how many wars have been fought over religion!

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May 13, 2002
That's because people can't get along by themselves without guidence. People are selfish by nature and it's takes something like religion to set them straight.
100% complete nonsense. There are millions of people around the world that live without religion, who are better men then you claim Jesus was.

Pick it up and read it for educational purposes and you will see that it's extremely deeper than you think it is.
I have read it, studied it, and understood it.

The bible doesn't teach you to live in guilt, it asks you to acknowledge that you are a sinner.
And what is a sin? A sin is disobeying god. And what happens when you disobey your master, guilt quickly follows.

Religious morality is nothing more then the denaturalization of values. It seperates the pursuit of values from their natural consequences and relies instead on sanctions, both physical and psychological to motivate obedience to its moral rules. In Christianity, hell is the most prominect physical sanction, and sin is the most pychological sanction.

Christianity is nothing more then FEAR and GUILT. Punishment, and Rewards. Heaven, and Hell. Christianity is responsible for the notion that morality is impractical, and has LITTLE or NOTHING to do with mans happiness on earth.

Like I said above, you need to feel guilt to let you know that you are not doing enough. As one person, you can never do enough for the world. So you need to strive to help others, those in need of help. People are pefectly fine by taking care of their own, guilt serves as a reminder that you're not doing enough just by taking care of your family.
Man already feels guilt. It is in our nature. Do you think us Atheist run around on the streets abusing other humans with no sense of guilt at all? It is absured to say man does not feel guilt without religion.

With out guilt, a criminal wouldn't hesitate to shoot you in the head if need be.
I'm sure 97% of criminals feel guilty about the crimes they committed at one point in there lives. Just because they are criminals, doesnt necessarlly mean they do not believe in god or do not follow any religion. Infact, I'am 100% positive the majority of criminals do believe in god.
May 11, 2002
I was under the impression that you read, studied, and understand the Bible. So what I was asking you then is who was Jesus and why did they kill him?

Maybe I took the post out of context. Also name the millions of people who are 'better' then Jesus?

And yes out of all of that, this is all I have to say for right now. I think we need ground work so we are all on the same page.
May 13, 2002
The discussion was if religion and or guilt is necessary for mankind.
Would you like to comment on any of that? If not, dont ask me about something that is irrelevent with the topic. I can comment on your questions later or on a different thread, but for now, I am focusing on the above discussion.
Jul 24, 2002
camoflauge said:
it starts with this simple idea

"my god is right, yours is wrong" now i have to take your life because your wrong

well historically and presently we have :
christian crusades
any war involving isreal pretty much
mohamads(spelling?) jihad
spains conquest of latin america
The Christian Crusades had nothing to do with religion. But more to do with ignorance.
Killing people contradicts what Jesus preached when he said to turn the other cheek. And love your enemies and pray for them.
It's ironic that I happen to be coming from an ethnic group who was victimized by the Spanish Inquisition.
Whom slaughtered our ancesters the Aztecs for supposedly being barbarric. It was just an excuse to kill us, just to take our gold, land, and women....
Jul 24, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:

100% complete nonsense. There are millions of people around the world that live without religion, who are better men then you claim Jesus was.

I have read it, studied it, and understood it.

And what is a sin? A sin is disobeying god. And what happens when you disobey your master, guilt quickly follows.

Religious morality is nothing more then the denaturalization of values. It seperates the pursuit of values from their natural consequences and relies instead on sanctions, both physical and psychological to motivate obedience to its moral rules. In Christianity, hell is the most prominect physical sanction, and sin is the most pychological sanction.

Christianity is nothing more then FEAR and GUILT. Punishment, and Rewards. Heaven, and Hell. Christianity is responsible for the notion that morality is impractical, and has LITTLE or NOTHING to do with mans happiness on earth.

Man already feels guilt. It is in our nature. Do you think us Atheist run around on the streets abusing other humans with no sense of guilt at all? It is absured to say man does not feel guilt without religion.

I'm sure 97% of criminals feel guilty about the crimes they committed at one point in there lives. Just because they are criminals, doesnt necessarlly mean they do not believe in god or do not follow any religion. Infact, I'am 100% positive the majority of criminals do believe in god.
I won't be on for at least 2 weeks, my hdd fried.
But either way, I'm at work now and I have to respond to this.

