God Doesnt Exist Theory

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Apr 25, 2002
Either the rabbi was lying, his words were edited or you misunderstood him.

Keep in mind in the Jewish tradition, they don't belive in hevean or hell

They do believe in a HEAVEN and HELL. The difference is the "jewish" hell is not ETERNAL nor is is a place of torture and suffereing. They believe the longest one can stay is 12 months.

Hit this link:


if you want more info you can hit this one also:


Finally if you want more proof ask a rabbi.

they also don't have any scripture that points to the afterlife.

This is incorrect and can vary depending on what sect you're talking about. You have the Zohar, Talmud, Targum, Midrashim and other rabbinic writings which mention things such as hell, the afterlife, the messiah etc etc etc.

So essentially the concepts of hevean and hell only come from the Christian and Islamic canons.

This is not true. You have Yama the King of Hell in chinese lore, SET in egyptian mysteries and The Mahabhrata and Bhagavad Gita which both describe hell according to hinduism.
Apr 25, 2002
These are the 3 points...

Villain said:
God is Omnipotent (all powerful)
God is Omniscient (all knowing)
God is perfectly good.

Based off this...God knows when evil will occur, God has the ability to stop it, and being a perfectly good being, he would be willed to prevent evil.

But evil still exists...
Aug 7, 2002
:Heresy: They do believe in a HEAVEN and HELL. The difference is the "jewish" hell is not ETERNAL nor is is a place of torture and suffereing. They believe the longest one can stay is 12 months.

QUOTE]so what your saying is nobody really deserves to go to hell because God forgives everybody and the future even though the world has been corrupted before human beings were here? What do you really think it is down in hell? I remember in the bible it says you eternally burn in hell...people around the world have different opinions, the thing is who's the closest to the right one?


Apr 25, 2002
so what your saying is nobody really deserves to go to hell because God forgives everybody and the future even though the world has been corrupted before human beings were here? No thats not what I'm saying. I've said nothing about my personal views/knowledge/belief in hell. What I am saying is "jews" do believe in a hell but it's a place of purging not a place for eternal punishment.

What do you really think it is down in hell? I remember in the bible it says you eternally burn in hell...people around the world have different opinions, the thing is who's the closest to the right one?

Hell is hell. Hell is a place seperated by THREE things. God cannot be found in hell. Hell is seperation from the creator. Hell is also a mental state.
May 13, 2002
KrypticFlowz said:
but if you want a really good book that logically disproves any religion its: Atheism: The Case Against God by George H. Smith. Read that if youre in search of answers.

This is a great book; I recommend it all the time.

I like his argument that all Christians, once under attack, are forced to become Agnostics, in a way. All of the attachments to the definition of “god” can slowly be defeated, with the use of logic of course. He says that Christians claim they have knowledge of God, so they must have some idea of divine nature, but at the same time they tell us that the essence of god is incomprehensible to man. But, at the same time, they assign attributes to this incomprehensible god. If God is incomprehensible to man, it would seem rational never to think of him at all, but religion concludes man is criminal if he ceases for a moment to worship Him.

""religion is the art of occupying limited minds with that which it is impossible to conceive or to comprehend." You simply cannot intelligibly discuss, much less prove, the existence of an unknowable creature. It's philosophical nonsense. The concept itself is meaningless."
Oct 13, 2003
No disrespect to anyones religion or beliefs, but if you do not believe in GOD then your a fool. Plain and simple. I agree with some of ya'll about the bible being a fairy tale, but you should check out the holy book homies. It's power stuff that can get you to reconsider.
May 13, 2002
Solidous_Snake said:
No disrespect to anyones religion or beliefs, but if you do not believe in GOD then your a fool. Plain and simple. I agree with some of ya'll about the bible being a fairy tale, but you should check out the holy book homies. It's power stuff that can get you to reconsider.
How you gonna say "no disrespect" and then call us names?

IMO, you're the fool for blindly following a book full of scientifically impossible events with absolutely no supporting evidence, logic or common sense.

