-warning may be spoilers-
i saw it... thought it could have been way better and yes... the storyline was kinda boo-boo... too much of the shit was unexplained/didnt make sense. and too many of the scenes were unneccesary, like the trucker scene i thought they could have done without that... i had problems with too much of the movie
i thought all the extra gore kinda made it silly, dudes were bleeding their whole fuckin body out, kinda whack. if u get hit by a kid with a little leauge bat ur probably not gonna be leaving a lake of blood on the ground. everybody likes gore in a horror movie but i think it was a lil overboard, kinda like putting the blood level on high on mortal kombat
after he kills all those people at his house, when u hear the news reporter, they seem to have forgot about the kid that he beat to death... i think we shoulda heard about that in the news too cuz how hard would it be to tie him to that murder? hmm they had a previous conflict earlier the same day when he killed like three people, ya think it was him? naaaah couldnt be
also i thought it was whack how it said he was 17 when he was a kid, and the actor that played him as a kid was like 5'2" and looked 12... so how did that lil faggot get to be a 8'1" and shit? he musta hit one hell of a growth spurt
and when the workers went into michael's cell and dude is just sitting there uncuffed... uhh no. theres no way there gonna send only two dudes into a serial killers cell while he's uncuffed. and they were talking shit to him.
i know michael myers is damn near invincible, so i'll let that shit slide lol
^and not too mention yea i didnt get why if it was supposed to be the 1950's and the kid is wearing a Kiss shirt... wtf. and they were driving cars that seemed way too new for the time, it seems like they messed up on the aging and shit...