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Oct 14, 2004
Stockton209SS said:
Did you read my thread about Zionism, does that make me an anti-semite NOPE. An anti-semite is one who despise the whole race of JEWs, Many inhabitants of Israel Claim, they're part of the original 12 tribes of Israel, when it's not proven.

I didnt adress that comment to you. By the way the Zion read was interesting.
Mar 12, 2005
Rob S4 said:
I didnt adress that comment to you. By the way the Zion read was interesting.
Thank you, but I'm not captain save a ho, or captain save the man in trouble, but me and 206 almost, and I mean almost have the Same views on Zionist, well from my understanding and I agree on what he's said for the most part.
Dec 7, 2004
No, the country suffered greatly because of the Israeli/US agenda, not the other way around comrade. If you cannot see that this is simply an extension of the “war on terror” then you’re a fool.
Where did I say anything about the war on terror? I feel like im wasting time with a guy that just reads articles and doesnt actually do stuff off the computer to find out whats going on. I may be wrong, but for some reason you believe that there is no Syrian-Iran influence in what is going on. Do you honestly believe that Iran had nothing to do with this? If you think that Hizbulla is some independant party fighting for its self your are saddly mistaken. And you are a fool for thinking that Iran-Syria have never done anything harmful to Lebanon.

Yes have you?
If you have followed up, reading direct sources, meaning the Nahar Newspaper, or LBC TV, or Moostabal tv, or other sources that are Based in Lebanon you would realize that the country is dividing as a result of the war, and the division the day Syria left the country. There are two groups in Lebanon, one who want to take a step in the direction of peace, and the other who holds its alliance to what ever Iran-syria wants.

Have they done so? Are they still in tact? Are they in Southern Lebanon? Is their leader still alive?

I seriously doubt they will lay down their arms and civil war is unlikely unless the opposition is funded/trained by Israel/US.
You act as if that the Lebanese majority is pulling for Hizbulla to keep their arms. Anyone who knows lebanon, knows that If one side gets too strong, the other side fights back to gain power. It is niave to think that Christians, Sunnis, and Druze are going to give up, while Hizbulla dominates the country. We'll see what happens, and your going to find out that i know what im talking about.

Bold emphasis mine. You’re opinion, not factual.
All that number means, that in midst of the war and the destruction, the Lebanese people took Hizbulla's side, mainly because of the unproportional actions of Isreal. NEVER does it say that 87% agreed on having war with Israel, and never does it say that after the war 87% support Hizbulla. And if you are ignorant to think that 87% of the Lebanese people support Hizbulla RIGHT NOW, i will stop posting in this thread.

So you are telling me that, Sunni Muslims, Christians, and Druze, who make up maybe 75% of the population were in support of Hizbulla's decision to have an "open war" with Israel? Its common sense, 3 major partys that make up the lebanese government are against Hizbulla...
There is a major difference between MY speculation, and anyone elses. If you deny that, then it aint my problem.

I am not a fan of Hizbulla by any means, as I am a socialist; however I support their right to defend their homeland from any illegal invasion, especially fascist Israeli.
Could have fooled me, with the flag and the montra in the sig. So if you support resistance, then you would support me and my cousins shooting up some Hizbulla "resistance fighters", cuz what they have done to us can be described as an Illeagal invasion by a facist organization.

Yes there is pressure on Hizbullah from other groups but as I stated, and I provide sources to, the people support them. And until you can offer some supporting evidence that says otherwise, your statements fall flat.
Yea, im not gonna do your research for you, if you want to disregard a First hand source, thats up to you. I dont need sources cuz i am one.
I suppose there is no such thing as translating text.
Then you would have found out that creating an Islamic state is one of their priorties, and if you ever talk to a Hizbulla representitive he will glady itterate the importance of that task.

I pretty much have said what i needed to say, I will bring up this thread in the future to see what has transpired and compare it to what i have stated.