AGENT707 said:
@mexican commando...tell me WTF spelling has to do with this shit!?!?!?....i HARDLY ever proofread my shit....u get what im sayin..thats the point..dont try and belittle me by assuming i cant spell homie...ur on sum stupid shit on that subject...and then u try and come with the intelligent talk...LOL!!!!....makes u look like more of an asshole...LOL!!!...and to try to assume for ONE SECOND im not educated is slippin homie..stay on ur toes..
on the IMPORTANT stance/backup or "inane dribble" was posted like 2-3 times after my response on ur qoute...SO THEREFORE I DID FOLLOW UP....u lookin at the same message board as i am?...
@mexican commando...tell me WTF spelling has to do with this shit!?!?!?....i HARDLY ever proofread my shit....u get what im sayin..thats the point..dont try and belittle me by assuming i cant spell homie...ur on sum stupid shit on that subject...and then u try and come with the intelligent talk...LOL!!!!....makes u look like more of an asshole...LOL!!!...and to try to assume for ONE SECOND im not educated is slippin homie..stay on ur toes..
on the IMPORTANT stance/backup or "inane dribble" was posted like 2-3 times after my response on ur qoute...SO THEREFORE I DID FOLLOW UP....u lookin at the same message board as i am?...
Also if you're not going to directly direct a responce to me I have no need to read anything as I wouldnt know it was directed at me in the first place, even if it's redundant you should still let me know you posted this or that. This thread is old. If I even bothered to look at it it's because I was bored. Next time you wish to adress me and the points I made do so, if not then don't expect me to read all the responces. Some times I may and others I may not, but since I'm on the subject I will adress this stance of yours:
Today I read an article about Bisexuality. In this article it talks about bisexuals being outcasted by heterosexuals because they don't conform BUT it also mentions how gays have also shunned bisexuals. Bisexuals interviewed have expressed that they choose who they wish to have sex with and believe that this is what alienates them from homosexuals, the whole "they are a enjoying both sides of the spectrum without the backlash" thing. The thing is that bisexuals, like gays, say they do not choose who they fall in love with it: that they have no choice who they fall in love with. But they still choose who they have sex with. As a heterosexual I may fall in love with Girl A or Girl B [and not be able to control it] but I still choose who I fuck. The fact that a man can love another man in a platonic way doesn't make him homosexual but once he fucks him that would be considered a homosexual act. love is not sexual, sex is. Choosing whom to fuck is a choice straight people have, gay people have, and bisexual people have.