Ice T and Mafiaqueen think alike!

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Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
mafiaqueen said:
Rappers do it all the time!!!
monkey see monkey do...

keep telling everyone the location of your guns and what specification they are..

how hard is it to match your IP....

because this what real murderers do...tell everyone online..

youre a fucking clown and you make conversations on this topic fantasy island..
Nov 11, 2006
Gas One said:
Because people with guns that they use really tell everyone their stash spots...

youre a grade a snitch and game goofy on top of that.

worst combination possible.
See what im sayin my nigga?? This bitch tryna impress niggaz on a fuccin forum, talkin about "look guys me and ice-t would snitch together", thats how u know she aint real.
Bitch u already got exposed as a snitch, now u gettin exposed for the dumb ass fake ass dookie braid ass ho that u are
Nov 13, 2004
Gas One said:
Because people with guns that they use or have ever used, really tell everyone their stash spots...on a gangster rap forum...

what person who really dumps on someone tells a gangster rap forum on the internet which guns they use...

youre a grade a snitch and game goofy on top of that.

worst combination possible.
continue to entertain us..
I aint never said I dumped on anyone and in case u aint know u do have the right to bare arms dude. I've got a fuckin arsenal and bought most of that shit out of the store. You keep tossin around that snitch word ya faggot, u got proof of me snitchin on anybody cocksucker? And I'm never game goofy, punk.
Nov 11, 2006
Cante-up said:
If this thread was a fist fight Mafiaqueen would have knocked down 2 dudes all by herself....
AH AHAHAHAHAH who are the real pussy?????
shut that shit the fucc up, u probably one of those euro-nortenos who aint never been to northern cali. quit playin captain save-a-ho nigga
Nov 13, 2004
jmacc916 said:
shut that shit the fucc up, u probably one of those euro-nortenos who aint never been to northern cali. quit playin captain save-a-ho nigga
U are so transparent...u are such a wanna be. Its been fun but I'm gonna have to dismiss u now....

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
mafiaqueen said:
I aint never said I dumped on anyone
dont you admittedly get "real surgical" ?

mafiaqueen said:
and in case u aint know u do have the right to bare arms dude.
and now you wanna sound all 'real surgical' isnt legal, dummy.

mafiaqueen said:
I've got a fuckin arsenal and bought most of that shit out of the store. You keep tossin around that snitch word ya faggot, u got proof of me snitchin on anybody cocksucker? And I'm never game goofy, punk.
every thread, you use the words "faggot" "cocksucker" etc when someone backs you into a actually interrupted a thread about snitching JUST TO TALK ABOUT HOMOSEXUAL SEX last time this happened. remember that thread? that got deleted because you refused to stick to the subject?

try to not do that this time.
the two things you do,

A) trying to look more 'street' than you are
B) repeated use of homosexual topics when not able to stand your ground in conversations

stop, be an adult.
Nov 13, 2004
Gas One said:
monkey see monkey do...

keep telling everyone the location of your guns and what specification they are..

how hard is it to match your IP....

because this what real murderers do...tell everyone online..

youre a fucking clown and you make conversations on this topic fantasy island..
Go ahead and match my IP baby aint shit to hide.....I aint commit no crime. Oh yall scared now...cuz I said gun...Your favorite rapper says it all the time to the world. 50 cent shot a video in his house with real guns talkin bout killin Camron!!!LOL at u sissy ass punks. Naw A women come on here stylin on u bout some heat, now yall wanna bitch up. Any one of u niggaz can try and match my IP and run up in here if u wanna....ha..ha..thats what my daddy used to call a freeby.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
mafiaqueen said:
.I aint commit no crime.
then why the fuck are you in this thread, and how is your opinion on anything involving snitching valid?

get your story right, are you your "mafiaqueen" internet alter ego, or are you the person above?

if you cant even hold up a conversation and stick straight with people online, how the fuck are you going to hold up to an professionally trained interrogrator, "dude"???

id hate to know you and be a criminal...thats for fuckin sure..
Feb 27, 2005
jmacc916 said:
shut that shit the fucc up, u probably one of those euro-nortenos who aint never been to northern cali. quit playin captain save-a-ho nigga
just my point of view homie.... i aint playin no shit on internet.
Nov 13, 2004
Gas One said:
dont you admittedly get "real surgical" ?

and now you wanna sound all 'real surgical' isnt legal, dummy.

every thread, you use the words "faggot" "cocksucker" etc when someone backs you into a actually interrupted a thread about snitching JUST TO TALK ABOUT HOMOSEXUAL SEX last time this happened. remember that thread? that got deleted because you refused to stick to the subject?