1)You talk about non-sense? Man you ain't gotta lie to kick it! Name one man on Earth that is a better man than Jesus? Just name one? Name one person in history who lived a perfect life????
Bro, don't let your anger do the talking because your comment was 100% bullshit.
And as far as there being millions of people living around the world with out religion, that's very true.
And that is the reason why we have so many problems in this world today.

2) How old are you? You claim to have read the bible and you supposedly understand it.
If you've actually read it, then your state of mind at this point is still developing.
But I'll go with my gut feeling that you are lying to kick it again.
This claim of yours is contradicting, as I'll explain it below....

3) What is sin? If you've read the book of Genesis then you would know that sin existed before Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge.
Only that sin wasn't considered a sin until Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Now that we have learned right from wrong, we know what sin is, whether it's disobeying God or not.

And how does religion morality denaturalize values?
All the bible does is point you in the right direction.
There aren't any "rules" involved, just pointers.
It is up to the individual to walk the right path.
They are only rules when you choose eternal life.
Christianity doesn't force you to do what Jesus wanted out of people. You are under the false impression that Jesus preached us rules and laws with the notion that if we followed them, they would be our ticket to heaven. Read the bible, Jesus judges you by your heart and not by your actions.
You have to perform good deeds out of the kindness of your heart and not just because you have to for what ever reason.
It's the same with any aspect of life, you don't want to force anything on anyone.
It's like forcing someone to love you, it doesn't make sense. You have to let that person love you on their own. Let them open up to you.
And that is what God wants.
You are under the false impression that our ticket to eternal life is based on deeds.
This is probably the result of the bad preaching that's going on around the world.
None the less, you would've known the truth, had you read the bible for yourself.
Our salvation is based on repent and accepting Jesus as our savior.
That's the bottom line....
The rules?
Well the rules are what Jesus wants us to follow for the sake of humanity. He is one part of God and he knows what is good for us. And you or anybody else cannot argue against his teachings.
His teachings are 100% truthful. Study them and you'll see that our world would be perfect if we followed his teachings.
But understand that we are not doomed if we don't follow his teachings.
Jesus does say that those who disobey are playing with fire. But ultimately it all comes down to accepting that you are a sinner, you are not perfect, and repent for your sins.
Salvation is accepting the above and accepting Christ as your savior.

You see, in God's eyes, we can never be perfect like him. He did not create us that way, we have a selfish nature just like all the animals in the world. This selfish nature leads to violence.
God knew this and if you read the bible, back in the days of Abraham, the early days of human civilization.
Our ticket to heaven was through sacrifices.
You were to sacrifice your most sharish possessions to God to prove your loyalty.
But man was too selfish, many died with out gaining eternal life. So in the times of Moses, God gave the 10 commandments as a new ticket to eternal life.
But the commandments go against our nature, God knows that many if not all will fail to achieve eternal life this way so he had to make another adjustment.
And that is to sacrifice his own son to cover for our sinful nature.
You see, this time God is sacrificing his most sharished possession for the sake of man kind.
All we have to do is accept the sacrifice and we'll have eternal life.
So what is so hard about that?
It is very easy....
Only one's ego can keep us from gaining eternal life....

So 2 0 Sixx,
you see how wrong your perceptions of the bible were?
All it takes is to read and understand the bible.
How ever it is very deep and not too many can understand it. But if you ask God for help, he will help you understand it. All you have to do is believe....

So no bro, the Boogie Man motivates obedience.
And so do Scooby Snacks....
The bible is much deeper than that....

4) Yes I do feel people that don't believe in God have no guilt. The only guilt they might have is that of a disobedient dog.
It is people who do not believe in God who feel you can get away with anything that's bad or criminal.
It is people who do not believe in God who support the monstrous slaughtering of innocent babies through abortion. It is because of people who do not believe in God that we have so many homeless people in this country. It is because of people who do not believe in God that we have the rich getting richer while they suck the life out of the poor.
And you are going to sit there and tell me that these people feel guilt????

