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Mar 12, 2005
nhojsmith said:
Hezballah won??? Last time i checked israel was still standing there in the middle of the middle east on palestinian land holding their nuts saying fuck with us and we will nuke you with the bombs the US is giving us.
Both will say they won.
Mar 18, 2003
Hezbollah was not fighting a front, that is how they won. They fight while in hiding, scattered across a country not involved in this war with weapons that arn't theirs.
Jul 10, 2002
hiding munitions and launching attacks in densly populated neighborhoods hiding behind woman and children is actually a quite advanced tactictal and military technique.
Dec 7, 2004
That report has strong indications of anti-israeli propaganda. Im still laughing at people trying to claim that Hizbulla won that war. There is no winner, everyone lost. Its quite comical that Hizbulla can claim victory, but the country they claim to be fighting for was flattend. The biggest loser in this war was Lebanon. A country trying to make a step in the right direction, gets sidetracked by a militia whose main purpose is to islamify lebanon and to impose the will of Iran. Hizbulla claims to be a resistance, but you guys dont see what goes on, you dont see the intimidation, and abuse of power. These are the same people who knocked on my door with guns trying to take my family's land. Resistance? They are a pawn, they dont give a fuck about Lebanon. They aint fighting for lebanese, i dont consider people who support hizbulla lebanese either.
May 13, 2002
Malkorasoul said:
That report has strong indications of anti-israeli propaganda.
Examples please.

Im still laughing at people trying to claim that Hizbulla won that war.
And I laugh at those who say Israel won the war.

There is no winner
Yes, those that successfully defended their homeland from an invasion are the winners.

Its quite comical that Hizbulla can claim victory
On the contrary, it's quite comical that anyone can claim Hizbulla lost the war. They defended their homeland from one of the world’s most powerful armies and stood their ground- the Israelis failed disastrously in forcing Hezbollah out of southern Lebanon.

but the country they claim to be fighting for was flattend.
Matters not. The objective of the Israelis was to what? Rid Lebanon of Hezbollah? At the very least Southern Lebanon? Did they succeed?

The biggest loser in this war was Lebanon.
Obviously the biggest loser were the innocent Lebanese people that died, the destruction of civilian homes, the devastation to their economy and the environmental consequences, such as the huge oil spill due to Israeli fighter jets bombing oil tankers off the shores of Lebanon. All of this because of war crimes committed by the fascist Israel.

As far as Hezbollah vs. IDF, It’s pretty clear Hezbollah comes out on top the victor. They held back the worlds 4th most powerful military, they were successful in killing IDF soldiers and minimizing Israeli civilian death (approximately 154 dead--117 of them soldiers), they held their ground in Southern Lebanon (Israeli army did not succeed in removing them from one single village) and not only did they gain popular support from the Lebanese (87% support Hezbollah**), they gained world wide support, especially amongst the mid-east. They also remain armed and completely in tact, even their TV station is still broadcasting.


Now if you compare that to what’s going on in Israel, who look defeated, disappointed and are in disbelief. The general public in Israel are very critical and even some Israeli soldiers have voiced criticism, some of whom have come out publicly and said they purposely missed civilian targets, disobeying their orders, based on moral grounds. This shows that even some Israeli troops oppose, or at the very least, questioned the invasion.

And from the top, there are talks about splits in political parties and fierce fighting amongst the politicians in regards as to what went wrong and what is to be done next.

Compare that to the Lebanese who are more united then before the invasion.

A country trying to make a step in the right direction, gets sidetracked
Sidetracked? I recall Israel invading Lebanon and not the other way around. (And please do not mention two israeli soldiers because this war had NOTHING to do with them).

by a militia whose main purpose is to islamify lebanon and to impose the will of Iran.
No, their main purpose is to defend Lebanon, which is why they were created in the first place (Israeli invasion during the 80's).

Hizbulla claims to be a resistance, but you guys dont see what goes on
Yea, they do the things the government should be doing - they build hospitals, schools, dump garbage for communities, and tons of other social services*.


you dont see the intimidation, and abuse of power.
You want to see intimidation and abuse of power? Look at Palestine and the genocide that is occurring by the hands of the fascist Israelis.

These are the same people who knocked on my door with guns trying to take my family's land.
Rich land owners?

Yep, plain and simple.

