The movie is called district 9 becuase that is where the Aliens are encamped. Not once did they refer to the NEW camp (the one with tents) as District 10, so there is no reason to name the sequel as such.
At the end of the movie they did speak on the new camp as, District 10. Right before the end credits began to roll. It was even mentioned how many aliens, lived in district 10, something like 2.8 mill, if i'm not mistaken.
yep, that's exactly why it will be called district 10 and why it was obvious there will be a sequel. I think it has the potential to be better than district 9 to, since 9 was all about laying down the foundation to the story and explaining everything. District 10 will be much more violent I'd imagine.
Plus there is a lot of unanswered shit, like why was the ship there in the first place for one.
I stuck around in the movie until the credits began rolling because, the ending was a little flat to me. That's why I figured District 10 will just pick up 3 years later in the story, from where District 9 left me hanging.
yep, that's exactly why it will be called district 10 and why it was obvious there will be a sequel. I think it has the potential to be better than district 9 to, since 9 was all about laying down the foundation to the story and explaining everything. District 10 will be much more violent I'd imagine.
Does anyone ever go to IMDB and check out the message boards there? Its hilarious, especially when it comes to big time movies like Summer Blockbusters. If you have a chance, check them out. Its an alternative to posting here when it gets slow. The District 9 forum is crazy right now.
they did show the main character as a complete prawn but only for a couple secs and yea they called the new slum at the end district 10... and christopher did say he would be back in 3 years to turn him back into human... im satisfied if they choose not to make a sequel, but it does seem like they will.
this movie was fukin sick. not what i expected and unlike anything i've seen before. a strange mix of black humor and science fiction with big budget effects. I want to see it again.
I thought the movie was finished. I feel there is an opening for a sequel, but i'd much prefer they didn't. A small part of me thinks they would be able to do it right because they did a good job with District 9, but the rest of me tells that other part not to be dumb the odds are in favor of it getting fucked up.
I like to think they don't come back and dude has to stay that way.
Neill Blomkamp Says Studio Wants DISTRICT 9 Sequel
In THIS INTERVIEW with SciFiMoviePage, writer/director Neill Blomkamp reveals that The Powers That Be want a "sequel" to DISTRICT 9 - which he "jokingly" (although not unexpectedly) refers to as DISTRICT 10.
The interview discusses whether to prequel or not to prequel, what to do with Wikus, etc.
i got the R5 very good version. merged the subtitles with the movie, you miss out on alot if you watch this not knowing what the aliens say.
very good movie, i want a sequel as other said to explain why the ship stopped there and to see if Christopher comes back and what happens to Wikus..... they never show the Prawns at the new camp which kinda makes you curious as to how conditions are there and i would like to find out more about Wikus' next in line exposing the MNU's plot ... alot of unanswered questions.
i got the R5 very good version. merged the subtitles with the movie, you miss out on alot if you watch this not knowing what the aliens say.
very good movie, i want a sequel as other said to explain why the ship stopped there and to see if Christopher comes back and what happens to Wikus..... they never show the Prawns at the new camp which kinda makes you curious as to how conditions are there and i would like to find out more about Wikus' next in line exposing the MNU's plot ... alot of unanswered questions.
didnt really care to watch it but did in the theaters but I did and really didnt care to watch aliens living in the ghetto eating cat food but there better be a damn sequal I was hoping they cut to 3years later in this flick but shit left me hanging