HBO: Game of Thrones

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Nov 24, 2003
I was hoping that wilding bitch would get raped just to hear the backlash lol
lol I was thinking the same thing when that scene was going down.

I knew the religious fanatics would turn on cersei, just didn't realize it would be that quick!
Yeah good call on that.

And finally the sand snakes did something cool - display some firm tiddies. Not the best shot but only thing I could find.

Man that chick's body was solid!

smh though the first thing that comes up when I googled her was:

"Rosabell Laurenti Sellers At Center Of New 'Game Of Thrones' Controversy" :dead::dead:
May 13, 2002
Yeah while searching for her nudes I stumbled across some more feminist bullshit, people calling the nude scene completely unnecessary. WTF are people watching this show for, seriously?

Another saying GOT shamelessly airs teenagers breasts LOL

It seems the uber PC crowd and feminist shit has intensified dramatically this past year. I don't remember any outrage over khaleesi's tiddies in season one. Or the countless floppy cocks they've shown lol

Either that or its just clickbait.

Probably the latter now that I think of it.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
But there's tons of rape in the books, tons of it. Far worse stuff than in the show. So what does that say about society? I don't understand that.

I disagree they did it for viewership, it's one of the most popular shows already, they don't need to add a rape scene for viewership and the audience certainly wasn't expecting Sansa to be raped, they didn't do it because that was expected. I think there have been two rape scenes in the show? Sansa, Jamie and his sister was a bit rapey but possibly not intended, what else?

Regardless, rape is apart of life, it's apart of our history, it's apart of this fantasy world in the books.

Unnecessary? Why? Wouldn't most of the murders be unnecessary then under the same kind of logic? I just don't understand the backlash here regarding rape but everything else is ok. Let's cut Theon's dick off and eat a sausage in front of him! Was that necessary? No, but it was awesome.
Rape's definitely a part of life, and definitely existed in medieval times. It was all over the book. I don't have any problem with rape scenes in general. But when you rape one of the main characters when it doesn't happen in the book, I think it's pretty clear you're just doing it for shock value. 'We killed Ned Stark. We killed Joffrey. We killed Robb and Catlyn. What can we do this season? Let's rape Sansa.'

I'm not morally against rape scenes. I just think it was a cheap shock move on HBO's part.

I agree that the TV show was prematurely made when the entire thing hasn't been written yet. That's the real problem here. It's his story so he can add as much as he wants right? I mean even comics go on and on and on.

Is the Sanderson shit complete and is it going to be made into a TV show? I'd like to know before I go getting invested in a book series again.
Only two books have been released so far, but compared to GRRM, the guy is a machine. He's done like 28 books in the past 10 years. He writes two or three at a time. The third book in the series should be out in fall of 2016 and he should have every other one out within 1.5-2 years later.

I've been trying to finish the last book in the Mistborn series but it drags on so much I keep putting it down for months at a time. It's seriously the worst character progression ever, makes you appreciate A Feast for Crows a lot more. I was going to start the Raven's Shadow series next but I'll flip a coin between that and Stormlight if you say so.
Mistborn was his first real try at epic fantasy and not his best work. Stormlight is hands down the best he's done, and I've heard a few people complain about Mistborn but love Stormlight.

The best fantasy series I've read have probably been Stormlight, Kingkiller Chronicles, and the Farseer Trilogies. All for different reasons. GoT is venturing into Wheel of Time territory, and lost control of its own story.

Joe Abercrombie is one of the best. Have you read any of the Shattered Sea books?

In the past couple years I've probably read GOT, First Law, Farseer, Acts of Caine, Wheel of Time, Kingkiller, Stormlight, Mistborn, Demon Cycle, Malazan, Eli Monpress, Earthsea, the Magicians, Gentlemen Bastards, Chronicles of Amber, Dark Tower, His Dark Materials, Lightbringer, Night Angel, Fionavar Tapestry, and god knows what else. Stormlight was my favorite, period.
May 13, 2002
Rape's definitely a part of life, and definitely existed in medieval times. It was all over the book. I don't have any problem with rape scenes in general. But when you rape one of the main characters when it doesn't happen in the book, I think it's pretty clear you're just doing it for shock value. 'We killed Ned Stark. We killed Joffrey. We killed Robb and Catlyn. What can we do this season? Let's rape Sansa.'

I'm not morally against rape scenes. I just think it was a cheap shock move on HBO's part.
I have no issue with book readers complaining that its different from the books, that will always be the case when a show changes something.

I don't think they did it for shock though, I think what they are doing with Sansa will have the same end result, it's just a different way of getting there. They are really hammering home the fact that the Bolton's and Ramsey are twisted fucks and this was another great way of showing us just how fucked up Ramsey is. He's worse than Joffery at this point. An Evil, sadistic psychopath. Viewers want to see revenge, they want Ramsey to die like we all did with Joffery. Its hardening Sansa too, her character has been through so much in the end the little naive princess will be long dead and a stronger woman will emerge, I'm sure.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
You could be onto something about it ultimately setting the stage for some character growth. I just think the show is doing some cheap moves for shock value. Sansa getting raped, Gilly almost getting raped, the Sandsnake showing her tiddies for no reason*. Just seems like instead of having something really cool in the plot to drive the story along, they're just having people get raped.