They are a pawn, they dont give a fuck about Lebanon.
Really? Strange how they build hospitals etc. Equally as strange as why over 87% of the Lebanese support them. But I'll take your word for it because your rich land owner family had a gun pointed to their domes.
Apr 25, 2002
The real winners are the people of Lebanon, who got their country destroyed and the shit kicked out of them because they allowed a radical Islamic Militia to operate in their country and the Jews are assholes.
Dec 7, 2004
On the contrary, it's quite comical that anyone can claim Hizbulla lost the war. They defended their homeland from one of the world’s most powerful armies and stood their ground- the Israelis failed disastrously in forcing Hezbollah out of southern Lebanon.
They defended their homeland? While thousands of their followers died, while their leader hid in underground bunkers like a pussy. Israel could have took the whole country if they wanted to, I was within miles of the airstrikes and i witnessed the accuracy and effectiveness of Israeli forces, they could of flattend all 10425 km^2 of Lebanon in one day.

Walk around Lebanon instead of looking up articles on the internet and see what israel did. Im talking about seeing shit with my own eyes, i aint talking about reading biased reports. Before the cease fire, Hizbulla was forced north of the Litani. I know people, hizbulla and nonhizbulla, and i can vouch that not a soul was south of the Litani river days before the cease fire. On top of that, the country as a whole suffered great losses just because of the Iranian agenda that the Lebanese people want no part of.

Matters not. The objective of the Israelis was to what? Rid Lebanon of Hezbollah? At the very least Southern Lebanon? Did they succeed?
Have you been following up on the situation after the war? Hizbulla is facing constant pressure by the other major political factions in Lebanon to lay down their arms. At this point it seems likely that A.) Hizbullah lays down their arms, which eventually would mean that any politcal strength that they've had is lost or B.) Hizbulla keeps their arms, which will cause a major conflict, possibly a civil war. And if you've known the history of Lebanon, a civil war is the worst possible outcome for all sides. What does hizbulla have to show for this major fuck-up that they have caused after they lose their weapons. The only reason they have any sort of power is because of their weapons w/out that they no longer have any influence over what happens in that country.

and not only did they gain popular support from the Lebanese (87% support Hezbollah**), they gained world wide support, especially amongst the mid-east. They also remain armed and completely in tact, even their TV station is still broadcasting.
This is misleading. 87%? So you believe that 87% of the lebanese people support Hizbulla? What this most likely means is, in the middle of the war, The lebanese people took Hizbulla's side. However, survey the lebanese people before the war and ask them if Hassan Nasrullah has the right to declare an "open war" on Israel and let him dictate the future of the country, you'll get a totally different number. After the war, survey the Lebanese people if they support Hizbulla, and it will not be anywhere near 87%, or even 40% for that matter. Its a myth that most Lebanese support Hizbulla. Hizbulla's days are numberd, Hassen Nassrallah is going to live in a bunker for the rest of his life, trying to claim that he beat Israel.

And from the top, there are talks about splits in political parties and fierce fighting amongst the politicians in regards as to what went wrong and what is to be done next.
You are right about Israel, they did a half ass job in Lebanon, and I never supported there cause. However, Hizbulla is just as bad.

Compare that to the Lebanese who are more united then before the invasion.
You dont know how ignorant you sound by saying this. Lebanese more united? This is why i hesitate to argue Lebanese politics with non-lebanese people.

Sidetracked? I recall Israel invading Lebanon and not the other way around. (And please do not mention two israeli soldiers because this war had NOTHING to do with them).
Israel pulled out of Lebanon in 2000, explain to me why Hizbullah stockpiles arms for 6 years as if they were preparing for a war. Both sides knew this shit was going to happen. You expect israel to smile at Hizbulla, a radical islamic group with strong ties to the Israels biggest opponent Iran, while they build up their military and possibly bring in long distance rockets and other weapons?

Hizbulla is a major opponent to Lebanese progress, they want to Islamify and create a Iran-like government. These are the same people who held a "thank you syria" rally, even though Syria has stolen billions of dollars from lebanon and has assaniated Lebanon's most popular leaders. They dont give a fuck about Lebanon the Country period. They're worried about how they are going to create Mini-Iran.

