GOM topic in the open forum Vol 89: Religious folks need to study their beliefs more.

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Dec 2, 2006
I would like to thank nut case for posting this thread.

attention siccness members

"God" is conciousness. That thing that MAKES you know you exist

the "God" of religion (whether that religion be christian muslim jewish buddhist or whatever) are advanced lifeforms originating from planets other than our own, who visited earth with their advanced technology, and created a hybrid race with the evolved apes they found here and their own dna.

TWO THINGS existed when the universe began/ big bang happened (or however you vbelieve this whole thing started)

these two things are:


muthafuckers i just gave you the motherfuckin answer to life and you still listenin to rap music come on man think about this shit

look out for everybody around you and the world will be a a better place


listen to my philosophy because siccness.net/vb can change the world
Siccness cant change much, but if you speak that message loud and clear to the non believers, some people would gravitate towards it and society would be a better place because it makes sense too. Capitalism isn't all that it is cracked up to be although I have no complaints. These are the type of laws that should rule our land, ethics and morals, not criminal deviant related ones....


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
the "God" of religion (whether that religion be christian muslim jewish buddhist or whatever) are advanced lifeforms originating from planets other than our own, who visited earth with their advanced technology, and created a hybrid race with the evolved apes they found here and their own dna.

So BasedGod is the chosen one then!
May 15, 2002
You can't rationalize society's advancements, imo, unless you believe in one of two things, God or aliens. Religion and technology are forms of control. Control the mind and you can control the body and soul, period. I am reading a book right now called "The Case for Christ" because I have some questions I need answered. Some freakish things have happened to my family over the years that point towards life after death.

In John 20:31- These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

Life here on earth or is he taling about the after life? In the past I have sided with Atheists but could the Bible be a report of what occurred at that time much like newspapers and bibliographies are today? Or is just a mythical story? If I had to pick one religion it would be Christianity.

All this didn't come from nowwhere and someone is responsible, the question is who?
Dude, the bible is a book of allegorical tales. Taken at face value, it's a bunch of bullshit. But deciphered into their true meaning, there's a lot a person can learn. Allegory - a fictional tale that conveys a real message. Similar to an Aesop Fable. All this chaos in the world just because people believe the bible (and other religious books) at face value. People need to realize that religion is a profitable business and nothing more. It's killed more people and ruined more lives than tobacco companies. All because people lie to the population to fatten their pockets. Religion has the effect it does on people because it plays on people's emotions, specifically the emotion of fear. When the fear emotion is present, a person abandons all logic. Those that crafted the religion scam knows that perfectly well. Most of the people who preach religion to the people know the truth, but don't want average, everyday people to know the truth. It keeps us fighting and it keeps those who know the truth in power.

For starters, I recommend two books to you.
#1: The Master Key System by Charles Haanel
#2: In Tune With The Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine


Sicc OG
Apr 11, 2009
No problem with religion, only when they get mad because they were insulted by a book burning or drawing, then it crosses the line from crazy, to just plain fucking stupid.

Jan 31, 2008
Have you gone to a Church and asked to see their financial break down? I agree with you but if you haven't done this, how do you know they won't produce the requested information?
no, they never offered or presented it from the start so i figured it was a private matter run by the church incorporated
I am not either, that was one of my questions as well. Without asking these questions ourselves though, we can't assume.

I believe in actions as well and have had a problem with religion because of the hypocrisy surrounding it for the most part. But what isn't surrounded by hypocrisy in society at this point? Isn't that why Jesus died, for our sins?
i agree with you that everything in society is surrounded by hypocrisy at this point, but not everything claims society is built from it rather than it being built from society.
to put it more clearly, Life/Existence>Humans>Society>(Social Arts)

religion tends to place itself at the very foundation of life and all of existence. So i cannot merely say "well its riddled with hypocrisy, but so is everything standing on society (social arts), so its okay"

I have no problem with religion per se. My 2 cents were at first only pertaining to the money machine that seems to overshadow everything meaningful.
Mar 18, 2003
Is that in the same way religious people like to shove their beliefs down other peoples throats every day and think of themselves as superior (or holy, whatever the fuck you want to call it) to others that don't share the same beliefs as them? Not only to atheists either but to people of all other religions that aren't theirs?

I mean we are making generalizations here right?
Perhaps a hasty generalization on my part with all things considered, but in my expierences, it's prevelant to the point where it's not generalizing at all. Much the same way people generalize cops as being bad without taking into consideration that there are good cops, though few and far between. But to answer your question, it is similar, but not the same. I think maybe atheists give off the impression of being more boisterous because they are such in the minority. To be quite honest I found nothing wrong with your post. In fact, my first response was poking fun at the inconsistancy, or rather, the extreme variation in religion, which in and of itself is self-defeating. In other words, the very existance of literally hundreds of different variations of religion is evidence of it's futility.

I'm going to back out of this because I think both atheists and theists can be very obnoxious. But using siccness as a small sample size, it tells of the imbalance between theists that keep to themselves and atheists that [don't] keep to themselves.

Cut the crap. Atheists bash Christians because Christians have done far worse to non-believers for far too long. Do your history and you'll see how Christians have tormented the world for a long time. An Atheist saying a few words to clown dumb ass Christians is nothing compared to all the slaughter and horrific acts that are still being committed by Christians and other religious groups.