And what I'm about to say, I speak of from personal experience.
At the time when I was growing up raised by a Catholic family, there was guilt every time I did something wrong.
And something wrong only.
But then I saw the bad things of the church and lost faith, I was around 10 years old at that time.
Ever since then I didn't believe in the concept of God.
Well all kinds of happenned during my Atheist years....
I had beef with some Surenos who broke my car's window.
This was killin me inside until I pounded this one bro's face in.
And I loved every minute of it as I put him in coma.
No guilt, the contrary, it was pure joy.
I even ripped off his crucafix and laughed and told him not to put his faith in objects.
I had no guilt when I plotted to kill an ex girlfriend of mine for fucking me over and finding out she was pregnant.
I had the whole plot layed down and the only thing that stopped was the fact that she her supposed pregnancy disappeared.
I had no guilt when I plotted to blast the Surenos who were sittin outside my house loaded wearin ski masks.
No guilt what so ever as I loaded my 45....
Only God's intervension stopped me from committing the above barbarric acts....
Barbarric acts that I wouldn't think of doing now days.
Call it guilt, but at least it keeps me straight.
But I no longer have it my heart to commit such a monsterosity....

5) You said that 100% of criminals believe in God.
Now that is 100% bullshit!
Believe me, I know.
No wait! Think for a second before you shoot from the hip again!
If one is to believe in God, then you know the consequences that might come with the lifestyle of crime. There for if you truly believe in god, then you won't be committing any crimes because you know what price you'll have to pay.
Don't believe the hype, most claim to believe in God.
But you know you have to walk the walk and not talk the talk. Meaning don't speak on it, show me by your actions that you actually believe in God.
I don't blame you, this is the typical Atheist misconception of criminals.
Now having said that, there is thousands and maybe millions since the dawn of time. Millions of criminals who have embraced Jesus Christ after a sinful life.
I know all kinds of criminals turned ministers. Jesus is all powerful and only he can make these people's heart change.
You see this is well explained when Jesus was crucified. He was crucified together with 2 criminals.
One lost his chance at eternal life for not believing in him while the other was guaranteed eternal life for actually believing Jesus was the Messiah.
Further proving my point that anyone can be saved no matter how bad a person you've been.......


I pray that God shines his light on you as he did for me.
I pray that every other non believer opens his eyes as I did, I was once an Atheist too.
But I'll admit that God didn't shine the light on me. It was me who seeked his light.
How ever his light did shine on me once I looked for it.
The truth is out there, you just have to look for it in the right places....

May 13, 2002
I won't be on for at least 2 weeks, my hdd fried.
God must have punished you...You need to pray for a new one, maybe god will give you his.

You talk about non-sense? Man you ain't gotta lie to kick it! Name one man on Earth that is a better man than Jesus? Just name one? Name one person in history who lived a perfect life????
Oh, I’m sorry, I thought it was ok to lie to kick it! I could name plenty of people who I think lived better lives then Jesus, but that wouldn’t solve anything. It would only be MY opinion. Your opinion obviously is that Jesus was perfect, I don’t think that way. It was my mistake by saying there are millions of people that are better the Jesus. I should have never said that because now you have missed the point I was trying to make. You said, "That's because people can't get along by themselves without guidence. People are selfish by nature and it's takes something like religion to set them straight." My point is that it DOES NOT take religion to set people straight. There is millions of Atheist across the world, most of them living great lives. They are NOT all violent criminals that you ignorantly think.

Bro, don't let your anger do the talking because your comment was 100% bullshit.
Anger? What anger? If anyone would appear to be angry would be you...My comments were not in anyway insulting. However, you said my comment was "100% bullshit". Looks like it is you that needs to calm down.

And as far as there being millions of people living around the world with out religion, that's very true. And that is the reason why we have so many problems in this world today.
Are you seriously blaming the Atheist in this world for our problems when only 10%-12% of the WORLDS population is Atheist? Are you insane or just brainwashed? You are the perfect example of an uneducated Theist blaming and looking down on his neighbor, the Atheist...Hmm, isn’t that a Sin? Not very christian of you.

How old are you? You claim to have read the bible and you supposedly understand it.
23 years old...I believe you are 25.

If you've actually read it, then your state of mind at this point is still developing. But I'll go with my gut feeling that you are lying to kick it again.
Nope, wrong again. Why would I lie to kick it? I definitely wouldn’t want to kick it with you.

