Hilarious Killer Promotion Video

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Nov 6, 2005
when there is massive hatred after doing a tribute for an artist on his own forum and there is nothing but negativity it becomes boring and demotivating and I will still post the video anyways for Tech, my boys and the people that appreciate it, but chose to keep quiet cause they chose to not take shit from dudes like you. Peace.

Yeah man, what you don't understand is that I was being sarcastic...I'm suprised you didn't pick up on that. If I were serious I would have ended with "I love you but fuck you for real" My boys know me as a riotmaker cause it's fun for me when other people think I am being serious when I give "angry" responses to people after they tell me my video is boring and a complete joke. They think I am being drawn in but really I am drawing you and anyone else who think I give two shits about what you think...The only thing we have in common is that we are Tech N9ne fans and most of us are fans for different reasons so how can anybody take anyone sincerely? Most people here are fake anyways cause they admit to being sarcastic so I just assume anything anybody says is most likely going going to be false aka can't take anyone except my boys seriously. So all I really come here for is learn about tech/lyrics/news, entertainment and for "shit's and giggles"
Sorry to burst your bubble but I already do have a major fan base bro. I'm not being full of myself man, goddamit I spent 2 months writing a fucking song just for Tech and practice everyday to perform this verse down perfectly (even though I'm not an musical artist) just so I can try to motivate and show my loyalty to Tech and hope he doesn't rash on me while there are people here saying, "support Tech buy the album" while those people talking are probably the hypocrites that already burned his songs on a cd and don't give a shit cause they assume everyone believes them when they say, "yeah I copped that album". I don't trust anyone here so I can tell you to get the fuck outta here and it won't change anything cause we're still both Tech fans except we just have "beef" with each other which doesn't say much since we don't know each other and it won't make a difference ever for either of us. You've got a twisted mind man. You say I love Tech in odd ways but you don't even know me. I love Tech but for his music and like a religious figure cause his music's flow makes me feel as though I'm ascending to heaven. I am honest and my boys know it but you don't so you take what I say as "gay" cause what you don't understand you try and destroy" ironically a lot people don't understand Tech except for everyone who's a fan of Tech...but I can connect with Tech because we understand each other because we both know what it's like when people don't understand something and they try to destroy it. You can label me however you want but you witnessed persistence this instance. I'm a keep on keepin' on.
Obviously everyone has their own sense of humor but aside from that if you're "in the moment" of an event it makes a big difference and rawb will tell you everyone there applauded for me after the tribute and there was around 20 people at the very least who thought I was funny/thought it was ill, dope etc. including Tech N9ne.
If you don't know someone you can make all kinds of presumptions. I am a very normal person as rob will tell you I am straight and very down to earth but I like to have fun and one of my ways of having fun is getting baked and drunk and performing in front of Tech in a serious manner singing, " Tech N9ne your mind is fine there's just not anyone like you, the whole wild world don't matter no if they can't flow like you, I must make you understand" If you actually knew me and saw some random white tech fan go and sing that song on one knee sincerely with hand motions you should crack up but then again like Tech implies in his song, "...I'm just famous cause im a fuck-up and y'all desire pain." - "Last Words" Tech's line makes me think of people who watch my video and say wtf is this? If you have a morbid outlook on life and are unhappy and whenever you see something goofy it pisses you off and gives you feelings of hate, confusion or you feel the need to ignore... than to me, that's just a character flaw, but I can't really argue as to why it's funny. Most of it is based on personality traits...you either love Borat or you despise him...I guess my humor is somewhat comparative in that sense love/hate... I can give my own rationalization and you can buy it or say "i'm gay cause you are afraid to give me an answer or just say "I was being sarcastic" or "you're not worth my time because I think you're twisted" even though we all listen to Tech N9ne.

If thats you keeping quite im scared to hear you talk...

Normally i wouldnt rash on you, but that right there is just too damn much.


