Ice T and Mafiaqueen think alike!

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Nov 13, 2004
MrPeete said:
Would I want to be a cop? Hell, nah.

I'm more into psychology. Anyway ...

Y'all try so hard to make everything so "street" that when I make points solely based on how humans THINK, y'all don't wanna get it.
Exactly........thats what I said, these mufuckas tryin too hard to be so street that common sense eludes them.
Nov 13, 2004
Originally Posted by Gas One
what type of fucking virtual ass situation is a child getting raped AS YOU WATCH? ive seen the stupidest fucking situations (ie: mafiaqueen) to make it okay to involve law enforcement.

if a child is getting raped as you watch, youre actually going to call cops instead of stop it yourself? how are you gonna feel on the line for 9-11 while some dude is still hitting a little girl from the back in the next room?

look homie, if i see a kid in trouble, im going to risk my life to rectify the situation. if a child is screaming out the window behind a bunch of flames, im not going in the house to call the fire department. theres not time.

what if the cops dont even do anything and he continues to rape children?

what are you gonna do, call the cops twice? be on first name basis with cops?

dont twist around ice-ts words, he said cam involved the rules of the street to hip hop. no one can possibly take every single scenario in the world and put them in two clear sides, "snitching" and "not snitching".

involving yourself in business that in no way involves you is whats bieng said here. unfortunatly, thats bieng considered "not snitching" when it should possibly be called something else.

Make your mind up dude, wasnt it u that said u would watch a child being raped and put on your ipod and smoke one??? I'm sure that was you.....

OG mad dog could be outside fucking a 12 year old boy on the railing of the apartment complex with a bill clinton mask on and a knife to his back and i'd put my ipod on and smoke a cigarette like they werent even there.

Gas One posted this today.....
look homie, if i see a kid in trouble, im going to risk my life to rectify the situation.

Which is it asshole?
Last edited by Gas One : 04-22-2007 at 07:45 PM

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
can you please learn how to use to quote function? what the fuck is all that?

its 8am
jeeeesus christ...this is gonna take a moment..

edit: wow, are you retarded?
i said that SITUATION WOULD NEVER HAPPEN! when the fuck is a situation where a child is getting raped out in the open happens and youre the only one who knows? where is the childrens parents? where is everyone else in this apartment complex? where is my other next door neighbor? how the fuck is a situation where a child gets raped and NO ONE KNOWS BUT ME can happen?

you find me one person on earth who has walked out of their apartment complex to find a child getting raped and that person was the only person aware of it. child molestation is not like the michael jackson verdict.

lets be real. and thats why i said id put on my ipod.

because i generally would not be fucking paying attention to the age of whoever is getting fucked in front of me as i pass them, what the fucks gonna be the tip off?

a bib and a pacifier? are they that young?
or am i going to need to ID them as i pass by?

when i see people having sex in public i turn the other way.
in many situations i WOULD look the other way.

but if in this stupid ass fantasy situation i knew my neighbor was raping a really young kid kid, nah im not gonna walk by him, but you act like a rapist is just gonna sit there raping a child on the balcony of an apartment complex and then KEEP GOING as his neighbor comes out.

thats why i said that. cuz your situation is dumb and you used it only to justify you snitching.
Nov 13, 2004
Gas One said:
can you please learn how to use to quote function? what the fuck is all that?

its 8am
jeeeesus christ...this is gonna take a moment..
All that Sir is your Hypocrisy!!!! You said you'd watch a child being violated and act like they werent even there....then yesterday u get backed into a corner and say "id risk my life to save a child"....which is dog? U changin up but wanna argue.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
first off..i think i quoted mrpeete and you came out of nowhere talking about "and you wanna argue"..

secondly, look, i tear your ass apart in arguments for 8 hours straight at work for what, 2 weeks....and you come back for more. do i have to do this every day?

now i was backed into a corner? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA are you serious? go reread yesterday. please do.

these hypothetical situations you treat as one cut and dry thing have thousands of variables that can be changed around at any moment by a poster going "well what if blah blah?"

