i never said i was the smartest person in the world, but on the same coin, im not the dumbest person either. that shit is just stupid. you wouldnt have to hire black people to do something they do everyday without being paid to do. and trust theres been bigger, way more effective things in place to 'destroy the black man' before death row came about (AKA crack cocaine). LA has had way bigger issues to deal with besides death row as a label and if you lived in southern california and LA in general you probably know that much.
if you want to argue that rap music as a whole, typically gangsta rap, has had negative influences on the black man, i'll go for that. but with that said that gives room to mention to thousands of other things that have played in the downfall of the black man throughout history, whether put in place as a tool of hatred or self-inflicted. gangsta rap, and 'reality rap', has had its effects on people in general. movies, video games, etc etc have as well. thats sort of a wider discussion than just saying 'death row did it!' and its really a bigger discussion than labeling one group like the fbi etc as the sole controller of black hatred. i just hate to see smart discussions fucked off by crackpot theories. might as well say tupac was a lizard-man, too.
and its not gonna stop anyone from making gangster rap, and its not gonna stop anyone from listening, nor is it going to make anyone conciously aware of the messeges they send out, people are still dealing with not snitching on themselves and putting them or their homies in jail over their rap lines...i think having gangsters worry about the social, racial and psychological aspects of gangster rap and death row in general is a little far off to be wishing for.
and tupac was about as much of a black panther as any rapper has been outside of straight-up east coast 5 percenter activism type shit, or like dead prez or something, and i dont see the FBI shooting them in the middle of heavyweight boxing matches