Sicc OG
May 12, 2008
But this video wasn't you singing to Tech, it was just like 10 seconds of somebody yelling something nobody can hear....
Well I have that to blame on my friend for stopping the video short by accident and for technology since everyone there heard it clearly and I sang hardcore as and the only thing I can say is for the next tribute I'll get better video camera and make sure to get a longer video. Keep in mind I am just a Tech fan that is showing homage and I'm not doing it for myself even though you talk to me like I am...btw, did you cop the killer cd yet? How can I believe you really purchased it if you can't prove it to me?
Nov 7, 2006
Well I have that to blame on my friend for stopping the video short by accident and for technology since everyone there heard it clearly and I sang hardcore as and the only thing I can say is for the next tribute I'll get better video camera and make sure to get a longer video. Keep in mind I am just a Tech fan that is showing homage and I'm not doing it for myself even though you talk to me like I am...btw, did you cop the killer cd yet? How can I believe you really purchased it if you can't prove it to me?
Well don't you think posting a video with bad quality which won't even allow us to see your "tribute" therefore just wasting 10 seconds of our busy lives spent online factors into all the justified/unjustified "hate" you're getting?

*whoo hoo, 300 posts!*

And yes I did buy Killer, can I prove it to you? Yes. Do I want to? No. Does it matter if you know if I got it or not? Nope. Does it matter how much loyalty you think I have for a figure I've never met? No. Why do we need to prove our stripes? I mean, you always bring up how you're true and how you do tributes, but is that even nessicary? I mean, sure you can do it, go ahead, it's your life but, we won't give a fuck. Well we will, cuz shit, your thread is working


Sicc OG
May 12, 2008
Watched again to try and figure out why this is funny and I saw this...which is actually hillarious to me.

Watch & discuss...please tell this is somebody that posts on here. If it is, you sir, are incredible!
While I have mixed feeling about the video I do find it to be funny but I am curious if it is for the same reason as me. First off I don't know him and that already means all I can do is make assumptions about him. So I am assuming he seems straight until the point where he says "he wants to be all up in Tech nutts" Other than that I found him kind of boring but under the assumption he was being serious I thought he was funny considering how ignorant he was of other mainstream artists and how he didn't know anybody except Tech's crew although I don't know about you but I agree Paul Wall is wack.


Sicc OG
May 12, 2008

If thats you keeping quite im scared to hear you talk...

Normally i wouldnt rash on you, but that right there is just too damn much.
Just know that this is what I mean by entertainment. I find this fun...that I can keep a thread going cause I "make shit work" -Tech N9ne just as the man himself says it and you still think I am being completely serious which is even more humorous for me. I would take what you say as a rash but when you say I'm too much I can't stop thinking of Tech's song off killer and that song is just too much in a great way as most of us agree.
Nov 7, 2006
The guy in that youtube video is just a lame. He's just a dumb juggalo...cuz he's dumb and his opinions revolve around all that clown shit being superior and anything other than shit


Sicc OG
May 12, 2008
this dude is a big fucking joke to me dont know who the fuck scarface is wtf
4 real. If this dude were really as big of a Tech fan as he claims to be he would know Tech has preached about the fact that Tech can perform with Paul Wall and Ill Bill and different artists from different regions of the country is a beautiful thing, "you know what I'm sizzling?" Tech has emphasized the importance of the melting pot effect and has made me see things differently since I used to rash how Tech is so much better without dudes like Prozak yet without them no one would really know who Tech is to some degree and a lot of them are pretty good/decent artists. I did not know Prozak directed "Bout To Bubble" (until fats informed me) and that is one of my favorite Tech party songs.


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
Yeah man, what you don't understand is that I was being sarcastic...I'm suprised you didn't pick up on that. If I were serious I would have ended with "I love you but fuck you for real" My boys know me as a riotmaker cause it's fun for me when other people think I am being serious when I give "angry" responses to people after they tell me my video is boring and a complete joke. They think I am being drawn in but really I am drawing you and anyone else who think I give two shits about what you think...The only thing we have in common is that we are Tech N9ne fans and most of us are fans for different reasons so how can anybody take anyone sincerely? Most people here are fake anyways cause they admit to being sarcastic so I just assume anything anybody says is most likely going going to be false aka can't take anyone except my boys seriously. So all I really come here for is learn about tech/lyrics/news, entertainment and for "shit's and giggles"
You got your feelings hurt. That's unfortunate. Watching you talk, I'd imagine, is like watching a kid flick the back of an empty Pez dispenser.