ill save a child if the child needs to be saved at that particular moment. burning fire, drowning, falling out of the sky and i'm holding a blanket. those type of things.

do not mix that up with getting on the phone and calling anonymous hotlines, as youve claimed youd do in the other thread.
Nov 13, 2004
Gas One said:
look, i tear your ass apart in arguments for 8 hours straight at work for what, 2 weeks....and you come back for more. do i have to do this every day?

now i was backed into a corner? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA are you serious? go reread yesterday. please do.
Quit dancing around the question.....u said one thing and then another. Anyway seems like those on here that are educated and have common sense get called snitches! Its a sad day when reporting a crime against a child becomes snitching! But dont get ya punk ass fired from that 16 a hr gig so go do some work "big money".

P.S. We could go on and on about this shit...lets get a new topic to debate on.
Nov 13, 2004
Gas One said:
first off..i think i quoted mrpeete and you came out of nowhere talking about "and you wanna argue"..

secondly, look, i tear your ass apart in arguments for 8 hours straight at work for what, 2 weeks....and you come back for more. do i have to do this every day?

now i was backed into a corner? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA are you serious? go reread yesterday. please do.

these hypothetical situations you treat as one cut and dry thing have thousands of variables that can be changed around at any moment by a poster going "well what if blah blah?"

ill save a child if the child needs to be saved at that particular moment. burning fire, drowning, falling out of the sky and i'm holding a blanket. those type of things.

do not mix that up with getting on the phone and calling anonymous hotlines, as youve claimed youd do in the other thread.
He still dancing........Its ok...everybody can just read the facts.
Nov 13, 2004
Gas One said:
i'm sorry i didnt ease the dick in you, mafiaqueen.

how about a mcdonalds burger to make it awwwww better?
Yeah right punk, u got a uterus and a clit homeboy. Bend over lil nigga and I'll stick my finger in yo booty punk. You preach all this hardcore shit but u work a job on a computer makin 54 bucks a day, but u gangsta. You a punk.

But my educated side is glad to see u doin that rather than out here doin nothin mixed up in bullshit.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
here goes all the gay shit again.....

16 an hour plus 1.50 in lieu of benefits is 56 dollars a day? nice calculations!
mafiaqueen actually remembers how much i get hourly..thats hella cute...

and since when is this thread about my job?

PS: dont forget to take out the money i take out of my checks for my 401k, looks like i get paid less! o noo, mafia queen! =(
Nov 13, 2004
Gas One said:
here goes all the gay shit again.....

16 an hour plus 1.50 in lieu of benefits is 56 dollars a day? nice calculations!
mafiaqueen actually remembers how much i get hourly..thats hella cute...

and since when is this thread about my job?
It aint, I'm just makin a point that you tryin to be sooooo gangsta by the code that its overkill!! Its ridiculous. And you right!!! Your job has nothin to do with the topic just like child crimes has nothin to do with snitchin. But u talk shit so u gotta pay how u weigh. But its cool, I dont judge people on what they have and dont have I judge them on where there tryna go.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
oh exscuse me, for not bieng able to get a job for 7 years because of the question "have you been convicted of a crime within the last 7 years?" and that 7 years passed and i'm finally making some legal money, 401k money saved up, my work pays for college, all that.

get the fuck off my nuts. put bluntly.

edit: and im NOT a gangster. why do you keep saying that? ive made it perfectly clear that i was never into banging.
Nov 11, 2006
mafiaqueen said:
Yeah right punk, u got a uterus and a clit homeboy. Bend over lil nigga and I'll stick my finger in yo booty punk. You preach all this hardcore shit but u work a job on a computer makin 54 bucks a day, but u gangsta. You a punk.