I agree with some of ya'll about the bible being a fairy tale, but you should check out the holy book homies
How can you agree that there are “fairy tales” in the bible and at the same time, criticize us for not believing?
Mar 18, 2003
How can one disprove something that he/she alleges does not exist? It's sort of mind boggling, but I do not think it is possible. You can disprove the Bible, because the Bible exists. But if one is to claim that God does not exist, and he/she also claims it can be proven, would this person not be a fool?
May 13, 2002
I agree with you Nitro; I cannot prove that god does not exist for the same reason I cannot prove leprechauns or unicorns do not exist. The best I can do is state the origins of the term leprechaun and demonstrate that there is no evidence that suggests leprechauns exist; therefore there is no reason to believe in them.

Same goes with the bible or the existence in the Christian God; I can disprove parts of the bible, I can state the origins of the terms/ideas etc., I can demonstrate why there is no supporting evidence and why there is no reason to believe. But I can never prove “God” does not exist.

From all this time I’ve spent on the Siccness I have never attempted to disprove the existence of god, I have only attempted to show how the belief is illogical or how sections of the bible/Koran etc. are ridiculous.

****My bad if that didnt make any sense...had a few cups of coffee this morning :knockout: ****
Oct 26, 2002
my turn,
every time i talk to a christian person i always ask them why they sin if that's against god who they belive so much in? they always answer we were all born sinners....the reason i love when they say that is because if i told one of them not to have sex from now until marrage and even then only do it for reproducing or i'll lock everyone they love in a room and keep them alive as long as i can but torcher them for the rest of their lives the christain would do it, but when it comes to god, the one who created them and loves them with all his heart and wants to save them from eternal fire they juss break the rules and pray for forgiveness the next sunday in church? why do they use "we are all born sinners" as a way to justify thier actions?It is very possible to not sin ..all sins are in your controll and anything that is not in your controll why should you be sent to hell for it or have to repent for it ??if god is so real and so awsome why don't people in every church dedicated their LIVES to it? and by that i dont mean go to chuch I mean like a nun.... they eat sleep and shit god... preachers that do some of the most scandelous shit whlie not in church...the last chuch i went to.. no joke....THE PREACHER HAD 22's on a Yukon with beat a dvdplayer in his deck and i said nice rims he said aw man i need some bigger rims now these is gettin old...i ask how much he got his dvd playeer for he says a lil bit of nothing i got it from the streets? huh excuse me servent of god couln't that money have gone to spreading the word of god? feeding homeless? also my sperm donar is a preacher but he has 3 or 4 baby momas what the hell is that about he did't marry all these women was he just tryna "reproduce"???if god knows what we are going to do before we do it why create us?? why create us in the first place just to have something worship you??what is god getting out of creating life on earth?why do they describe heaven as the streets of gold when man put the value on gold? god should think of gold the same as dirt since he created that too.. one rule or whatever you wanna call it is to be obedient to your parents but what if your parents tell you to worship a tree in a park will you go to hell for obeying your parents?? thanks sorry bout the punctuation but I coulndn't stop talking oh yea why doesn't god show us it exist insted of us "just having faith"? and why do people call on Jesus and pray to Jesus if God is above Jesus?
Dec 18, 2002
donfuckintay said:
my turn,
every time i talk to a christian person i always ask them why they sin if that's against god who they belive so much in? they always answer we were all born sinners....the reason i love when they say that is because if i told one of them not to have sex from now until marrage and even then only do it for reproducing or i'll lock everyone they love in a room and keep them alive as long as i can but torcher them for the rest of their lives the christain would do it, but when it comes to god, the one who created them and loves them with all his heart and wants to save them from eternal fire they juss break the rules and pray for forgiveness the next sunday in church? why do they use "we are all born sinners" as a way to justify thier actions?It is very possible to not sin ..all sins are in your controll and anything that is not in your controll why should you be sent to hell for it or have to repent for it ??if god is so real and so awsome why don't people in every church dedicated their LIVES to it? and by that i dont mean go to chuch I mean like a nun.... they eat sleep and shit god... preachers that do some of the most scandelous shit whlie not in church...the last chuch i went to.. no joke....THE PREACHER HAD 22's on a Yukon with beat a dvdplayer in his deck and i said nice rims he said aw man i need some bigger rims now these is gettin old...i ask how much he got his dvd playeer for he says a lil bit of nothing i got it from the streets? huh excuse me servent of god couln't that money have gone to spreading the word of god? feeding homeless? also my sperm donar is a preacher but he has 3 or 4 baby momas what the hell is that about he did't marry all these women was he just tryna "reproduce"???if god knows what we are going to do before we do it why create us?? why create us in the first place just to have something worship you??what is god getting out of creating life on earth?why do they describe heaven as the streets of gold when man put the value on gold? god should think of gold the same as dirt since he created that too.. one rule or whatever you wanna call it is to be obedient to your parents but what if your parents tell you to worship a tree in a park will you go to hell for obeying your parents?? thanks sorry bout the punctuation but I coulndn't stop talking oh yea why doesn't god show us it exist insted of us "just having faith"? and why do people call on Jesus and pray to Jesus if God is above Jesus?
Good points. Man will never be able to live up to those standards in a world run by greed.