What is sin? If you've read the book of Genesis then you would know that sin existed before Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge. Only that sin wasn't considered a sin until Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Now that we have learned right from wrong, we know what sin is, whether it's disobeying God or not.
I hope you seriously don’t believe in Adam and Eve. If you do, there is no point debating with you.

All the bible does is point you in the right direction.
And I believe it points you in the wrong direction.
There aren't any "rules" involved, just pointers.
No rules huh? That’s real cute.
How ever it is very deep and not too many can understand it. But if you ask God for help, he will help you understand it. All you have to do is believe....
LMAO!!! God, please make me understand! Just like Miggidy! LMAO!!! I believe in you Santa clause, I BELIEVE! You too Tooth fairy!!
Man, talking to you is like talking to a little kid. You claim you were once atheist, but I’m sure it was for the wrong reasons. Why were you an Atheist? When and how long? I’m sure you didn’t use Logic and Reason. It’s funny how most of the smartest minds who ever walked this planet were atheist. Wait, according to your logic these people should have been running around killing people because they have no guilt! Hmmmm.
It is people who do not believe in God who feel you can get away with anything that's bad or criminal. It is people who do not believe in God who support the monstrous slaughtering of innocent babies through abortion. It is because of people who do not believe in God that we have so many homeless people in this country. It is because of people who do not believe in God that we have the rich getting richer while they suck the life out of the poor.
It is comments like this that piss me off. What the fuck do you think us Atheist are? Are we all just some monsters running around causing violence and destruction??? If anything I blame the CHRISTIANS for OUR problems! You are the prejudice one, not me. You are the one speaking awful about my people, when MY people have done more for Society then any of yours.

You said that 100% of criminals believe in God.
Did I say that? No. Go back and read my post.

Thanks miggidy for posting. You have shown your true colors. Its nice to know how prejudice you truly are. Go ahead and reply, criticize me, talk shit, its all good man. Its probably not your fault your like that. Maybe your family taught you to hate.
Apr 25, 2002
Hersey good points and while i dont care to bring in the dirty poltics (the #1 thing that has currupted relegion in my view) it kinda funny how your whole view on whats going on in the world is pretty correct not exactly happening quick as i thought since the end of the world is suppose to happen as a surpise and not quickly and expectly, I must say the whole thing with Iraq goes back to the bible with Bablayon (sp?) (which is why saddam attacked Iran and later Iraq and set the last and current adminstrations now on a colsion corse with Iraq), and Babaylon being attacked by the greedy and curupt whore(america) for greedy intentions and the issue between the Isrealis and Arabs steem from Abraham while im not as smart as explaining it like you I think you know what im talking about. The bible also make reference to recreation of the Zionist state (Isreal) and the reunfiction of Jeruslam(the six day war both east and west was reunifed), the Jews being attacked by all sides (This has happened in the 1948, 1967 wars and bloodsheed has been nonstop since), the conflicts and wars have been nothing but clashes between Abraham children (Jews and Arabs), Syria is also such a key player in all of this and of ocurse Syria is mentioned to as The Assyrian empire when reading the bible. If You look at what there fighting over as far as the land is concerned is Jeruslam both want it as a whole as both Mhummad the Phrophet and jesus roots go to Jeruslam even tho Mhummad roots go deeper into Medina and Mecca then with Jeruslam(where in medina where he said kill the jews on your left and right which seem to be happening yet today) and yet today Saudi arabia seem to be playing a role for the arabs, the jews and arabs have also faught over The Sinai (now a part of egypt but christian fantics like the ones in office consider it there land), the Sinai is where Mosses have deliverd the ten commandments and they have also faught over the west bank and Gaza as well as isreal which includes places like Bethlam, Tel Aviv, Ramallah, Jherico,etc which is mentioned inthe bible with conflicts. Hersh thought I just point out I know what your talking aobut i maybe off but htat what really all this ocnflict is about right.