No, their main purpose is to defend Lebanon, which is why they were created in the first place (Israeli invasion during the 80's).
I would tell you to read their main doctrine, but you cant read arabic, you just go off of what you read on some highly biased websites. One of their main goals is to make Lebanon an Islamic republic. And it is foolish to think that Iran gives them all these funds, and weapons and doesnt ask for anything in return. They're main function as of now is to enforce the agendas of syria and Iran. No one gets shit for free, theres always a catch. And if defending Lebanon was their job they did an extremely shitty job of doing it. Walk through South Beirut, and ask people where their house went. Dont try to teach me about Hizbullah.
You want to see intimidation and abuse of power? Look at Palestine and the genocide that is occurring by the hands of the fascist Israelis.
Im not arguing that, all im saying is why defend Hizbulla? They are the same type of evil. Fuck Israel, im with you on that, but fuck hizbulla too, the ideolgy they have has been trying to wipe out my ancestors for hundreds of years.
Rich land owners?
You tryin to say that my family are rich land owners? If that were the case, why am I here in San Diego? Why would my family leave Lebanon if they were rich? The rich people didnt have to run away from war or poverty, they sold their souls to syria and iran, and in some cases to israel, so they dont get touched. Not the case with us, and not the case especially when i've had family forced out of south Lebanon, which used to be mostly christian for hundreds of years, now its majority Shiite Muslim. Its funny how you talk about rich land owners, as if property in Lebanon is hard to come by. Do your research, why buy land when you can bring a 1000 guys into a village and wipe everyone out and bring your family in and take it over. These peeps dont use real estate agents, theres no open houses. It aint Seattle.
Really? Strange how they build hospitals etc. Equally as strange as why over 87% of the Lebanese support them. But I'll take your word for it because your rich land owner family had a gun pointed to their domes.
Yea, build hospitals for the mothers that are going to mass produce the young men and women who are going to fight for you. They build hospitals for there mini-country that they have created against the will of the Lebanese people. Hizbullah does care for their people and their people only, ill give them credit for that. 87% of lebanese are not with Hizbulla right now, and the majority want to disarm Hizbulla. If you dont want to take my word for it, its ok, I don't feel like writing a paper with cited sources to some dude who wont do anything to help with whats going on. But know that im speaking from what ive experianced with my own two eyes, ears etc..I aint reading cnn articles, or watching bbc reports or other western TV. outlets. I watch Lebanese TV stations, Al jazeera and I have direct contact to people who are there and witnessing this first hand.
Jul 10, 2002
reminds me of a letter I read a couple months ago, I actually saved it in my favorites.... here it goes....

Thank you, Hezbollah

Dr Joseph Hitti
Monday 14 August 2006

Thank you, Hezbollah, for showing us that we, the Lebanese people, don’t need an army or a government or an infrastructure. As long as we have “sacred unity”, steadfastness and brotherhood and all the other slogans, we do not need organized society, and History will judge us well on our actions.

We don’t need incomes, a GDP, a budget or any of those Western economic concepts, since our love for each other under the rubble and the wreckage of our country is sufficient to sustain us. What’s the big deal if our Hariri-inflicted $40 billion deficit grows to $50 billion, and if the nascent economy we had is back to ground zero, for it does not weaken our resolve to liberate Palestine for the Palestinians and show the world what clay we are made of.

In our megalomaniacal tendencies as the not so humble people that we are, we want to prove to the world that the Islamic faith is a great motivator for high-quality warmongering and that our irresponsibility as a country can lead us to success, all our failures of the past 40 years notwithstanding. With friends like Iran and Syria who provide us, respectively, with hundreds of millions of dollars a year and plenty of rockets and missiles, we don’t need the world.

Thank you, Hezbollah, for showing us that of all the Lebanese people, only Lebanese Shiite men are brave, courageous, and capable of defending the country. There is no need now to ask — but it’s just a thought for the future wars of liberation we are dreaming of — with the unity demonstrated by the Lebanese against the Israeli aggression, why are there no Sunni, Christian or Druze Lebanese men or women joining their Shiite brethren to fight off that aggression, either through their own militias or under the banner of the near-mythical highly organized, highly-trained Hezbollah?

Anyway, thank you for showing us that we don’t need a regular army. After all, Lebanon is the Switzerland of the Middle East — though not as clean or organized — and even though the real Switzerland is neutral, it still has a powerful army. But we the Lebanese are so smart. We are not neutral, we have a salon army that we display but never use, and to wage wars on others and ourselves, we hire militias like the PLO, the Lebanese Forces, the Amal militia, the Revolutionary Guards, and now Hezbollah, to fight our wars.

We’re just so smart, except that we never seem to think thoroughly of the consequences of our actions. Just watch our leaders, Nasrallah, Siniora, Berri, Hoss, Karami, Frangieh, Gemayel, Aoun, Geagea and all the rest. They are so smart that they went about killing their own people for decades, then suddenly, after 40 years of warfare, discovered unity only when they were in excrement up to their eyeballs. Too bad they did not discover that unity 3 months ago, or a year ago, or 5 years ago, or 30 years ago. We would have spared ourselves so much pain and destruction.

Thank you, Hezbollah, for showing us that our elderly men and women, in the final years of their lives, can be stripped of their children, their dignity and their possessions, and after having lost everything, they are made to flee alone, on foot, in front of Israeli tanks, leaving behind them homes and villages they have known all their lives.

