Ignorant ass people with a chip on their shoulder piss me off

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Aug 11, 2004
Ok so today I worked a full day and I was tired. So I get off the 120 bus at top of the hill and call my girl and say "hey im on my way down the hill be there in a sec" when this ignorant 40 something year old black guy starts yellin "hey honkey lemme hollar at your girl" "these people wanna see a fight honkey lemme holla at your girl" and im just like naw man tryna brush it off because im tired as fuck and just wanna go home. So this dude follows me into the lil 7-11 type place across the street. I walk out thinkin that he finally finna leave me alone. He walks up to me knife in hand and says yeah you a scared little bitch.... and at this point im thinkin "yeah motherfucker you got a knife so i guess ima scared lil bitch" so i turn around and fast walk to the store again when i get in this guy is still following me and im just like wtf. so he walks to the back of the store and as soon as im out of his view i take off out the store and down the hill like a lil bitch because i just wanna fucking go home and dont wanna deal with this bullshit..... bottom line i hate fucking ignorant people with chips on their shoulder especially when they blame every white person for everything bad in the world when truth is ive got it just as bad as that motherfucker did. anyways just my little rant because it pissed me off and i wish i had had a knife to stick in his face and say ha what now bitch


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • V


shit man, aint that a bitch. At least you got away clean without gettin fucked up or robbed. Put some in the air man...shit happens...
Aug 11, 2004
now im trippin on if the same crazy motherfucker walks the neighborhood usually cuz that shit happend a block and a half away... and my gears of war is broken so i cant vent.... fuck.... this happened at like 430 and im still so pissed


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • Ry


At first I was gonna clown on you from running and not standing your ground, but then I got to thinking waht would I do in this situation? Like you said he had a knife and you didnt have shit, and I dont blame you for not wanting to be cut the fuck up. Your only option was to stand your ground and probably get stabbed or run. I know I would be keeping an eye out for this dude and would probably fuck him up if the situation was different...
Feb 9, 2003
Well I'm not as forgiving as MR RY. You're a little bitch. Here's a tip you dumb bitch, if he has a knife and you don't use your lead hand to hold whichever hand he's got the blade in and chop him in the fucking throat as hard as possible. You'll either kill him or give your self enough time to beat his ass as he's gasping for air. Or just pack some heat next time your stupid ass decides to go out. Wannabe ass gangster.
Aug 11, 2004
Well I'm not as forgiving as MR RY. You're a little bitch. Here's a tip you dumb bitch, if he has a knife and you don't use your lead hand to hold whichever hand he's got the blade in and chop him in the fucking throat as hard as possible. You'll either kill him or give your self enough time to beat his ass as he's gasping for air. Or just pack some heat next time your stupid ass decides to go out. Wannabe ass gangster.

your funny.... its not always that easy commando man
Feb 9, 2003
Portuguese Godfather said:
your funny.... its not always that easy commando man
LOL! You say that cause you're what? A 19 year old little boy? Death before dishonor and I swear I'd rather be dead than know that I was a bitch.
Aug 11, 2004
yall actin like youd go hella crazy if some big ass dude with a knife was all up on you... not to mention the fact that he was a fucking nuttkase and you could tell he wasnt wrapped tight. but go ahead its a name and im not trippin on the haters....

Dana Dane

RIP Vallejo Kid
May 3, 2002
Gosh, I feel sorry for the kid. But about the time he got to the running part of his story, I knew he was in trouble with you guys!