Now back to the topic I think yes there has been curuption in the relegions but it becuase of those few like Bush, Bin ladin, The house of Saud, fat pigilt war crimnal sharon,Cheney, the 700 club ,etc all have set this whole thing up to benfit and get a oil pipline in afghainstan and benefit after all there proof bush knew about 9/11, there proof of connections between Bin Ladin family, saudi governemt, isreali governemt(hey the mossad spys knew and just celebrated outside the wtc),the bushes, etc, they all secretly or even openly want saddam out of iraq to control the world second largest oil reserves which would benefit Opec and
Bin aldin and co was trained to fight the soviets during the 80's rebellion in Afghainstan by none other then our cia and the contacts between Jerry Fawell, those in the 700 club , The bushes, Cheney, some comanies etc that they all have have connections to world banks which take third world land and want a one system one fatical relegious governemt. Yes there curption within relegion but Relegion itself is not curupt just those in power just like how the scriptures have warned.

2-0 six - your a communist? not that I bleive every thing that Karl Marx or engles has said (like "gotta be a athesis", and how he says you gotta destroy everything and start from scrap), i do belive there a democratic socialist way(canda,and parts of europe got excelent socialist democratic like governments who can beat free healthcare,free education, a decent paying job,etc while remaining free) and how everything going it hinting towards Utopia but violent marxism would only make matters worse.. what are your views. I hate to assume but you seem like a full on marxists.
May 13, 2002
Its no secret what I believe. I would like to consider myself a marxist, although I do disagree with some things he said, but we all disagree with each other at one point or another. I hope you can appreciate that. I think most of us can say there is definately something wrong here...The problem is how to solve it.
Now back to the topic I think yes there has been curuption in the relegions but it becuase of those few like Bush, Bin ladin, The house of Saud, fat pigilt war crimnal sharon,Cheney, the 700 club ,etc all have set this whole thing up to benfit and get a oil pipline in afghainstan and benefit after all there proof bush knew about 9/11, there proof of connections between Bin Ladin family, saudi governemt, isreali governemt(hey the mossad spys knew and just celebrated outside the wtc),the bushes, etc, they all secretly or even openly want saddam out of iraq to control the world second largest oil reserves which would benefit Opec and
Props on your reply, that is some real shit.


Apr 25, 2002
@jdogg where have you been man????????????????? you have been MIA. i see that YOU have studied. thats a GREAT thing bro. your take on the middle east is 100% accurate. the time of the gentiles is OVER. so that leads us into a NEW era. a new world order set to start in apprx....hmmmmmm lets say 3 more years?



Jul 24, 2002
2 0 Sixx,

1) That is the problem with society today, we love blaming others for our mistakes. People love to "act" like their shit doesn't stink.
Something bad happens, and they blame God.
Something good happens and they thank God.
I say leave God out of it, he has little do with ones decisions in life. You control your own destiny....

2) I make it clear when I speak on opinion, in this case I speak on nothing but facts. You say that Jesus was not perfect but how can you say that? Under what basis? You know nothing about Christ. What I know, I take it from reading the bible and many other historians outside the bible who have documented his life. So again, I'm using facts....

Now show me a healthy society with out religion?
Better yet, show me a healthy society with out faith?
Because religion means nothing with out faith.
And I am not saying that all Atheists are evil.
I am just saying that everyone who's evil does not believe in God.
I'll explain below....

3) Once again you are shooting from the hip and you're talking before thinking. What is an Atheist? Look it up, it is someone who doesn't believe in God.
There for everyone who does not believe in God is an Atheist no matter what their back ground is.
He doesn't need to be your official frat sister.
Atheists (Or non-believers of God)
plague the world now more than ever.
Budhism, Hinduism, are Atheist in a way because they share your mentality, just different philisophy. Even people who you consider to be Christians are closer to Atheism because they lack faith. Don't think for a second that just because someone attends church, he is a Christian. And don't take their word for it either, many claim to be Christians but are not.
They just have Christian values to some extent.
It is obvious that you cannot see that but it's fine because everyone is ignorant.
People are ingorant and tend to be prejudice.
You base your "opinion" of all who is Christian on a few number of individuals.
Sort of like when a racist hates an entire race just because he saw something he didn't like in a few members of that race.
How is this connected to you? By pure ignorance.....

