Niggaz get BOOTY tickled over the pettie$t $hit,who give$ a fuck what the NeXt maN thiNkz, 1 per$oN$ opiNioN aiNt goNNa chaNge $hit, there$ $tiill that other 99% perceNt of geNte that thiNk$ otherwi$e, foo$ Need to keep them$elve$ a lil more bu$y thaN to come to a web $ite N argue like if we wa$ all iN 6th grade, but there$ 1 thiNg I do agree oN N that$ "FUCK THE HYPHY MOVEMENT", No1 care$ 4 it No more, that life$tyle or RECYCLED trackz, after all, WE all aiNt 4rm OAKLAND....
.KAO$ De W$MG Record$::