Thank you for hiding behind our houses to fire at the enemy, and for making our children fodder for war, while all the children of the Arab Umma are quietly enjoying their summer vacations in summer schools or on the beach. Thank you for preparing the country so well for the possible retaliation you knew was coming as a result of your smart and ballsy action.

Thank you for showing us that in Lebanon words mean nothing, that agreements, national dialogues, and memorandums of understanding are not worth the paper they are written on, and that in a headless country like Lebanon, the blind can truly lead the blind to certain death.

Thank you for showing us that the Lebanese people, as a people, can be totally abnormal for discovering unity only after destruction, for discovering strength only after defeat, for discovering dialogue only in death. It really is just too much to ask a people to be united, strong and genuinely engaged before death, destruction and defeat, when they are alive, when their country is standing, and when their children and homes are safe.

I am sure there will be new giant posters of mullahs and ayatollas and martyrs on every dirty street corner of Beirut after all this ends one day. There will continue to be a great resolve to avenge the aggression, liberate Palestine, restore the dignity of the Umma, and add yet one more defeat to the long list of “victories in sacred unity”. For that is how Arabs measure victory or defeat: Not in terms of territory lost or won, not in terms of military battles lost or won, not in terms of buildings, cities, and villages saved or destroyed, not in terms of the numbers of dead and injured, not in terms of the effort it will take to rebuild, not in terms of how many people left the country to emigrate to more normal places to live.

No. None of those things matter in this life for the smart people of Lebanon and their leaders. What matters in the end is how big we think the balls of our leaders are in comparison with the balls of the enemy, how much higher is the level of testosterone in their veins, and how much longer our phallic rockets are compared to theirs. That, my fellow Lebanese, is what we are dying for and why our country is being destroyed, and we should all thank Hezbollah for showing us how big Hassan Nasrallah’s balls are. This is a priceless piece of information that is worth the destruction of Lebanon and the death of its children.

Bigger balls notwithstanding, we still have brains to take stock of the results of the “liberation” enterprise, and it does not take much to see that, no matter how big Nasrallah’s balls grow as a result of this conflict, Lebanon will still be the biggest loser.

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Mar 12, 2005
MaddDogg said:
The real winners are the people of Lebanon, who got their country destroyed and the shit kicked out of them because they allowed a radical Islamic Militia to operate in their country and the Jews are assholes.
Pretty easy for you to say, but when America and the European union begins their New World Order, you won't have a say in anything. Same applies for the people of Lebanon, you can't say shit in any political matter. Why are the Jews assholes, because they recieve weapons to protect themselves, because they make alot of money?
Mar 12, 2005
Rob S4 said:
Sounds like an anti-semite in the making.
Did you read my thread about Zionism, does that make me an anti-semite NOPE. An anti-semite is one who despise the whole race of JEWs, Many inhabitants of Israel Claim, they're part of the original 12 tribes of Israel, when it's not proven.
May 13, 2002
They defended their homeland?
Yep, they fought an army that was committing war crimes by indiscrimately dropping bombs on civilian cities and destroying their infrastructure as well as trying to kill their very own members.

While thousands of their followers died, while their leader hid in underground bunkers like a pussy.
As opposed to standing out in an open field, waving a yellow flag with a target on his chest?

Israel could have took the whole country if they wanted to
Yep they could have but as we know there are consequences for excessive force, which is why the US couldn’t simply drop nukes in Vietnam or Iraq.

I was within miles of the airstrikes and i witnessed the accuracy and effectiveness of Israeli forces, they could of flattend all 10425 km^2 of Lebanon in one day.

Walk around Lebanon instead of looking up articles on the internet and see what israel did.
I’m already aware of what Israel did and how mighty their military force is. I do not need to be in Fallujah to know the US destroyed it just as I don't need to be in Lebanon to know what the Israelies savagely did to the people and their homes.

Before the cease fire, Hizbulla was forced north of the Litani. I know people, hizbulla and nonhizbulla, and i can vouch that not a soul was south of the Litani river days before the cease fire.
Sure, some went north, only to shortly return south again. Any insistence that Israeli’s war was a success because Hezbollah has been ordered to disarm or that some supposedly went north has fallen flat, especially after scenes were broadcast of defiant refugees returning to their homes in southern Lebanon waving Hezbollah flags. Hezbollah has indicated that it is unwilling to accept its disarmament and removal from southern Lebanon, regardless of any pressures.

The inability of the Israeli military to destroy Hezbollah despite its brutal bombardment has been widely regarded as a political and geo-strategic disaster, even amongst most Israelis.