But my educated side is glad to see u doin that rather than out here doin nothin mixed up in bullshit.
This bitch always talkin about some "finger in a booty" or some gay ass shit. What the fucc is the deal bitch? Like i said yesterday, u probably aint even a female, u a fuccin he-she tryna act like a chic. This bitch is hurting for friends so bad its fuccin pathetic
May 10, 2002
T-Spoon said:
typical cop mentality. its okay rodney king got his ass beat, because according to mr peete, if rodney king didn't evade the cops, he wouldn't have got his ass beat. sound right? fold.
1) Rhetorical question + Terrible analogy = ^^^
Nov 11, 2006
mafiaqueen said:
Oh wow...dont get it twisted baby aint nothin square about me I'm from the hood just like u. I've done dumb shit just like u. I aint just some helpless green chick runnin around and for the record I keeps a tone. But whether you have kids or not, human decensy is human decensy and where I'm from and how I was taught crimes against women and children are frowned upon. But I understand in this day and age of super hard core gangstas like yourself, there is no limit to the depth you would stoop cuz you keepin it real. I get it ok. And if someone put a gun to my kids or a loved ones head I would do anything, but if they dont kill me then u know what it is. I can get real surgical with that AR-15 in my closet, and the my Taurus PT145 Pro I keep in my purse. So you can save all that fuck shit you talkin bout bitch nigga.....
LMAO this bitch livin her life like she in a fuccin movie. how the fucc do u go from ROTC to alonzo in training day?? THIS BITCH IS FUCCIN FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!

............and she a fuccin SNITCH
Nov 13, 2004
Gas One said:
oh exscuse me, for not bieng able to get a job for 7 years because of the question "have you been convicted of a crime within the last 7 years?" and that 7 years passed and i'm finally making some legal money, 401k money saved up, my work pays for college, all that.

get the fuck off my nuts. put bluntly.
Punk I was actually complimenting u.....I was sayin...Even tho I talk shit on your job "cuz u provoke me" but I'm not judging u on where u at right now BUT where u want to be. If u was just content at that job thinkin you got it made then you would need to be clowned, but u have a plan to do bigger and better things...thats what I look at cuz thats what counts. Where u tryna go, the NOW is just temporary. So all in all I was just complimenting u, maybe u misunderstood me.
Nov 11, 2006
MrPeete said:
The cheater:

1) Put himself in a position to get caught.

2) Is mad because he was unable to get away with something that in his heart he knew he shouldn't be doing. This is why he gets mad because he was unable to accomplish his goal (cheat on test to achieve high grade). Now he wants to create a "snitch" scapegoat.

To me, (and I'm the only one it seems, lol) calling the individual (who told on the cheater) a "snitch" is the cheater's way of trying to circumvent personal responsibility ONCE HE'S CAUGHT. It's all fun and games until you get caught, then you get like this :mad:

It's not even that the cheater is trying to justify his actions so much as he's refusing to take responsibility for them. That's what is getting lost in all of this.

The people who preach this "Stop Snitchin" bullshit are brainwashing the listeners to be immature, self absorbed, self centered, babies who lack the wherewithal to handle anything that doesn't go their way. 'Somethin bad happens -- not my fault... can't be my fault... I'm me, I can't do anything wrong.'
Mind ur own fuccin business!!!! get off the next nigga nuts u fuccin square!!
May 10, 2002
The Evil Genius said:
Itz called MIND YOUR FUCKIN BUSINESS. so what if someone cheats on a test. how iz that affecting you directly or indirectly. Let it be. Someone snitching on another person who cheats a test is the same type of person who tells on someone who clocks in 4 work 5 minutes late or clocks out 5 minutes early. That shit iz gay IMO.
I'm not saying DON'T mind your business but you're a fool for getting mad at someone else because you got caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing.

How come it's never the 'offenders' (couldn't think of a better word) fault?? Everything is the "snitch's" fault in these cases.

The 'offenders' in these cases feel like they should be able to do whatever they want without consequence and that is 400% bullshit
Nov 13, 2004
jmacc916 said:
This bitch always talkin about some "finger in a booty" or some gay ass shit. What the fucc is the deal bitch? Like i said yesterday, u probably aint even a female, u a fuccin he-she tryna act like a chic. This bitch is hurting for friends so bad its fuccin pathetic
Here this bitch nigga go again. Like I said yesterday,some of U niggaz on here act like faggots so thats how I'ma treat u. So bend over faggot while I stick my hand in ya booty pussy nigga! And for the record I'm all female but I'm sure you will be more women than I could ever be.