Hilarious Killer Promotion Video

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Dec 14, 2005
T Lous tributes are what keep this board going... Shit, be happy. Killers out... and TLous givin yall something to look forward to.
Dec 14, 2005

In no way shape or form was an 8 second video of TLous drunken tribute boring. Call it stupid... say hes on Techs nuts... but dont say it was boring. Those 8 seconds flew by.. I wish it was longer. Plus... how the hell could that video be boring to someone who talks shit back and forth (with long ass thought out paragraphs of pointless shit) with other people on this board? If anything I would think TLou got your hopes up.. soon you will have another reason to do so


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
Honestly, that post was on some "T-lou groupie" shit. It was boring, I didn't laugh. I want my time back. It could be used to reflect on when the next time I take a shit happens.


Sicc OG
May 12, 2008
Originally Posted by L.D.S.
Ehh, I feel I've invested into the album by reviewing it before it drops. Everyone would be in the dark had it not been for that. In the words of Cartman, though, "I do what I want."
it isnt like your review sold copies, and i doubt people where in the dark about this cd, since they already planned on coppin it july 1st, i downloaded it, so what? honestly you actin like its your shit that leaked.
i dont think this will hurt his sales by much, his last 2 albums leaked early if i'm corrected.
I apologize for the misunderstandings but you seem very upset and for someone who wants to be mod I was expecting better of you since you post like an authoritative figure on the forum yet when you got rashed on a lot and probably regret ever starting the, "I hope you mother fuckers are happy" thread, you take out your frustrations on others like myself which shows you don't have self-control. I feel for you that you weren't elected mod in time to save Tech N9ne's career when the album leaked but I'm not doing this tribute for you or anybody else but Tech cause he makes the music and you're not even a moderator on Tech's most popular forum so you don't have much of a connection with Tech when you put things into perspective and when you tell me I'm boring I can't take you seriously cause you're time isn't valuable to me unlike Tech so I don't really mind when you say you're bored cause I had no intention or incentive to please you...I love you but fuck you. Peace.
Nov 14, 2002
Plus... how the hell could that video be boring to someone who talks shit back and forth (with long ass thought out paragraphs of pointless shit) with other people on this board? If anything I would think TLou got your hopes up.. soon you will have another reason to do so
This is a good point. Have to give it to you on that one.

I apologize for the misunderstandings but you seem very upset and for someone who wants to be mod I was expecting better of you since you post like an authoritative figure on the forum yet when you got rashed on a lot and probably regret ever starting the, "I hope you mother fuckers are happy" thread, you take out your frustrations on others like myself which shows you don't have self-control. I feel for you that you weren't elected mod in time to save Tech N9ne's career when the album leaked but I'm not doing this tribute for you or anybody else but Tech cause he makes the music and you're not even a moderator on Tech's most popular forum so you don't have much of a connection with Tech when you put things into perspective and when you tell me I'm boring I can't take you seriously cause you're time isn't valuable to me unlike Tech so I don't really mind when you say you're bored cause I had no intention or incentive to please you...I love you but fuck you. Peace.
1. Watch your tone
2. If you had no intention of pleasing people on the board with that dumbass video, then what did you post it for?


The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
I apologize for the misunderstandings but you seem very upset and for someone who wants to be mod I was expecting better of you since you post like an authoritative figure on the forum yet when you got rashed on a lot and probably regret ever starting the, "I hope you mother fuckers are happy" thread, you take out your frustrations on others like myself which shows you don't have self-control. I feel for you that you weren't elected mod in time to save Tech N9ne's career when the album leaked but I'm not doing this tribute for you or anybody else but Tech cause he makes the music and you're not even a moderator on Tech's most popular forum so you don't have much of a connection with Tech when you put things into perspective and when you tell me I'm boring I can't take you seriously cause you're time isn't valuable to me unlike Tech so I don't really mind when you say you're bored cause I had no intention or incentive to please you...I love you but fuck you. Peace.
Did you seriously type all that out for me and then end it with "I love you but fuck you"? I'm supposed to gather my thoughts and give a rebuttal to that? Plus, why did you find the need to bring up something that obviously died down in the last couple of days in order to somehow call me out on my opinion? I don't give a fuck if my opinion isn't liked here, but BIG SURPRISE HERE....My opinion is what gave me the opportunity to hear Killer early. What have you done again? Danced a fancy little jig for Tech?

Nov 7, 2006
omg this dude is just pure comedy relief on these board(not talking about the video cuz it sucked, served no purposed, wasn't funny, was just bad quality video + noise).

I mean, I can just picture him typing his responses with his little Tech N9ne song lyric references

Don't make videos, but keep posting kid


Sicc OG
May 12, 2008
This is a good point. Have to give it to you on that one.