I think the only people in this Earth who are not Atheists are Jews, Christians, and Muslims. I'm not sure if there are other religions whom believe in such deity's as God.
But do not be fooled, not all Jews, Muslims, and Christians are true believers. I'll say it's around 50% false and 50% true believers. Maybe less....
So there for, if the shoe fits than you are an Atheist, technically.
And it's these none believers who are killing the world....
Don't think so?
Look it up....
Sadam ain't no real Muslim, he justs claims to be. The same thing can be said about Bin Laden.
Bush ain't no real Christian, his actions contradict his words.
And so on....
These people have triggered WW3 and they are all non-beleivers.
Is it just a coincedence?
That's up to you to decide....

What have Atheist's done for society?
I don't see any charity organizations funded by Atheists!
You can't deny that bro.
Most existing charity organizations are run by Christians, and all others by other religious groups.
And that's a pill that your ego will never swallow.
I don't see any Atheists going into Afganistan for missionary purposes, helping those in need.
I don't see any of you dying for the salvation of others.
No, you will never do that with your mentality and beliefs....
And that's another fact for you....

4) Why would you lie?
Out of desperation. You are unable to support facts behind your beliefs and your ego has resorted you to lying.
You don't wanna lose this debate at all costs.
That's why you would lie to kick it....
For personal gain, also known as ego....

5) You want to discredit me for believing in Adam and Eve.
Why is that? There is genetic evidence that supports this story out of the book of Genesis.
Go ahead and laugh at it, I used to laugh at it too. Genetic science has proven that we are all related, we all come from the same mother. This says 2 things, we're all descendents of Eve. Or there was a catastrophic point in our past that nearly killed all of mankind. The second possibility is what Atheists accept at this moment. Well what do you know? This second possibility suggests that the story of Noa and his arc might be true.
It also came from the book of Genesis, which is written by Moses.
This story is supported by the Sumarian King tablets who were decrypted in the 70's.
Genesis tells us that we are all descendents of Noah's family, that is why genetics today links all of us together as family.
Have you ever heard the story of the Tower of Babel?
The story that says that we all spoke the same language at one point. It involved people building some tower then God for what ever reason confused these people with different languages and dispersed them through out the world.
Now go ahead and laugh, we are all ignorant.
But did you know that archeologists recently found the remains of this tower? Sorry for the bubble buster but I bet they never taught you in school that there is hundreds of physical evidence supporting many biblical stories. And this is one of those stories.
Contrary to popular belief, the bible is one most evidence backed books of history. And that's why it's always critized and questioned. But it always proves everyone wrong.
But "they" don't want you to know that.
"They" hide this info from you and the whole world....
That's what I mean when I say that the truth is out there.
You just have to know how to look for it....

Bro, "they" are feeding you shit, and you are eating every bit of it....

Jul 24, 2002
6) I'm talkin and soundin like a little kid????
Look at what you are saying.
Look at the actions you have resorted to.
I keep crushin everything you say.
And yet you still deny the truth right in front of your eyes.
You are acting childish by low balling what I say and when I hit you with proof behind my facts, you fall back and bring other shit into perspective. But go ahead, I have an answer for what ever you throw at me.
And that is because I come from where you are at now....
Test me....

7) I was an Atheist for around 10 or 12 years.
For the same reasons you are now. Remember, I was raised a Catholic originally. But I became Atheist for the same reason you are now. I asked the same questions that you once did. "I see no evidence of God so that means there isn't a God".
"Plus, this evolution theory makes sense". "Religion is just a big brother over your shoulders to brain wash you into obeying".
And so on....
But one day, shit started to hit my head....
I embraced the darkness... Shit got worse and I went from not believing in God,
to rebelling against God. Which lead me to realize that there is a God, for many reasons. I knew there was evil for a fact, so maybe the bible was right about good and evil. I did a lot of research and found that the theory of evolution had too many holes that "they" don't teach you about it in school.
I knew that there is such stuff as ESP, remote viewing, and psychic abilities in humans. I found that the CIA had succesful expirementations on the subject after finding out the old Soviet Union was doing it.
That lead me to conclude that there is more than meets the eye as the bible pointed out to. That it is possible to seperate the conscious from the body, this suggested that we might have some kind of spirit which the bible suggests.
Then I did some research on the many religions of the world and worked my way down to Christianity.
Every other religion hardly has any evidence supporting it.
But the bible, there is all kinds of archeological evidence, historical evidence supporting it. And a lot of it comes from outer sources. So at this point, I made a judgment call. So much evidence, I realized that everyone who doesn't believe in God is looking for him with shut eyes.
The Universe has order, it was designed. Yet we like to think, it just came up out of pure coincedence.