*I liked the tiddies.
May 13, 2002
You could be onto something about it ultimately setting the stage for some character growth. I just think the show is doing some cheap moves for shock value. Sansa getting raped, Gilly almost getting raped, the Sandsnake showing her tiddies for no reason*. Just seems like instead of having something really cool in the plot to drive the story along, they're just having people get raped.

*I liked the tiddies.
Cheap moves for shock value? It's been this way since season one. Tiddies has always been a big part of the show, violent horrible deaths and even is any different than khaleesi basically raped on her wedding night in season one! She didn't want to fuck Drogo!

She's all getting hammered from the back by this beast of a man and you could clearly see in her face during the scene she wanted no part of it. Same scenario. Sansa was forced to marry some guy she didn't like, she gets fucked from the back while not wanting it. khaleesi was forced to marry some savage, fucked from the back while not wanting it. Difference?

Gilly ALMOST getting raped? Kinda like how Sansa almost got raped in season 2:

It's the same show, the same stuff, nothing has changed! It's weird how suddenly it's an issue but season 1, 2 and 3 it was fine.

Randomly showing tits, that's nothing new! Did anyone expect the wilding broad Osha did get nude?

Where was the outrage! lol

Random Tiddies and pussu

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Jun 21, 2005
You could be onto something about it ultimately setting the stage for some character growth. I just think the show is doing some cheap moves for shock value. Sansa getting raped, Gilly almost getting raped, the Sandsnake showing her tiddies for no reason*. Just seems like instead of having something really cool in the plot to drive the story along, they're just having people get raped.

*I liked the tiddies.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Cheap moves for shock value? It's been this way since season one. Tiddies has always been a big part of the show, violent horrible deaths and even is any different than khaleesi basically raped on her wedding night in season one! She didn't want to fuck Drogo!

She's all getting hammered from the back by this beast of a man and you could clearly see in her face during the scene she wanted no part of it. Same scenario. Sansa was forced to marry some guy she didn't like, she gets fucked from the back while not wanting it. khaleesi was forced to marry some savage, fucked from the back while not wanting it. Difference?

Gilly ALMOST getting raped? Kinda like how Sansa almost got raped in season 2:

It's the same show, the same stuff, nothing has changed! It's weird how suddenly it's an issue but season 1, 2 and 3 it was fine.

Randomly showing tits, that's nothing new! Did anyone expect the wilding broad Osha did get nude?

Where was the outrage! lol

Random Tiddies and pussu

Thanks for the boobie pics.

My point was that the Sansa scene wasn't in the books. Wasn't part of the story. Likely did nothing to build her as a person and possibly made her a worse character. In the books she's currently learning to be self sufficient in the Eyrie. In the show she's in Winterfell giving up her v card. That's what I mean my shock value. Gilly scene didn't happen and her banging Sam was consensual after grieving over Eamon. Most of your other examples either happened in the book or to minor characters.

I like boobs. Not offended by rape scenes. But I want the show to be meaningful. A departure from the books to add in a rape scene or two is just overkill and unnecessary.
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Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I didn't even know he had a new series so I'm totally grabbing those next haha. Then I'll do Stormlight and Ravens Shadow. Have you read the other 3 books he did in the First Law universe?
It's a YA trilogy. The third book comes out in July. Not amazing but cool if you like Abercrombie.

I read all the books in the First Law world. Logen Ninefingers is a fucking savage!!
May 9, 2002
Thanks for the boobie pics.

My point was that the Sansa scene wasn't in the books. Wasn't part of the story. Likely did nothing to build her as a person and possibly made her a worse character.
Sorry, but that just doesn't make any sense. If anything, it adds fuel to the fire for all parties involved in that portion of the story.

A departure from the books to add in a rape scene or two is just overkill and unnecessary.
These are not mutually exclusive, so not sure why you are making them so.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Let me try to explain it better. I think HBO is treating us like we're stupid. I think the past few seasons have had great storylines. I think this season is boring as hell. And the show writers were like "instead of putting effort into a good storyline, which we're known for, we're just gonna keep pushing the shock-value envelope, which we're also known for."

20Sixx made a good point. This could all be leading up to something awesome. If Sansa ends up going HAM on Ramsay and becomes a hero because somebody finally pushed her too far, then this makes way more sense for the story. But I'm not sure what's gonna happen anymore. If this ends up just being a red herring, then basically they raped a main character for no reason besides ratings and shock value. If this ends up making Sansa a worthwhile character, then its all good.

End of the day, if this all leads up to something that has a real solid influence on the story, then great. But if not, then it was a cheap ratings grab.

What I do know is that this didn't happen in the books, which means it probably isn't relevant to how the story ends. Otherwise, they would have kept it true to the books. So I'm wondering how they're gonna make this relevant.