HBO: Game of Thrones

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Jul 6, 2005
I couldnt help myself. All ima say is, its finally set in motion..the finale should be goddamn fuckin EPIC


as soon i wrote that post to you, i tried to click on infinity @infinity 's link but it was dead, was about to watch the whole ting like fuck it
May 13, 2002
where's 2-0-Sixx @2-0-Sixx and B @butcher 206 w the analysis

this thread was brackn last yr tho

tonight's episode was dope af
Yo. This season has been off the chains but I avoid this thread cause I remember how many negative Nancy's there were crying about every fucking thing, it's too depressing. I prefer to enjoy the show. But I got a long post here about some thoughts and minor predictions.

Like last episode, they just created a dream team that I had no idea I even wanted to see so badly.

The Hound
Beric Dondarrion
Thoros of Myr

That's a fucking sick squad.

Even Gendry was cool as fuck. Loved The Onion Knights remarks all episode long, like about how he thought Gendry would still be rowing lol. But it was a cool for Gendry to use the war hammer, a nice nod to his father Robert Baratheon:

Young Robert smashing Rgaeger

Like father like son

I kinda hope he doesn't die though, I'd like to see him reunite with Arya.

Then we had Gilly of all people dropping the surprise info - an annulment was issued for Rhaegar Targaryen so he could have a secret wedding, to Lyanna Stark obviously. Sam just had the worst possible time to be impatient with her lol.

So that means not only is Jon Snow the child of R+L, which we already know, but he is the legit son, which is very significant. Not a bastard child. Not born out of a shameful situation. As most everyone knows, the belief after all these years in Westeros was that Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna against her will, which incited Robert’s Rebellion. But as very few people alive know, Rhaegar and Lyanna were almost certainly in love, and now we know they legitimately got married.

In fact, as Rhaegars legit son, not some bastard, Jon Snow has rightful claim to the throne, much stronger of a claim than Daenerys.

-Prince Rhaegar is Daenerys older brother.
-Jon is Rhaegars legitimate and only surviving son.
-Jon Targaryen: the living and legitimate heir to the Iron Throne.

Knowing Jon though he probably wouldn't want it anyways, but it's certainly interesting.

I'm guessing Jon will not find this out this season. We know that Bran Stark knows already who his parents are, and can pretty much learn the truth about anything should he want, but he's currently weird as fuck to his family members so I'm not sure how receptive they all would be to his "visions".

The Tower of Joy scene last season however showed a young Howland Reed save Ned Stark. Meera Reed, his daughter, was a pretty important character in that she saved and protected Bran for years and she just recently left Winterfell rather abruptly and on bad terms thanks to Bran's ungrateful attitude. Makes perfect sense for her to return at some point with her daddy Howland Reed, the one person who was literally there and could verify the truth without using some weird ass vision that no one else can really understand. So Howland Reed can reveal the news to Jon and perhaps Sam will be back around then to break the news about the legitimate marriage (they did bring the paperwork with them so I'm sure he'll read what Gilly already read out loud).

The previous episode was insane, with the WMDs unleashed on the Lannister army. And I think we can clearly see how the show is having Daenerys getting awfully close to the "Mad King" murderous insanity, but he council, and probably Jon, will bring her back to a just ruler.

Also nice to see Littlefinger back doing what he does best.

Cersei and Jamie is an interesting situation. Who else thinks she's lying to Jamie about being pregnant? I think bitch was feeling like she was losing control and Jamie went off having a secret meeting with Tyrion. I think it's her way of getting control over him again.

Of course, the episodes aren't without some issues. And no I'm not going to nitpick minor shit like "the water was way too deep when Jamie fell into the water!" or "they are all teleporting!" (especially since we know literally weeks and months can pass between scenes and that the scenes aren't all happening at the exact same time (just because we see a scene in Kings landing doesnt necessarily mean the following scene in Winterfell isn't weeks apart) but more so with certain plots or characters being rushed because they are running out of time. The fact is there are 8 episodes left in the series. That's fucking it. Sucks but it has to come to an end. My biggest gripe is that I don't really like Arya's storyline anymore, the biggest issue being how insanely quick they rushed the killing of Walder Frey and the house. But all those other details are for the books, and it's going to be massive (whenever the fuck it's finished) and honestly would probably take another 5-7 seasons if they were to somehow follow the books (if they were already finished). All of these extra plotlines have to be closed, as a result we simply are going to get a number of things rushed. Anyways, next episode is going to be dope and action packed and iirc the final episode will be 80 minutes or something like that. I've heard that next season, all six episodes will be around and hour and a half each.
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May 13, 2002
2-0-Sixx @2-0-Sixx

nice post bro

but yeah there was something fishy about Qyburn being in the room w Cersei right before she told Jamie she was pregnant, not sure where that is going
Oh yeah forgot about that, so much happened in that episode. They obviously got something cookin.

I always imagined Cercei would end up going Mad King and try to "Burn them all" and burn the city down, and Jamie has to kill her just like he did the mad king. That way it fulfills the prophecy about her younger brother killing her which she always assumed was Tyrion.

But maybe it has to do something with Euron Grayjoy, I have no idea. Gotta be careful about spoilers tho apparently next episode is available online.
May 13, 2002
Crazy episode. Couple big plot issues though probably too big to ignore - Gendry running back to the wall faster than Bolt and Danny coming through with the dragons. Unless that all took like 3-5 days seems way too unbelievable.

But with that said, D&D weren't brought in to finish the novals. GRRM was supposed to have the next book finished by now and an outline to the final book. He's done NONE of that lol. Fucking hell, D&D are just supposed to bring the books to film, not write the books and bring it to film. So any plot fuck ups are solely on GRRM for not living up to his end of the deal. Can't really fault anyone else here and just have to ignore time frames like that and appreciate how gigantic this show truly is (it's like Blockbuster Hollywood movie each episode which is crazy).
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Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
I wouldn't be surprised if they end up losing a lawsuit for plagiarizing fan theories & fan fiction. That's literally what this show is now.
May 13, 2002
plagiarizing fan theories? lmao that will happen.

Absolutely you have to blame GRRM. It was in contract pre-printed in 2007 he would be finished with the next book and at least an outline for final book by now. That's all on GRRM for not finishing shit.

You're asking the show writers to finish a massive fucking novel that's been in existence for over 20 years that even the actual author doesnt know how to finish, write the episodes and bring to film. At this point, if you haven't already, you have to separate the books and the show and just accept they are two completely separate entities. The books will be finished in the next 10-15 years, probably by a different author after GRRM dies, and the show is this epic production on the scale of something we've never seen before in television. Sure, there are some plot holes and it's not perfect, but it's still better than anything else we've seen before and has to fit neatly into television.