You are extremely wrong with the assumption that our greatest minds believe that there isn't a God.
Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton all came to the conclusion that something created everything at one point. And that a force keeps everything in order.
I tell you bro, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to reach to this conclusion yourself.
When you think hard enough and long enough,
you will find that there has to be a force such as God.
All it takes is an open mind, THINK DIFFERENT.
Expand your thoughts....
You see, everyone thinks with limits.
We think only as far as we can see.
It's like we're thinking inside a closed box.
Well you have to think outside of this box.
There is no limit....
Once you break out of this realm of thinking, only then will you see that there is a God....

8) Christians are the ones causing all the problems?
Again you are talking out of your ass.
People who call themselves Christians, cause many problems.
They confuse people like you.
True Christians help even people like you. We help society and it is our duty. But the false Christians make all of us look bad. These false Christians come from the brood of vipers. The same vipers who have contaminated man's heart.
"They" have mislead every none believer of God to the point where you are at right now.
"The Great Deciever" has mislead you and everyone else and only the church is to blame.
They let this happenned because they too were decieved by the Evil one....
Now these none believers of God, are killing the world. And these people are made up of fake Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, and every other religion or philosophical group.
You are all to blame for the problems of the world....

I painted a portrait of your people,
it isn't my fault that you don't like the picture....

8) I don't hate anyone any more. Not even my enemies...
You are the one consumed by hate, judging by your words.
You hate Capitalism for what ever reason but it doesn't mean you have to join the commies.
They are corrupt as well....
My family didn't teach me anything, only confusion which threw me into the darkness.
My mentality of today has been inspired by the ultimate reality.

Open your mind bro....

May 13, 2002
Budhism, Hinduism, are Atheist
You aren't to bright are you?

I think the only people in this Earth who are not Atheists are Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
Wow, now I can say honestly, you are a fucking idiot.

And it's these none believers who are killing the world....
I don't see any charity organizations funded by Atheists!
Once again your talking out of your ass.

Out of desperation. You are unable to support facts behind your beliefs and your ego has resorted you to lying.
What am I lying about? Name one statement!

You don't wanna lose this debate at all costs.That's why you would lie to kick it....
Is that all you can say? "You dont have to lie to kick it"? It is you that is blind not me.

LMFAO@statement #5

I keep crushin everything you say.
You have crushed everything I said? Are you serious? You have crushed nothing...The only thing you did on this thread is prove how uneducated and prejudice you really are.

I was raised a Catholic originally. But I became Atheist for the same reason you are now
You dont even know me, how could you possibly no why I am an atheist?

I'm not going to waste anymore time on you. I tried to have a civilized discussion with you but the more you talk the more bullshit comes out.

Open your mind bro....
May 11, 2002
You are the perfect example of an uneducated Theist blaming and looking down on his neighbor, the Atheist...
I wonder what the students and faculty of Harvard and Princeton schools of Divinity would have to say.....

Don't get me wrong I respect everyone's view. I just feel I am being ignored. Oh well...

Ahhh the limitations of the internet.
Nov 17, 2002

Budhism and Hinduism are not atheist. They also believe in a fundamental reality which is GOD! The difference being, they do not search for an "external" God. They search for God within themselves. This, of course, is not to say that they believe they are God. A Christian may deal with God all the time. He/she may continue in there lives the search for greater truths. But, at the end of the day it is themselves they must deal with. Look amongst the heavens and you will not find a God that will satisfy your personal needs and answers about life and your relationship to it. But, look within yourself and you will find all the answers you need. For it is God who put them there; it is God working through you. This is the essence of prayer and meditation. Don't misperceive these things as "atheist". To find God within oneself is equivilent to finding Christ and "bridging that gap", (as they say), to God. You will not find Christ within another that will save you! You must look within yourself. The Budhists were wise in there approach. And in no way do they contradict Christianity.....