Depends on the movie and how crowded it is. I've gotten friends in like 15 deep before a couple times.
@Tony - I usually work from 5pm to close. My days vary but I work like 90% of the time Fri, Sat, and Sun. I'm actually off tomorrow though. Just ask for me.
fuck you when u work enough hours to just pay ur bills and rent and got like 20 bucks for gas after its all said and done then you would have your brother download that shit too hell if i had extra money i would go see it assface
If you like Sci-Fi movies and/or you like Action movies there is no reason you shouldn't see this movie.
I think it is fair to compare it to sci-action movies like Aliens and Predator.
It did a fantastic job of integrating the CGI. It isn't on some Jar Jar Binks lookin cartoony bullshit. When you have a person standing next to a CGI alien and it looks like they belong together they've done a good job.
It was also impressive from the perspective that they could make you feel for an alien and not have to make it some humanoid/furry ewok lookin thing.
It was pretty graphic and was deserving of the R rating. Actual human violence not just alien violence.
Was worth the $7 to see it with the big screen and big sound of a theater too. So don't fuck around and wait for DVD or a bootleg just go see it. See it during the day if you don't want to pay so much, but go see it.
No, trust me I thought that too. Look within the first few posts in this thread and dude who said the same thing I propped.
This movie is fucking DOPE though. Seriously, and I don't even really like sci-fi like I said before. Check it out in theatres or at least make sure you or where you watch it at has a big screen and high quality surround sound. It def. will make a difference but even without that I think it will still come out as a good movie.
They must have done a good job marketing this + it seems like it had great reviews going into opening because the theater had tons of people waiting to see this movie.
There wasn't a line or anything, but much more than I expected. Which is good because I think this movie delivers the goods.
yea this movie was great... it was a lil different then i thought it was ganna be but played out great... it almost feels like a documentary in a sense how they are going threw the slums where the aliens or should i say prawns live, and like someone said earlier the cgi is on point and you do start to feel bad for the prawns cuzz all i got to say was christopher was the shit, glad he got to go home... movie was dope, you got to go check it out... theathres do this movie justice, i prolly wouldnt enjoy it nearly as much if i saw it bootlegged...
Movies are around $10 to see in a theater over here. I'm going to see this tonight at 10. I had to talk some others out of seeing The Orphan for this one. Looks really good and the ratings are high!
fools who afraid to spend 10 bucks or think this looks wack, are just cheatin themselves.
this was prolly the best movie i seen of 09, original, graphic, entertaining, actually have a strong story, even funny.
Just saw it. Great movie. Like a lot of you were saying, it was a lot more intense than I was thinking it would be. It seemed like it ended quickly even though it was a 2 hour movie. The character development was on point. Especially the main guy. I didnt really like his character at first but that changed early in the second act. This makes 2 bomb sci fi movies this summer (Moon would be the other).