2-0-Sixx said:
100% complete nonsense. There are millions of people around the world that live without religion, who are better men then you claim Jesus was.
I have read it, studied it, and understood it.
And what is a sin? A sin is disobeying god. And what happens when you disobey your master, guilt quickly follows.
Religious morality is nothing more then the denaturalization of values. It seperates the pursuit of values from their natural consequences and relies instead on sanctions, both physical and psychological to motivate obedience to its moral rules. In Christianity, hell is the most prominect physical sanction, and sin is the most pychological sanction.
Christianity is nothing more then FEAR and GUILT. Punishment, and Rewards. Heaven, and Hell. Christianity is responsible for the notion that morality is impractical, and has LITTLE or NOTHING to do with mans happiness on earth.
Man already feels guilt. It is in our nature. Do you think us Atheist run around on the streets abusing other humans with no sense of guilt at all? It is absured to say man does not feel guilt without religion.
I'm sure 97% of criminals feel guilty about the crimes they committed at one point in there lives. Just because they are criminals, doesnt necessarlly mean they do not believe in god or do not follow any religion. Infact, I'am 100% positive the majority of criminals do believe in god.
I won't be on for at least 2 weeks, my hdd fried.
But either way, I'm at work now and I have to respond to this.
1)You talk about non-sense? Man you ain't gotta lie to kick it! Name one man on Earth that is a better man than Jesus? Just name one? Name one person in history who lived a perfect life????
Bro, don't let your anger do the talking because your comment was 100% bullshit.
And as far as there being millions of people living around the world with out religion, that's very true.
And that is the reason why we have so many problems in this world today.
2) How old are you? You claim to have read the bible and you supposedly understand it.
If you've actually read it, then your state of mind at this point is still developing.
But I'll go with my gut feeling that you are lying to kick it again.
This claim of yours is contradicting, as I'll explain it below....
3) What is sin? If you've read the book of Genesis then you would know that sin existed before Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge.
Only that sin wasn't considered a sin until Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Now that we have learned right from wrong, we know what sin is, whether it's disobeying God or not.
And how does religion morality denaturalize values?
All the bible does is point you in the right direction.
There aren't any "rules" involved, just pointers.
It is up to the individual to walk the right path.
They are only rules when you choose eternal life.
Christianity doesn't force you to do what Jesus wanted out of people. You are under the false impression that Jesus preached us rules and laws with the notion that if we followed them, they would be our ticket to heaven. Read the bible, Jesus judges you by your heart and not by your actions.
You have to perform good deeds out of the kindness of your heart and not just because you have to for what ever reason.
It's the same with any aspect of life, you don't want to force anything on anyone.
It's like forcing someone to love you, it doesn't make sense. You have to let that person love you on their own. Let them open up to you.
And that is what God wants.
You are under the false impression that our ticket to eternal life is based on deeds.
This is probably the result of the bad preaching that's going on around the world.
None the less, you would've known the truth, had you read the bible for yourself.
Our salvation is based on repent and accepting Jesus as our savior.
That's the bottom line....
The rules?
Well the rules are what Jesus wants us to follow for the sake of humanity. He is one part of God and he knows what is good for us. And you or anybody else cannot argue against his teachings.
His teachings are 100% truthful. Study them and you'll see that our world would be perfect if we followed his teachings.
But understand that we are not doomed if we don't follow his teachings.
Jesus does say that those who disobey are playing with fire. But ultimately it all comes down to accepting that you are a sinner, you are not perfect, and repent for your sins.
Salvation is accepting the above and accepting Christ as your savior.
You see, in God's eyes, we can never be perfect like him. He did not create us that way, we have a selfish nature just like all the animals in the world. This selfish nature leads to violence.
God knew this and if you read the bible, back in the days of Abraham, the early days of human civilization.
Our ticket to heaven was through sacrifices.
You were to sacrifice your most sharish possessions to God to prove your loyalty.
But man was too selfish, many died with out gaining eternal life. So in the times of Moses, God gave the 10 commandments as a new ticket to eternal life.
But the commandments go against our nature, God knows that many if not all will fail to achieve eternal life this way so he had to make another adjustment.
And that is to sacrifice his own son to cover for our sinful nature.
You see, this time God is sacrificing his most sharished possession for the sake of man kind.
All we have to do is accept the sacrifice and we'll have eternal life.
So what is so hard about that?
It is very easy....
Only one's ego can keep us from gaining eternal life....
So 2 0 Sixx,
you see how wrong your perceptions of the bible were?
All it takes is to read and understand the bible.
How ever it is very deep and not too many can understand it. But if you ask God for help, he will help you understand it. All you have to do is believe....
So no bro, the Boogie Man motivates obedience.
And so do Scooby Snacks....
The bible is much deeper than that....
4) Yes I do feel people that don't believe in God have no guilt. The only guilt they might have is that of a disobedient dog.
It is people who do not believe in God who feel you can get away with anything that's bad or criminal.
It is people who do not believe in God who support the monstrous slaughtering of innocent babies through abortion. It is because of people who do not believe in God that we have so many homeless people in this country. It is because of people who do not believe in God that we have the rich getting richer while they suck the life out of the poor.
And you are going to sit there and tell me that these people feel guilt????
And what I'm about to say, I speak of from personal experience.
At the time when I was growing up raised by a Catholic family, there was guilt every time I did something wrong.
And something wrong only.
But then I saw the bad things of the church and lost faith, I was around 10 years old at that time.
Ever since then I didn't believe in the concept of God.
Well all kinds of happenned during my Atheist years....
I had beef with some Surenos who broke my car's window.
This was killin me inside until I pounded this one bro's face in.
And I loved every minute of it as I put him in coma.
No guilt, the contrary, it was pure joy.
I even ripped off his crucafix and laughed and told him not to put his faith in objects.
I had no guilt when I plotted to kill an ex girlfriend of mine for fucking me over and finding out she was pregnant.
I had the whole plot layed down and the only thing that stopped was the fact that she her supposed pregnancy disappeared.
I had no guilt when I plotted to blast the Surenos who were sittin outside my house loaded wearin ski masks.
No guilt what so ever as I loaded my 45....
Only God's intervension stopped me from committing the above barbarric acts....
Barbarric acts that I wouldn't think of doing now days.
Call it guilt, but at least it keeps me straight.
But I no longer have it my heart to commit such a monsterosity....
5) You said that 100% of criminals believe in God.
Now that is 100% bullshit!
Believe me, I know.
No wait! Think for a second before you shoot from the hip again!
If one is to believe in God, then you know the consequences that might come with the lifestyle of crime. There for if you truly believe in god, then you won't be committing any crimes because you know what price you'll have to pay.
Don't believe the hype, most claim to believe in God.
But you know you have to walk the walk and not talk the talk. Meaning don't speak on it, show me by your actions that you actually believe in God.
I don't blame you, this is the typical Atheist misconception of criminals.
Now having said that, there is thousands and maybe millions since the dawn of time. Millions of criminals who have embraced Jesus Christ after a sinful life.
I know all kinds of criminals turned ministers. Jesus is all powerful and only he can make these people's heart change.
You see this is well explained when Jesus was crucified. He was crucified together with 2 criminals.
One lost his chance at eternal life for not believing in him while the other was guaranteed eternal life for actually believing Jesus was the Messiah.
Further proving my point that anyone can be saved no matter how bad a person you've been.......
I pray that God shines his light on you as he did for me.
I pray that every other non believer opens his eyes as I did, I was once an Atheist too.
But I'll admit that God didn't shine the light on me. It was me who seeked his light.
How ever his light did shine on me once I looked for it.
The truth is out there, you just have to look for it in the right places....