Tre-8 said:
Sick Wit It please read what I wrote and take that shhhit with you!!
Real Talk!!!
Kats like you is why yall stuck listenin to bullshit now!!!!!!!
I'll go read what you wrote and give you the chance to either make good points or put your foot in your mouth. We'll see which way it goes in a second. Make sure you stall out that "kats like you" bullshit though because you don't have any clue.
Here's some 'real talk' for you. It's "kats like you" that
keep the bay stuck in the same place it's been for the last 5 years. Don't be ignorant by letting your own personal tastes in music cover your eyes to the truth.
In my eyes....
We need niggas like Wax who aint afraid to speak the real, fuck a record sell, the truth shall set you free RIGHT!
Where's all this 'real talk' that Wax is supposedly speaking because all I see him doing is whining about the use of slang words. And even that is faulty because a lot of this slang isn't even new, some of it dates back as far as the 1930-40's but the youngsters ain't hip to that fact.
And "fuck a record sell"? Let me hip you to a small little piece of information about the music business. IT'S A BUSINESS. That means it revolves around the ability to generate a profit. People won't buy music talking about stuff they don't give a fuck about and how many people outside of a small little community of bay area rappers do you think gives any fuck about this 'slang-stealing' issue? The answer is nobody.
Yell as loud as you want but what good does it do when nobody even wants to listen in the first place?
Let the man speak the real, isn't it yall who makes the star, why not make Wax a star to represent the West Coast since the ones repping aint doing a good enough job!
It's not our job to make Wax a star, it's his. I didn't realize it was the entire west coasts job to fight the bays fights for them. And for that matter, it's
NO artists responsibility to represent anyone other than themself.
Fuck Jay Z aint that what Pac said?
There's only two kinds of people in this world. People giving orders and people taking them.
Nothing else needs to be said.
Fuck him he's pimping yall dissing and getting yall dumbies to buy his shit, saying fuck the west under his breath and smiling in your face. Stealing your beats your hook your producers your concepts. Was they banging on wax when Jay Z was hawiian soapie thang??????
Sounds like some people are really angry to find out that Jay-Z and his people have way more hustle than they do. Who is the sucka, the person who gets took or the person who does the taking?
It's funny that people are really really upset about Jay-Z but have hardly mentioned Rick Rock. Why is everyone turning their cheek to the fact that one of the bays biggest producers is behind some of Jay-Z's biggest hits?
Mutha fucka's want to focus on the guy who is untouchable to them while ignoring the cat who is right next door. That's some funny logic.
He started banging when he saw there was money in the west when Pac was blowing up...
So what. What are you, mad because someone saw a hustle workin' and got in on it before it played out? REAL hustlers are about their money, not crying over who did what first.
NOw he hits all time low steAL s from the man !!!!!! Pac when he's dead and his hook!!!
Jay-Z didn't steal anything. He PAID for the license to use the idea. You should be directing your anger towards Afeni Shakur for allowing it.
If yall don't agree the west should ride then why would a Tre-8 or a A Wax give a fuck about you buying their record!
Why would the entire west coast give a fuck about a Tre-8 or an A Wax when they
expect support & respect rather than understanding that they have to
EARN it.
Support your own this is west coast!!!!!!
There's suckas & stupidity everywhere and I won't support that regardless of where you are from.
I'm ride or die!
Reals recognize real the fakes can't see shit!
It's not for yall to understand !!!!
Yeah yeah. You are 'hard' and 'real' and anyone who doesn't agree is 'fake' and a 'hater'. The whole industry should be trembling with fear right now.
I'm sure you do. And I doubt anyone who isn't your homie is listening for it.
It's a shame that some of these cats spend more time on other artists than they do themselves. But then again their music reflects that lack of attention.