According to you, it is a book of allegorical tales, but to others it is factual and a way of life. Can we be absolutely certain it is not real though?
Don't get me wrong, your reasoning makes perfect sense, however, so does the other side of the coin. I mean conciousness of others is at the center of it all ultimately, but how can we be sure God didn't send his Son down here to let us know the truth? The Bible is a diary of sorts from specific individuals.
I don't think we (as in people, society, etc.) went from cavemen to what we have today unless the script is written by someone else. It is as if we are slowly being introduced to a way of life that does not require physical interaction to be stimulated, this site, the internet, are perfect examples. Are we slowly being programmed to evolve to a more robotic lifestyle than we already are living? But when you really look around at the world, from us, to animals, insects, etc., the colors and more importantly the creativity, can that be overlooked and chalked up to science?
I am not on some religion hype either, trust me. I do think there is more than one explanation that makes perfect sense. Rather than feel one way or the other, I am trying to stay open becuase the truth be told, we really don't know the answer. But I can definately say some freakish stuff has occurred in my family that isn't made up or a tale.