Even Prime Minister Ehud Olmert admitted shortcomings in the way the war had been handled and said there should be a period of “reflection”. “We will have to review ourselves in all the battles,” he said, amid heckling from opposition politicians. “We won’t sweep things under the carpet... The overall responsibility for this operation lies with me, the prime minister.”

The rape allegations with president Katsav, Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Dan Halutz under fire for his handling of Lebanon and also embroiled in a scandal that could trigger his dismissal, all of the in-fighting amongst the party, the very survival of the entire government is at stake. All of this because of the failures of this war.

On top of that, the country as a whole suffered great losses just because of the Iranian agenda that the Lebanese people want no part of.
No, the country suffered greatly because of the Israeli/US agenda, not the other way around comrade. If you cannot see that this is simply an extension of the “war on terror” then you’re a fool.

Have you been following up on the situation after the war?
Yes have you?

Hizbulla is facing constant pressure by the other major political factions in Lebanon to lay down their arms.
Have they done so? Are they still in tact? Are they in Southern Lebanon? Is their leader still alive?

A.) Hizbullah lays down their arms, which eventually would mean that any politcal strength that they've had is lost or B.) Hizbulla keeps their arms, which will cause a major conflict, possibly a civil war. And if you've known the history of Lebanon, a civil war is the worst possible outcome for all sides. What does hizbulla have to show for this major fuck-up that they have caused after they lose their weapons.
I seriously doubt they will lay down their arms and civil war is unlikely unless the opposition is funded/trained by Israel/US.

This is misleading. 87%? So you believe that 87% of the lebanese people support Hizbulla?
Yes and I provided sources to that number.

What this most likely means is, in the middle of the war, The lebanese people took Hizbulla's side.
Bold emphasis mine. You’re opinion, not factual.

However, survey the lebanese people before the war and ask them if Hassan Nasrullah has the right to declare an "open war" on Israel and let him dictate the future of the country, you'll get a totally different number.

After the war, survey the Lebanese people if they support Hizbulla, and it will not be anywhere near 87%, or even 40% for that matter. Its a myth that most Lebanese support Hizbulla. Hizbulla's days are numberd, Hassen Nassrallah is going to live in a bunker for the rest of his life, trying to claim that he beat Israel.
speculation and unfounded statements. Please provide some sort of source to back your claims up, if not, disregard them as they will be irrelevant to our conversation.

You are right about Israel, they did a half ass job in Lebanon, and I never supported there cause. However, Hizbulla is just as bad.
I am not a fan of Hizbulla by any means, as I am a socialist; however I support their right to defend their homeland from any illegal invasion, especially fascist Israeli.

You dont know how ignorant you sound by saying this. Lebanese more united? This is why i hesitate to argue Lebanese politics with non-lebanese people.
Yes there is pressure on Hizbullah from other groups but as I stated, and I provide sources to, the people support them. And until you can offer some supporting evidence that says otherwise, your statements fall flat.

Israel pulled out of Lebanon in 2000, explain to me why Hizbullah stockpiles arms for 6 years as if they were preparing for a war.
There is nothing wrong with stockpiling arms, especially if your neighbor is Israel that recently invaded and occupied your land.

You expect israel to smile at Hizbulla, a radical islamic group with strong ties to the Israels biggest opponent Iran, while they build up their military and possibly bring in long distance rockets and other weapons?
Matters not. My argument, as well as most others, is that Israel failed miserably and Hizbullah is seen as the victor.

I would tell you to read their main doctrine, but you cant read Arabic
I suppose there is no such thing as translating text.

And if defending Lebanon was their job they did an extremely shitty job of doing it.
4th largest military in the world vs. a small militia. I’d say they did a pretty damn good job.

Im not arguing that, all im saying is why defend Hizbulla?
I support their right to defend themselves from a fascist state. Yes, I will support that.

Yea, build hospitals for the mothers that are going to mass produce the young men and women who are going to fight for you. They build hospitals for there mini-country that they have created against the will of the Lebanese people. Hizbullah does care for their people and their people only, ill give them credit for that. 87% of lebanese are not with Hizbulla right now, and the majority want to disarm Hizbulla. If you dont want to take my word for it, its ok, I don't feel like writing a paper with cited sources to some dude who wont do anything to help with whats going on. But know that im speaking from what ive experianced with my own two eyes, ears etc..I aint reading cnn articles, or watching bbc reports or other western TV. outlets. I watch Lebanese TV stations, Al jazeera and I have direct contact to people who are there and witnessing this first hand.
Again, unsupported claims.