Howard Stern About To Get Kicked Off The Air Waves

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Mar 12, 2004
Ironic Commando said:
im surprised mike savage to still has an audience...thanks to clear channel. double standard if i ever heard one.
what is so indecent about what he says??? have you ever heard him swear and/or speak graphically about sexual things????
Dec 13, 2003
Hatch said:
what is so indecent about what he says??? have you ever heard him swear and/or speak graphically about sexual things????
i believe he was the one that told a gay dood to get sodomised...catch aids and die. he got fired for that shit...and clear channel picked him up. and it wasnt too long ago either. now howard didnt come anywhere near that harsh

and are you sure those ratings you posted aren't clear chanel rating. because your lying to yourself if you think howard has less than 7 million listeners. hes on way too many markets to have that low of a following.
Apr 25, 2002
gettin kicked off 7 stations and having your pay withheld even though you have an iron clad contract is tantamount to being fired. stern is a contractor to clear channel and he was FIRED. are you even part of the working world? or are you a trust fund republican? it is REASONABLE to come to that conclusion.

since the republicans deregulated the airwaves, for financial gain, this allowed frequencies to be scooped up by the few. so it is extremely hard to be picked up in a market if there are not a lot of stations that are not under the same umbrella. and those that are not part of a major corporation probably dont have the cash to pay to syndicate stern. now that the few conservatives and religious right are trying to make decisions for the entire country it would be a big gamble for a station to contract with stern, and then have to drop him because of "indecency standards."

Furthermore the push for deregulaion was prompted by the same argument conservatives always hide behind-"free enterprise must be allowed so we dont become socialists."
But lets examine what has really happened : now we have lost freedom of speech, choice, and the few own the rights to speak to the masses through the medium of radio.
GOD DAMN - THAT LOOKS TO ME TO BE CLOSER TO COMMUNISM, then if we left the airwaves to be doled out by the government. WOW. at least if the government were still in charge there would be more choice, stations would be more affordable, AND we could be generating revenue for the government to make up for the republicans fat cat spending.
Mar 12, 2004
Ironic Commando said:
i believe he was the one that told a gay dood to get sodomised...catch aids and die. he got fired for that shit...and clear channel picked him up. and it wasnt too long ago either.
clear channel picked him up after he got fired from MSNBC???? come on Mike Savage has had his radio show for close to 10 years.

Ironic Commando said:
because your lying to yourself if you think howard has less than 7 million listeners.
i dont recall EVER saying that Stern had less than 7 million listeners. i simply asked if those numbers were accurate.

Ironic Commando said:
hes on way too many markets to have that low of a following.
i dont think he is on ANY channels in my area. i am in the central valley/california
Dec 13, 2003
Hatch said:
clear channel picked him up after he got fired from MSNBC???? come on Mike Savage has had his radio show for close to 10 years.

i dont recall EVER saying that Stern had less than 7 million listeners. i simply asked if those numbers were accurate.

i dont think he is on ANY channels in my area. i am in the central valley/california
yes...make savage did have his show for 10 years...but i did get fired recently...then picked back clear channel.

no you didnt say howard had less than 7million...but in your rating scale...hes not even mentioned..i and i know for a fact...even if he's not number one...hes still in the top 3. my point your info accurate?

I dont ever saying he had all the markets. i came from the monterey areas...and hes never had a market out there.matter of fact...i think you guys have to T-man show. and i think clear channel owns the majority of the market out there and when clear channel fired him...he was only on 6 clear channel stations to begin with. but thats not the point i was trying to point was...he has to many markets to have less than 7 million listeners.
Mar 12, 2004
Ironic Commando said:
yes...make savage did have his show for 10 years...but i did get fired recently...then picked back clear channel.
actually the same thing happened to him as did happen to Stern.

His shown was based out of San Francisco 560 AM KSFO which is an ABC/Disney owned radio station. and they pulled him from all their channels including the top AM station in the country 790 WABC in New York City (why werent you guys complaining about that like you are now with stern) for a couple of months until their contract ran out. at which time he was a free agent and signed a deal with Clear Channel out of San Francisco KNEW 910 AM. so i would assume stern can do the same thing. and i can tell you that savage was pulled from a hell of a lot more than 6 stations.

