Howard Stern About To Get Kicked Off The Air Waves

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Apr 25, 2002
FUBU Outlet
Posted by Jon on Monday Mar 1, 2004 at 6:39 PM Pacific Time
Late last week, I posted an item in which I suggested that Clear Channel's decision to yank Howard Stern off of its radio stations just days after he lashed out against the "president" was likely due to the company's ties to the Bush administration--a possibility virtually ignored by the mainstream media. Stern fan-site King of All Media ( posted a link to the story, and thousands of you came here to read it.

So today, Howard said this:

I gotta tell you somethin': There's a lotta people sayin' that the second that I started sayin', "I think we gotta get Bush outta the presidency," that's when Clear Channel banged my ass outta here. Then I find out that Clear Channel is such a big contributor to "President" Bush, and in bed with the whole Bush administration ... I'm goin', "Maybe that's why I was thrown off: 'cuz I was thinkin' about goin' for John Kerry, because I don't like the way the country is leaning too much to the religious right with this abortion and this stem-cell research and gay marriage and all that." And then, BAM: "Let's get rid of Stern."

I used to think, "Oh, I can't believe that." But that's it! That's what's going on here! I know it! I know it!

I know it too, Howard. Welcome to my nightmare.

"Howard Stern does have the right to say whatever he wants anywhere, but he doesn't necessarily have the right to say it on that station if the people who run the station don't want him to," Kerry said while campaigning in New York, where Stern's show is broadcast.

A questioner at the town hall meeting in Brooklyn asked Kerry to stand up for Stern's right to say what he wants because the Republican-led government is repressing his right to free speech.

Kerry said he disagrees that Stern faces repression.

"If you are working for somebody and they have a set of rules, that's the deal," Kerry said. "And it doesn't mean he can't go out and say it somewhere if somebody else wants to have him say that."

Clear Channel Communications this week yanked Stern off stations in San Diego, Pittsburgh, Rochester, N.Y., Louisville, Ky., and Fort Lauderdale and Orlando, Fla. Clear Channel said the suspension would last until the Stern show met its programming guidelines.

Stern's nationally syndicated show appears on more than 40 stations across North America and draws millions of listeners.
Jul 10, 2002
The issue more at hand is free speech and how these right wing conservative's are trying to terminate the civil liberties this country was founded on.

Is it coincidence that 5 days after he broadcast he will not vote for Bush but Kerry he is removed by John Hogan (Bush consituant) major media congolomorate of radio, t.v. & news...
I think not.

People, this is a great country but as my man Marvin said "What's going on?"
Jul 7, 2002
even thought i dont like the Howard Stren show, thats prety fucked up shit right there.

we dont get Howard Sten show in fresno, we have jack and bean. ( i think its jack and bean ). LOL. Anyways, that bean show is hella funny
May 2, 2002
I don't know if him being taken off the air has anything to do with him talkin' about Bush.

The Doghouse rips on Bush almost every day and nothing seems to be happening to them.

And I do believe that Clear Channel owns 94.9 as well.
May 8, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
I don't know any of the details, but I was told he's getting fired because he called dubya a "loser, just like his father". I'm not sure if this is true or not.
Stern ISNT getting fired at all. Clear Channel just decided to pull his show from their stations across the entire country ALL 6 OR 7 STATIONS.

And it isnt because he criticized the president. for alote of people criticize him and nothing happens to them.

the reason clear channel did this is because they were before the Senate and the FCC last week in which they had to pay of $750,000 fine for broadcasting indecent material. and i take it they didnt want to get hit with another fine (stern doesnt hardly do indecent shit!) since the Senate i believe upped the penalty from $27,000 per incident, per channel to $400,000 (i think?) per incident, per channel.
May 8, 2002
Jomodo said:
The issue more at hand is free speech and how these right wing conservative's are trying to terminate the civil liberties this country was founded on.
the biggest conservative of them all Rush Limbaugh was against clear channel on this issue??? most of the "Right Wingers" i listen to on the radio were against Stern being pulled from the market. as a matter of fact most of the "right wingers" i listen to on the radio are saying that they have a meetings with Clear Channel Reps in a couple of weeks to go over with is considered indecent material.

Jomodo said:
Is it coincidence that 5 days after he broadcast he will not vote for Bush but Kerry he is removed by John Hogan (Bush consituant) major media congolomorate of radio, t.v. & news...
I think not.
there are alote of people who have come out and said they wont vote for bush. i dont see them all getting fired.
Apr 25, 2002
stern has not been fined since 1994. and the fine they payed for wasnt his so why sis he get canned?

stern WAS fired as an employee of clear channel. what are u talking about? and those 1/7 markets are all metropolitian areas.