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Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
ive been wondering about life after death after reading all these atheists spreading their word like jehovas witnesses and other mofos talking about having proof that god exists.

what really happens after we die?...you hear about the light at the end of the tunnel, you hear about patients floating out of their bodies to witness their own operations...i was thinking...

maybe when we die, we become like god, traveling through time portals, an immortal after life were we become gods, we are on the same level as god, traveling the galaxies understanding lifes mysteries...were we become one with god are even equals. are these words blashpemy?

then i remember posting a while back about something i read of how maybe aliens are our gods...while watcihng the x files the topic came up and it got me wondering again...what if aleiens did put us here...what if they created us?...is there any god if thats so?...or are the aliens our true creators god?...was jesus an alien?..did god create the aliens?...which then created us?

also, if somehow they were to find jesus' bones somewhere, and say with all this technology...what if they found that jesus was a pothead, do you think it would change the way ppl look at weed?or maybe even all drugs...are christians going to stop drinking wine with their gods body and start toking up?
May 13, 2002
Interesting idea's....

Personally, like others have said, I believe when you die, it's like it was before you were born.

The alien idea I think is a very good thought. Who knows...maybe some advanced alien species planted the first cells or altered the first cells and just sat back and watched us grow...kind of like observing an ant farm.

And on a side note, I don't think any of the atheists on this board, including myself, are trying to spread atheism, I think we are just debating with theists and at the same time, pointing out how "stupid" some of their beliefs are.


Sicc OG
Nov 19, 2002
and to those that dont belive in god...im not trying to argue im just curious...

how is it that we are here?how is the whole universe exists?...can living organisms come to life out of nothing?...how do you explain the galxies themselves?...how did these planets come about?...how did the milky way come about?...what is the explanation to this infinite or oval universe?...did it ust pop up out of nowhere?...whats outside the universe?...maybe were all some eperiment inside some genuis childs science jar.

anyone ever seen that episode of the twilight zone were theres about 5 ppl just chilling in a cylynder?...they dont know how they got there, they enver have to go to the bathroom, they never eat, theyre just there...maybe its like humans, were just here, but how?

and back to the afterlife thing...maybe god doesnt exist after all, maybe we all become gods when we die, not one god but its inside all of us, were all destined to be powerful and almighty.

ps...a little off topic.
we all know a plane cant travel to space...my question...how far up can a plane go before it ccnt go any futher?...does it get to a certain point up in the air wehre theres just an invisible barrier?...or would the plane trying to go all the way up just disintegrate on the earths belt or whatever?
May 13, 2004
askG said:
ps...a little off topic.
we all know a plane cant travel to space...my question...how far up can a plane go before it ccnt go any futher?...does it get to a certain point up in the air wehre theres just an invisible barrier?...or would the plane trying to go all the way up just disintegrate on the earths belt or whatever?

Well you got to have enough speed to break through that barrier. And planes and spaceships are totally different. I dont even think regular air planes can get to that barrier due to the atmoshpere.
Dec 25, 2003
I suppose I'd call myself an Agnostic...

I believe in Life After Death. I know a woman who had an honest-to-Baby-Jeebus out of body experience. She almost died during a surgery and she saw herself floating over her own body while she was being operated on.

She said that she felt so at peace and so content with death, that when she realized she was actually going to live, she became angry, and wondered why she couldn't just die. She said the experience and the feeling of I guess being dead is one of the most peaceful, amazing things she'd ever experienced - enough so that she did not want to live through the operation.
Jun 23, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Interesting idea's....

Personally, like others have said, I believe when you die, it's like it was before you were born.

The alien idea I think is a very good thought. Who knows...maybe some advanced alien species planted the first cells or altered the first cells and just sat back and watched us grow...kind of like observing an ant farm.

And on a side note, I don't think any of the atheists on this board, including myself, are trying to spread atheism, I think we are just debating with theists and at the same time, pointing out how "stupid" some of their beliefs are.

It's funny how you support notions that extraterrestrials might exist, being there is no proof of them ever existing, and yet you can't believe in a God. God and aliens are of course different things but you still have to "believe" they exist. I'm not trying to attack you either 2-0, I'm just wondering...
May 12, 2004
i have a theory that an after life existes.....but im an idoit and ill try to explain it tha best i can....bear with me...

in life if we dont rememer we did something, we don't know it happend
so in like a year if u don't remember what u were doing on this date, this hour...it never happend to you...
meaning...somewhere in our mind we remember doing what we are doing this moment in tha future...meaning if there's wasn't an after life we wouldnt be alive....
anyone understand?
May 13, 2002
mattjoke said:
It's funny how you support notions that extraterrestrials might exist, being there is no proof of them ever existing, and yet you can't believe in a God. God and aliens are of course different things but you still have to "believe" they exist. I'm not trying to attack you either 2-0, I'm just wondering...
This was my response to EDJ on a different thread, regarding the same shit.

The belief in life on other planets and the belief in god are completely different. It's all mathematics, EDJ.

We have 8 or 9 planets in our solar system. Our solar system resides in the Milky Way galaxy which has at least 400 BILLION other stars, which also have their own thousands and thousands of planets orbiting them. The Milky Way is a freakin giant. It's mass is probably between 750 billion and one trillion solar masses, and it's diameter is about 100,000 light years.

New galaxies the same size or bigger then our own are discovered every day. Scientists have estimated that there are over a trillion other galaxies.

To think our planet is the only planet to have life, out of trillions and trillions of planets is pretty fucking stupid if you ask me.
Apr 1, 2002
haha, I enjoyed reading your thoughts on life after death. Maybe you're right, maybe gods are extraterrestrials not aliens lol, aliens are stereotyped as being ugly creators or predators or whatever tha fuck. But I doubt it. I believe in reincarnation. I don't think we all can be gods, humans aren't the only life on earth, there's millions of other species. It's funny though, for some weird reason I feel you on after you die you become god, on the same level and as equal etc. I've shared many similar thoughts with you, I've thought of that weird scientist experiment lol. We're in a huge world, in a massive galaxy, in an infinite universe, but what about the bacteria? Have you ever looked at smallers things besides outside the world? What if bacteria can think, and if they know what we know? I doubt that though lol.

@white devil, that's cool, thanks for sharing her experience. But she only experienced it for a short second. What if she was always peaceful and was born? What would that feel like? Do you think she would rather stay peaceful or be alive after experiencing life for a short sec?
Dec 25, 2003
That's some shit to wonder about. We can only hypothesize about that, though.

I have only between 2-3 memories of myself/my life below the age of 10 or 11. Most people find this extremely unusual, and tend to have more.

But I believe we are put on this Earth only to propagate information. The entire reason for your existence could be to communicate one thought to another person, or cause someone to view a subject in an entirely new light.

For what is matter, what is constant? What but information itself will not decay?

Someone people don't understand how I can sit on the net for hours at a time. What I don't understand is why they can't see the importance of information. Most people assume being online is a waste, a triviality, yet they won't frown on playing basketball or watching TV for 3 hours.
Jan 21, 2004
too much to read so ima jus say this.....somethin made us....even if you beleive in God and the bible......then God is an alien....he isnt human....so therefore he is alien.....jesus was born from a virgin....she was probably beamed up and impregnated....i beleive in it all....its all the same...human perspective is the only thing that makes it different.......and as far as after life...thas obviously something we arent supposed ta know about until we are actually there....people who have been clinically dead didnt stay dead so they didnt get to the after life so they dont know what goes on there really....simple as that...enjoy life....its not too long so do what you really feel is best for you and as long as you aint raping kids and rippin off poor helpless people im sure your soul will find peace in the after life.....