who the fuck ha$ txme to hit up a lame a$$ club?? N doNt $ay it$ all fuN cuz 95% of U mu'fuckaz caNt eveN get NEAR the BAR, daNciNg i$ koo but 99% of the HATING lo$er$ that are oN here 99% of their txme doNt $eem to have a lady $O they mu$t go out N eNjoy a couple of hour$ of daNciNg with a buNch of dude$, lol, cuZ I caNt $ee No FEMALE take a 2Nd LOOK @ aNy of U HATING a$ Nerd$ (thi$ I$ DIRECTED to them HATING a$$ ppl HATING oN ME N RICHY, No1 el$e $hould get booty tickled about thi$ commeNt)
.KAO$ De W$MG Record$::
.KAO$ De W$MG Record$::