these stripper bitches are just crazy. not all of them are right in the head. ive never been around so many strippers, but fuck...this bitch would ruin my opinion on stripper hoes forever. she makes the joseline bitch on love and hip hop atlanta look classy.

its to the point where im about to get a spycam, put it in the living room and catch her stealing weed, watch her lie to my face them show her the tape...i dont even know how this ugly ass bitch got hired to strip at the most high-class strip club SF has (gold club)

i wouldnt trust that bitch with your dick. seen her come home with some E. Honda lookin ass bitch. same day a half pound of weed goes missing and she dissapears for 3 days. im suprised my landlord is just letting all this shit ride.

first person ive seen use adderall to the point where its just as bad as crystal. 3 days no sleep and counting i think thats when she deicded she has dog telepathy.

she needs to just start doing outcalls so she can GTFO of here.
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Dec 25, 2003
update. so the newest of this stripper hoes psychotic ways.

She was tweeking off adderall so hard, this bitch took the family dog, walked it to the front door, kicked it outside physically and said "BYE SEVEN" (the dogs name). Someone coming out of the bathroom heard this and was like what the fuck is wrong with you, did you just kick the dog out the house? she goes "....yessss" like all shy with a smile.

Her reasoning for kicking the dog out the house was this:

She said, (i am not making this up) when she saw the dog, the dog was speaking to her telepathically. the voice was speaking so hard and so ferocious that she could not take even looking at the dog without holding her ears and screaming. through this, she found out that the dog was much like her : unwanted, a slave to others, hated life. So she decided the best thing to do was to kick the dog out on the streets, at 10pm on a 40 degree night, where racoons run wild and would have tore this dog to shreds by the next hour. Apparently she decided the dog needed to be free, and see what life had to offer. It wasnt happy eating free food, having a owner whom it loves, friendship with the other dog which is like its sister, the cat (they get along) and all the love from everyone in the house. This delusional bitch really believed she had dog ESP and that she was doing the dog and EVERYONE ONE ELSE a favor since the dog was so sad and wanted to leave through her dog ESP.

the only reason she hadnt been kicked out is because were afraid she'll slit her wrists cuz this is some grade A nutcase shit goin on. so, someone had to tell her mom, (another mother who was worried) on some 'well if someone didnt tell me what was going on with my daughter id be pissed" her mom didnt raise her, said she didnt know what to do with her and felt that she made a mistake by bringing her to the states.

this is just the highlight. shes been stealing everything in the house, drugs, weed, cigs, food, shampoo, soap, makeup, anything she can get her hands on.
last time the door knocked and the dogs barked and she started looking worried like the world was ending in 12 seconds, i opened my bedroom door, looked at her and said "DO NOT CALL THE COPS" and checked the door.

i just had to vent. fuckin crazy retard stripper bitches. fuck. keep my doors locked.

i walk outside and this dumb daffy duck lookin bitch be tryna show her body off like someone gives a fuck. shit is sad. my boy came over to check on her while we were all out of town. the dogs started barking at the door knock. she hit the ground like modern warfare call of duty...crawled with her elbows to the other side of the house, got two butcher knives, crawled back, all while yelling "whats going on!!! SHHHHH!!!" (my boy could hear this) then calls 911. he had 2 strikes and enough on him to get 3. luckily the nigga jet before the cops came. she thought that since he knocked on the door, it was professional burgalars that knock on the door to see whoms home then invade the house, raping and killing everyone in the house.

so right? do the world a favor stay away from crazy stripper bitches...get some head and cut b. even being around one is hazardous sometimes..this bitch is a special case but i KNOW she aint the only one.

she aint getting money, and this aint hookers at the point.
pussy safari ass bitch.
im honestly thinking about calling the show intervention. just because theyd pay her real well.

i put it out there cuz this is like, normal shit. thats just what happened yesterday.
I had a ex who was crazy. 1 year and a half with her aged me about ten years. Never again will I ever deal with a crazy person in my house for any reason

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
for real..i been niether..were all actually just now coming to grips with how crazy this bitch is. but were not sure if shes a psycho or if its the adderall. i say both. at this point who gives a fuck tho you know? luckily it aint my girl and were cut off from the bitch how the house is set up. its just i hear about something new daily or am affected second hand repeatedly. its gonna come down to either this ho goes or were going, and she'll be leaving way before us. the way shits going ill give it 3-4 days.

stupid ho cant even take out the trash correctly. she'll put the trash on the side of the trash can so the racoons tear it apart, then next day hundreds of flies in 95 degree weather and who gotta pick it up? the man of the house, cuz these chicks are too girly for it. drives me crazy. i agree with you, im eventually just gonna call the shot and make sure shes booted..fuck if she slits her wrist...who cares

selling her drugs aint even worth the hassle...that shits the main reason i never sold crystal
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