Why do you want to blow up the bay just by talking shit (hating) on other rappers? No disrespect intended towards you Wax, but wouldn't you rather get to the top respectfully? It seems cheap to try to jump on the "Let's talk shit about so and so" bandwagon to make it big.
I see you telling anyone that says anything that isn't supporting your mission of hate that they are haters or that they're being negative. I haven't seen anyone "hating" on you until you start talking shit to them. It seems as though all you want is to surround yourself with negativity. Seems like a waste of energy that you could be putting to good use.
From what I heard of you (I only heard what you did on Decoy's shit), you sounded pretty talented. Jay-Z has never done anything to you. If you're gonna rap about some shit because you feel disrespected, it seems petty to talk shit to some guy that hasn't done anything to ruin your life.