If it's okay for Theists to express their belief in their invisible man, then why is it not okay for Atheists to express our non-belief in the invisible man? In fact, Theists bring that bullshit to people's houses. They have billboards, bumper stickers, t-shirts, TV programs, etc. They even force children to believe it from birth. So why isn't it okay for an Atheist to express their belief in any way? Why is it an Atheist always encouraged to keep their beliefs to themselves? If it's okay for Theists to tell us that we're gonna burn in hell and that bad things are gonna happen to us for not believing in the invisible man, then why is it not okay for us to point out how stupid Theists are for believing in their invisible man? I can go on all day with the double standards that Theists condone, but I'd be here all day.
That's all well and good but if it is your intent to counter my position, you must realize you are standing closer to me than you think. Just because I criticize what someone says doesn't mean I believe the opposite.

The fact that history shows much of the tyranny in this world came from leaders who were Christian, should not blur the line between something done with Christianity as the sole driving force and something done out of the iniquity of someone who happens to be Christian. You are sure to use as examples of the countless leaders who have used God as justification for war but it is important to now understand the difference between doing something out of God's will, and using God as a tool to gain the allegiance of a population. What I'm saying is, IF I were an atheist trying to gain office and, much further down the road start a war, I would profess to the world that I was a God fearing man. How else am I going to get the masses to believe I am best suited to lead them and more specifially, that the decisions I make have great moral standing.
Dec 2, 2006
Dude, the bible is a book of allegorical tales. Taken at face value, it's a bunch of bullshit. But deciphered into their true meaning, there's a lot a person can learn. Allegory - a fictional tale that conveys a real message. Similar to an Aesop Fable. All this chaos in the world just because people believe the bible (and other religious books) at face value. People need to realize that religion is a profitable business and nothing more. It's killed more people and ruined more lives than tobacco companies. All because people lie to the population to fatten their pockets. Religion has the effect it does on people because it plays on people's emotions, specifically the emotion of fear. When the fear emotion is present, a person abandons all logic. Those that crafted the religion scam knows that perfectly well. Most of the people who preach religion to the people know the truth, but don't want average, everyday people to know the truth. It keeps us fighting and it keeps those who know the truth in power.

For starters, I recommend two books to you.
#1: The Master Key System by Charles Haanel
#2: In Tune With The Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine
According to you, it is a book of allegorical tales, but to others it is factual and a way of life. Can we be absolutely certain it is not real though?

Don't get me wrong, your reasoning makes perfect sense, however, so does the other side of the coin. I mean conciousness of others is at the center of it all ultimately, but how can we be sure God didn't send his Son down here to let us know the truth? The Bible is a diary of sorts from specific individuals.

I don't think we (as in people, society, etc.) went from cavemen to what we have today unless the script is written by someone else. It is as if we are slowly being introduced to a way of life that does not require physical interaction to be stimulated, this site, the internet, are perfect examples. Are we slowly being programmed to evolve to a more robotic lifestyle than we already are living? But when you really look around at the world, from us, to animals, insects, etc., the colors and more importantly the creativity, can that be overlooked and chalked up to science?

I am not on some religion hype either, trust me. I do think there is more than one explanation that makes perfect sense. Rather than feel one way or the other, I am trying to stay open becuase the truth be told, we really don't know the answer. But I can definately say some freakish stuff has occurred in my family that isn't made up or a tale.

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
In my experience an atheist either greq up in a home that didnt believe in God, so that belief was never passed on to them. Or they did believe in God at some point, but something traumatic happened in their lives which questioned their faith and they now choose to believe God is not real because he did not "come through" when they needed Him.
I'm an atheist. My parents are protestants. I went to Kindergarten in our protestant church. Went to a catholic elementary school. I learned a lot about religion and I am still interested in it. I just came to the conclusion that I don't believe in a god about 14 years ago when was about 18. Everything I see and believe in just doesn't match with what religion has to say.

I sometimes argue with friends about it, especially on of my best buddies, cause he is from a mormon family. At the same time I say religion can be good for many people that do not have anything else. It gives them hope, and I can't talk down on that. Personally I have the luxury not to have to believe in a god.

I could now argue with you and state my points why I don't think gods exist (my wife believes in many gods), but it wouldn't change you, and I actually don't want to change your opinion, when it is something positive in your life.
May 15, 2002
According to you, it is a book of allegorical tales, but to others it is factual and a way of life. Can we be absolutely certain it is not real though?

Don't get me wrong, your reasoning makes perfect sense, however, so does the other side of the coin. I mean conciousness of others is at the center of it all ultimately, but how can we be sure God didn't send his Son down here to let us know the truth? The Bible is a diary of sorts from specific individuals.

I don't think we (as in people, society, etc.) went from cavemen to what we have today unless the script is written by someone else. It is as if we are slowly being introduced to a way of life that does not require physical interaction to be stimulated, this site, the internet, are perfect examples. Are we slowly being programmed to evolve to a more robotic lifestyle than we already are living? But when you really look around at the world, from us, to animals, insects, etc., the colors and more importantly the creativity, can that be overlooked and chalked up to science?

I am not on some religion hype either, trust me. I do think there is more than one explanation that makes perfect sense. Rather than feel one way or the other, I am trying to stay open becuase the truth be told, we really don't know the answer. But I can definately say some freakish stuff has occurred in my family that isn't made up or a tale.
I never said that there's a power (or consciousness) higher than man. Many different fields have different names for this higher power/energy. The problem is -- the world has been lied to about it. Again, there is no god a.k.a the invisible man. Referring to god as a man is man's way of personalizing "The Infinite." Unfortunately, that's been taken the wrong way as well. His son? Jesus? The bible lies about Jesus as well. If you want to read the truth about all of the prophets and other illuminated people that have existed, check out this book called "Cosmic Consciousness." The author explains what separated guys like Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Shakespeare and a host of others from the average man. Trust me dude, we've been lied to from the jump.