so if im like 5g's in debt with cc. hospital bill etc....and im broke, your sayin i should take the bread i use to survive and pay them old ass bills from 99 and shit?...i just dont see the sense in it....until it reaches court its not high priority and im not buyin a home,car,apartment or anything that requires credit anytime soon....yeah i know im fuckin myself but shit.....its either pay an $170 bill from 4 years ago or go buy groceries....or keep the cellphone turned on or pay my hospital bill....or eat dinner tonight or pay Providian....
yeah the whoel wage garnishment thing fuckin sucks ass and cost me more...and i know i'll have to face it, or just change jobs and bank accounts every 6 months or so....or fake my death....but everytime i sneak into the morgue theres no one fittin my