1. Watch your tone
2. If you had no intention of pleasing people on the board with that dumbass video, then what did you post it for?
1. I will take a serious note of that.
2. Because my boys and I get a kick out of seeing others reactions to the video but when there is massive hatred after doing a tribute for an artist on his own forum and there is nothing but negativity it becomes boring and demotivating and I will still post the video anyways for Tech, my boys and the people that appreciate it, but chose to keep quiet cause they chose to not take shit from dudes like you. Peace.


Sicc OG
May 12, 2008
Did you seriously type all that out for me and then end it with "I love you but fuck you"? I'm supposed to gather my thoughts and give a rebuttal to that? Plus, why did you find the need to bring up something that obviously died down in the last couple of days in order to somehow call me out on my opinion? I don't give a fuck if my opinion isn't liked here, but BIG SURPRISE HERE....My opinion is what gave me the opportunity to hear Killer early. What have you done again? Danced a fancy little jig for Tech?

Yeah man, what you don't understand is that I was being sarcastic...I'm suprised you didn't pick up on that. If I were serious I would have ended with "I love you but fuck you for real" My boys know me as a riotmaker cause it's fun for me when other people think I am being serious when I give "angry" responses to people after they tell me my video is boring and a complete joke. They think I am being drawn in but really I am drawing you and anyone else who think I give two shits about what you think...The only thing we have in common is that we are Tech N9ne fans and most of us are fans for different reasons so how can anybody take anyone sincerely? Most people here are fake anyways cause they admit to being sarcastic so I just assume anything anybody says is most likely going going to be false aka can't take anyone except my boys seriously. So all I really come here for is learn about tech/lyrics/news, entertainment and for "shit's and giggles"
Jun 9, 2007
^ Stop being so full of yourself. Seriously. The first video of you making an ass out of yourself was somewhat amusing. Everything after that has just been.... there...

Just because you "love" Tech in various odd ways doesn't mean a bunch of people on the internet have to rally around you and cheer you on.


Sicc OG
May 12, 2008
^ Stop being so full of yourself. Seriously. The first video of you making an ass out of yourself was somewhat amusing. Everything after that has just been.... there...

Just because you "love" Tech in various odd ways doesn't mean a bunch of people on the internet have to rally around you and cheer you on.
Sorry to burst your bubble but I already do have a major fan base bro. I'm not being full of myself man, goddamit I spent 2 months writing a fucking song just for Tech and practice everyday to perform this verse down perfectly (even though I'm not an musical artist) just so I can try to motivate and show my loyalty to Tech and hope he doesn't rash on me while there are people here saying, "support Tech buy the album" while those people talking are probably the hypocrites that already burned his songs on a cd and don't give a shit cause they assume everyone believes them when they say, "yeah I copped that album". I don't trust anyone here so I can tell you to get the fuck outta here and it won't change anything cause we're still both Tech fans except we just have "beef" with each other which doesn't say much since we don't know each other and it won't make a difference ever for either of us. You've got a twisted mind man. You say I love Tech in odd ways but you don't even know me. I love Tech but for his music and like a religious figure cause his music's flow makes me feel as though I'm ascending to heaven. I am honest and my boys know it but you don't so you take what I say as "gay" cause what you don't understand you try and destroy" ironically a lot people don't understand Tech except for everyone who's a fan of Tech...but I can connect with Tech because we understand each other because we both know what it's like when people don't understand something and they try to destroy it. You can label me however you want but you witnessed persistence this instance. I'm a keep on keepin' on.


Sicc OG
May 12, 2008
Why is this video hilarious?
Obviously everyone has their own sense of humor but aside from that if you're "in the moment" of an event it makes a big difference and rawb will tell you everyone there applauded for me after the tribute and there was around 20 people at the very least who thought I was funny/thought it was ill, dope etc. including Tech N9ne.
If you don't know someone you can make all kinds of presumptions. I am a very normal person as rob will tell you I am straight and very down to earth but I like to have fun and one of my ways of having fun is getting baked and drunk and performing in front of Tech in a serious manner singing, " Tech N9ne your mind is fine there's just not anyone like you, the whole wild world don't matter no if they can't flow like you, I must make you understand" If you actually knew me and saw some random white tech fan go and sing that song on one knee sincerely with hand motions you should crack up but then again like Tech implies in his song, "...I'm just famous cause im a fuck-up and y'all desire pain." - "Last Words" Tech's line makes me think of people who watch my video and say wtf is this? If you have a morbid outlook on life and are unhappy and whenever you see something goofy it pisses you off and gives you feelings of hate, confusion or you feel the need to ignore... than to me, that's just a character flaw, but I can't really argue as to why it's funny. Most of it is based on personality traits...you either love Borat or you despise him...I guess my humor is somewhat comparative in that sense love/hate... I can give my own rationalization and you can buy it or say "i'm gay cause you are afraid to give me an answer or just say "I was being sarcastic" or "you're not worth my time because I think you're twisted" even though we all listen to Tech N9ne.
Jul 7, 2002
Watched again to try and figure out why this is funny and I saw this...which is actually hillarious to me.

Watch & discuss...please tell this is somebody that posts on here. If it is, you sir, are incredible!