Sicc OG
May 12, 2008
You got your feelings hurt. That's unfortunate. Watching you talk, I'd imagine, is like watching a kid flick the back of an empty Pez dispenser.
It's funny you mention that because like Tech, I "Played like I'm weak when I'm strong" I appreciate you giving me an answer with the exception of finding your answer to be less than respectable with all due respect should-be-mod/authoritative figure. I was expecting more from your "deep" and "insulting" imagery/analogy/symbolism so while you think I'm like a little kid I know you're a bitch to Tech since you have to pay him $27 just to listen to his album. That's it? Couldn't you at least pay a buck for each song? I mean, therealtechn9ne.com charges at least $1 per song on the website I think. You didn't even qualify for mod and you got rashed by mad people in your own thread and to make matters worse you are part of the reason Tech's career may fail now so you got a lot on your conscious. You must be an undercover employee of strange that just got out of control and you started taking out the anger and frustration from my video that has caused so much controversy mainly due to that fact people are finding my video useless since nobody except the people who were there, Tech and his crew, myself, and my boys can understand what I'm saying! Well I know that's only part of the frustration since you aren't even mod and everyone makes a big shit about it...and on top of that you have to face the truth of your personality flaws when you reflect on you past...Tech actually mentions you in one of his songs off Killer...Tech says, "...verse three, I know L.DS. fucked my career up, but you can't live in the past, you gotta let that shit go or let me (Tech) go." So don't take my word for it, take Tech's word for it. Peace.

It's a shame that there are so many vultures on this planet. I'm sure 90% of you impatient mother fuckers that downloaded the album won't buy it in stores. Fucking ridiculous.
You have more faith in them than I do.
Ehh, I feel I've invested into the album by reviewing it before it drops. Everyone would be in the dark had it not been for that. In the words of Cartman, though, "I do what I want."
Unless you are employed by Strange, of course.
L.D.S. needs to relax. It's not like we actually leaked it. This should have been expected.
I understand where he is coming from, and I have already preordered the album.
I downloaded the leak, and l.d.s. please stop frontin' you know you downloaded it too.
that's all im saying quit acting "holier than thou" lolololol

I find it retarded for L.D.S. to be on here crying or complaining about the leak, it's not like it's your time and money that's being passed around the internet like a nude celebrity picture, damn.

I also find it pretty hypocritical of Strange to be trying to "put this fire out" when they're the same ones that were hollering "F.T.I." years ago. One of the core components of the F.T.I. Movement was the mindset of "We'll let you download Absolute Power and you're still going to buy it." People are downloading Killer... they're still going to buy it. Or do exactly as Tech said about Absolute Power/the F.T.I. Movement, and that is not like it and delete it. I guess not carring about people downloading the album was fine when you were grabbing at straws after Slacker failed.

I also find it hilarious that there is this scramble to stomp out this leak when Tech himself has said in the past that "if your shit ain't leaking, it means no ones looking for you." Chin up Tech, chin up Trav, your shit leaked... people are looking for you.



Sicc OG
May 12, 2008
I didn't read any of that.
With all due respect "should-be-mod", authoritative figure etc. you refuse to read it because you are afraid to let your past go, hence the reason you took your precious time to inform me you "didn't read any of that" as a cover up or maybe it's because I'm too much for you...well damn man if you could take listening to each song off Killer for less than a buck a song why can't you take what I got to say? I was expecting more from a should-be-mod who is at part to blame for ruining Tech's career. The least you could do is give me a respectable answer. Peace.
Nov 14, 2002
I just wasted my time recording a vid like that as a joke and my camera won't upload to the puter for some reason.

Oh and T-Lou... Just shut up already. That vid would have been shit if it were shot by Scorcese.


Sicc OG
May 12, 2008
I just wasted my time recording a vid like that as a joke and my camera won't upload to the puter for some reason.

Oh and T-Lou... Just shut up already. That vid would have been shit if it were shot by Scorcese.
Sorry to hear about your unsuccessful attempt at making that video. But I will give you the benefit of the doubt that it was funny... The video is still ill to me because I promoted Tech and I have people that appreciate it and Tech of course and a major underground fan base like Tech so I hear what you're saying but unfortunately your opinion doesn't mean much to me because...well, quite frankly, I'm not so sure about you being able to hold your liquor when you failed at uploading that video. Once again, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume your L, and camera/puter fucked everything up. Peace bro.