If I was a slave born into slavery in a world where it was alright to treat slaves like shit I would definitely kill my slave master. But I'd do it with a plan in mind. First I would educate myself in the mindstate of my enemy so I could find his weaknesses. Second I would breed an army of slaves who would rather live by the sword then die in ignorance. Third, I would teach each one of my soldiers to fight with the ferocity, intensity, and hatred of a thousand wronged men who seek justice just in case my enemy found a way to keep the slave population controlled or at odds with each other. This war would never end until my people were free or every last one of us died. And as long as there was still one who believed then there would always be a chance for redemption. As long as one of us remained there would always be fear in the hearts of the slavemasters, because my people never quit, never stop sheding the blood of our enemies, never bow our heads or our hearts, never stop avenging the blood of the innocent, and can never die.
Yes... I would kill my slavemaster. Yes, I would kill your slavemaster. Yes I would kill any slavemaster until they were all dead and there filthy fuckin Godless seed was completely and totally cleansed from this planet. And yes, I would definitely kill any slave who oppossed me or stood in the way of freedom. God help no man who would come to oppress me. God forgive no man who would come to decieve me. God kill any man who would come to lay harm upon your faithful and righteous shepard. God grant me war.