Ironic Commando said:
i and i know for a fact...even if he's not number one...hes still in the top 3.

my point was...he has to many markets to have less than 7 million listeners.
according to "Talkers Magazine" which is talk radios magazine of record he is ranked tied for 3rd with Dr. Laura. and personally i think Dr. Laura has a bigger audience. but i really dont care cause my favorite shows are ranked #1 and #2 and no wheres near the #3 show
Dec 13, 2003
Hatch(why werent you guys complaining about that like you are now with stern) [/QUOTE said:
because he got pulled for making an out of pocket statment...howard hasn't said or done anything wrong.
matter of fact...they cant even quote anything bad thats come out of howard's mouth. so they cant to go back in to the archieves 3 years to find a reason to fine him.

bottom line...dont you find it ironic that howard gets fired from his stations for indecent comments made by a listener..but they hire someone whos a blatant homophobe that told a gay dood to get aids and die...right after they do these BS regulations. perhaps clear channel share the same opinion.
Mar 12, 2004
Ironic Commando said:
howard hasn't said or done anything wrong.
of course he hasnt. :confused:

i have seen his show on TV. and it constantly gets beeped.

Ironic Commando said:
but they hire someone whos a blatant homophobe that told a gay dood to get aids and die...
ya he is such a homophobe that his personal bodyguard is a lesbian. that doesnt make much sense now does it.

just because he told some unknown guy, who as far as i can recall, never claimed to be gay to get aids and die, that is supposed to make him a homophobe???

what if the guy was a straight guy and he told him that??? would that make him a heterophobe???

Ironic Commando said:
but they hire someone whos a blatant homophobe that told a gay dood to get aids and die...right after they do these BS regulations. perhaps clear channel share the same opinion.
based on this quote above from you, i get the impression that you think that Clear Channel hired Savage AFTER the Janet Jackson and/or Howard Stern fiascos???

Clear Channel hired Savage over a year ago after Disney/ABC pulled him off of all their channels (which happen to be more than 6 channels) simply because he was entertaining offers from rival distributors since his contract with ABC/Disney was almost over.
Dec 13, 2003
this will be my last response to you on this topic. i heard the broadcast that got him fired. and he was talking to a gay person. white people have big black body guards all day...but those same white people wont set foot in a situation involving multiple minorities. just because the got a negro on the roster...dont make then exempt from being a racist...replace black person with lesbian.

mike savage made that comment and paid for it. if i were in charged...i wouldnt have fired him for it..just like i wouldnt have fired stern from his stations. my point is...clear channel seems to be on a bias...and though im not gonna buy into stern's conspiracy seems sketchy to me that stern gets fired for things that been taking place on his show for 20 years,,,and yet clear channel keeps people on their roster that have said...and continue to say things that are less that decent. just seems like a personal vendetta.

yes...stern has not done anything indecent...controversial...but not indecent. and the guests that he has on the show get bleeped. and they get bleeped for saying words like vagina. sterns is pretty good at regulating those big bad words. you rarely hear the f-bomb...and its never from him or his employee.

and while on the subject..KMBY...a clear channel rock station...use to let the f-bombs fly all the the afternoon. they let the rock songs use the obscenities...but when they play a rap song...its get bleeped left and right. so it goes to show that you are only as obscene as who you are. so while sayin words like "queef" gets you bleeped on stern's late night could get away with a lot more if you're leno.

please believe...this is bigger than stern. i can live without him. i didnt like him up untill a year ago...but i choose to listen to him because he thinks like me and says things that i wouldnt say..but think of. pretty soon..nobody will be able to choose what they wanna hear...the day clear channel is forced to no longer be bias...all of your favorite shows are in danger. no longer will you be able to hear a conflicting opinion. imagin listening to a station full of yes men. radio where ryan seacrests and will smiths are the only thing that you can hear because they are "safe". right now..if you dont like can simply turn elsewhere..pretty soon you wont have that option.
Apr 25, 2002
If you think Howard Stern doesn't have the power to make an impact in the election you are totally blind. Stern fans roll deep and will do anything for him. I think they are fuckin with the wrong guy.