Because Nitro…your believing in something that is
unknowable to the human mind. It’s a belief in something that supposedly exists outside of our reality, i.e. the laws of physics, mathematics etc. Logically it doesn’t make any sense to believe in something that we have no knowledge about. It’s an assumption at best.
I find it less practical to believe that obscure matter spontaneously combusts from absolutely nothing.
Again, neither I nor the majority of scientists have reached this conclusion.
Science (just like a theist) has a tendancy to rationalize what they can not explain.
You need to rephrase this sentence before I can agree. Change the word “Science” with “Some
For example, natural selection is a scientific explanation of this worlds perfection and its flawless interchangeability.
Natural selection is simply the theory that nature selects the best adapted varieties to survive and to reproduce. I’m sure you’ve heard of Darwin’s famous example of how he observed several closely related birds on some island. In short, he found that certain birds with certain kinds of beaks could more easily eat certain kinds of vegetation that was common on the island while other birds with longer beaks could more easily obtain nectar from flowers and therefore, they were able to servive or the mutations that occured survived. It’s all very simple and to me, should be obvious to everyone.
The difference between me believing in natural selection and you believing in god is that one of these beliefs is based on
Scientific Method.
We can also observe natural selection in a sense. Take the human skull for example. Thanks to science, we can determine how old skeletons are. I’m sure you’ve seen a picture of skulls lined up from different time periods and clearly we can see a slow change in the shape of the skulls. This is natural selection; we can see how the brains are getting larger and the back of the skull is getting smaller (back controls more of the physical aspects of the body) and the front gets larger (the front controls more of the “thinking” skills)'s benificial to mankind to have larger front skulls.
Also, I don’t think it’s correct to say natural selection is an explanation of the worlds “perfection.” When mutations occur it can be beneficial, harmful or even neutral. When a mutation occurs to DNA, it in many cases results in the offspring not surviving or reproducing, so the mutation dies out and goes nowhere. In this sense natural selection kind of “filters out” the bad mutations but there are examples of mutations that aren’t really beneficial that have survived.
Another point:
We can actually test and conduct scientific experiments on natural selection.
HERE is a good link you should check out (you don’t need to read the entire page, just the first couple paragraphs).
Unfortunately for theists, there are absolutely no scientific experiments to conduct to test the existence of god.