try to not do that this time.
the two things you do,

A) trying to look more 'street' than you are
B) repeated use of homosexual topics when not able to stand your ground in conversations

stop, be an adult.
Oh am real surgical, was #1 in my training class at the range. For the record I was in ROTC in high school and guns was always a hobby. Anyway, Gas One I'm so tired of seeing u on here always bumpin your dicksuckers, I guess most of u niggaz cuz of how yall act reminds me of faggots,etc so maybe thats where it comes from. I call u faggot cuz u are, its been plenty of other people that co-sign what I say and yalld dont say shit to them but cuz I'ma chick you wanna try and go hard....But guess what, I'm harder!
Nov 11, 2006
mafiaqueen said:
U are so transparent...u are such a wanna be. Its been fun but I'm gonna have to dismiss u now....
see thats the problem with u u stupid cunt...i wasnt even talkin to u and u wanna jump in the conversation like a fuccin FBI agent. U should know ur fuccin role and only speak when spoken to. but 4 real every thread this bitch post she talk about some "cocksucker" or some gay ass shit. U probably aint even a female, u a fuccin fag livin your life as a bitch. Like i said ho, u gettin too emotional bout some website. go checc on ur bad-ass kids
Nov 11, 2006
mafiaqueen said:
Oh am real surgical, was #1 in my training class at the range. For the record I was in ROTC in high school and guns was always a hobby. Anyway, Gas One I'm so tired of seeing u on here always bumpin your dicksuckers, I guess most of u niggaz cuz of how yall act reminds me of faggots,etc so maybe thats where it comes from. I call u faggot cuz u are, its been plenty of other people that co-sign what I say and yalld dont say shit to them but cuz I'ma chick you wanna try and go hard....But guess what, I'm harder!

hahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahaah LMBFO!!!!!!!!! ROTC???? This bitch fake as fucc!!!!!!!hahahahahahaahahahahahha

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
mafiaqueen said:
Oh am real surgical, was #1 in my training class at the range. For the record I was in ROTC in high school and guns was always a hobby. Anyway, Gas One I'm so tired of seeing u on here always bumpin your dicksuckers, I guess most of u niggaz cuz of how yall act reminds me of faggots,etc so maybe thats where it comes from. I call u faggot cuz u are, its been plenty of other people that co-sign what I say and yalld dont say shit to them but cuz I'ma chick you wanna try and go hard....But guess what, I'm harder!
hold on let me get my puppet for you.

(puts on kermit the frog hand puppet from childhood)

now watch kermit the frogs mouth, mafia queen.

kermit the frog said:
youre steak cooked for an hour. done. and not even your little 'a man i dont know on the internet is gay because im ms. cleo and i say so' shit aint gonna turn that around. no need to even fight about that one because that right there is ridiculous.

edit: LOL ROTC.

my grandfather taught me how to shoot guns...not stupid ass fuckin rotc stupid ass chick. aaahahaha. shit gets funnier and funnier.
Nov 11, 2006
mafiaqueen said:
Oh am real surgical, was #1 in my training class at the range. For the record I was in ROTC in high school and guns was always a hobby. Anyway, Gas One I'm so tired of seeing u on here always bumpin your dicksuckers, I guess most of u niggaz cuz of how yall act reminds me of faggots,etc so maybe thats where it comes from. I call u faggot cuz u are, its been plenty of other people that co-sign what I say and yalld dont say shit to them but cuz I'ma chick you wanna try and go hard....But guess what, I'm harder!
I cant stop fuccin laughin, i at least though this dumb bitch had a little bit of street in her. ROTC was nothin but nerdy ass white kids. Now all of a sudden shes a "mafia queen" LMAO
Nov 13, 2004
Gas One said:
then why the fuck are you in this thread, and how is your opinion on anything involving snitching valid?

get your story right, are you your "mafiaqueen" internet alter ego, or are you the person above?

if you cant even hold up a conversation and stick straight with people online, how the fuck are you going to hold up to an professionally trained interrogrator, "dude"???

id hate to know you and be a criminal...thats for fuckin sure..
OK GAs one you win.....How would I hold up to an interrogator???? I wouldnt have to, thats what I got a lawyer for homie. I see you would look just like them suckas u see on The First 48 Hours who think they can talk they way up outta somethin....I aint sayin shit but lawyer!! They interrogate u cuz they "dont know" and are trying to find out. I know how it go but u keep mixing my shit up Gas One...come on dude!! I aint never ever ever tried to justify true "snitching" as in the example Ice made. Why do u insist on misquoting me??

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.


mafiaqueen said:
OK GAs one you win.....How would I hold up to an interrogator???? I wouldnt have to, thats what I got a lawyer for homie.


we might need your lawyer next to your stupid ass while you type then...he would have advised you to shut the fuck up 20 minutes ago..oh wait...i mean..4 hours ago
Nov 13, 2004
jmacc916 said:
see thats the problem with u u stupid cunt...i wasnt even talkin to u and u wanna jump in the conversation like a fuccin FBI agent. U should know ur fuccin role and only speak when spoken to. but 4 real every thread this bitch post she talk about some "cocksucker" or some gay ass shit. U probably aint even a female, u a fuccin fag livin your life as a bitch. Like i said ho, u gettin too emotional bout some website. go checc on ur bad-ass kids
LOL!!! This dude is hilarious...