Apr 25, 2002
donfuckintay said:
my turn,
every time i talk to a christian person i always ask them why they sin if that's against god who they belive so much in? they always answer we were all born sinners....the reason i love when they say that is because if i told one of them not to have sex from now until marrage and even then only do it for reproducing or i'll lock everyone they love in a room and keep them alive as long as i can but torcher them for the rest of their lives the christain would do it, but when it comes to god, the one who created them and loves them with all his heart and wants to save them from eternal fire they juss break the rules and pray for forgiveness the next sunday in church? why do they use "we are all born sinners" as a way to justify thier actions?It is very possible to not sin ..all sins are in your controll and anything that is not in your controll why should you be sent to hell for it or have to repent for it ??if god is so real and so awsome why don't people in every church dedicated their LIVES to it? and by that i dont mean go to chuch I mean like a nun.... they eat sleep and shit god... preachers that do some of the most scandelous shit whlie not in church...the last chuch i went to.. no joke....THE PREACHER HAD 22's on a Yukon with beat a dvdplayer in his deck and i said nice rims he said aw man i need some bigger rims now these is gettin old...i ask how much he got his dvd playeer for he says a lil bit of nothing i got it from the streets? huh excuse me servent of god couln't that money have gone to spreading the word of god? feeding homeless? also my sperm donar is a preacher but he has 3 or 4 baby momas what the hell is that about he did't marry all these women was he just tryna "reproduce"???if god knows what we are going to do before we do it why create us?? why create us in the first place just to have something worship you??what is god getting out of creating life on earth?why do they describe heaven as the streets of gold when man put the value on gold? god should think of gold the same as dirt since he created that too.. one rule or whatever you wanna call it is to be obedient to your parents but what if your parents tell you to worship a tree in a park will you go to hell for obeying your parents?? thanks sorry bout the punctuation but I coulndn't stop talking oh yea why doesn't god show us it exist insted of us "just having faith"? and why do people call on Jesus and pray to Jesus if God is above Jesus?

Woe unto him.........
Apr 8, 2004
every time i talk to a christian person i always ask them why they sin if that's against god who they belive so much in? they always answer we were all born sinners....the reason i love when they say that is because if i told one of them not to have sex from now until marrage and even then only do it for reproducing or i'll lock everyone they love in a room and keep them alive as long as i can but torcher them for the rest of their lives the christain would do it, but when it comes to god, the one who created them and loves them with all his heart and wants to save them from eternal fire they juss break the rules and pray for forgiveness the next sunday in church?

i'm pretty sure you love your mother or father w/ all of your heart but you cant say that youve never done something that was against their wishes..

why do they use "we are all born sinners" as a way to justify thier actions?It is very possible to not sin ..all sins are in your controll and anything that is not in your controll why should you be sent to hell for it or have to repent for it ??

satan is the tempter of all all sins but everybody commits sins when they are drawn to their "own" lusts.. you would have to repent because you had the sinful act in your heart which is not of God, but of the devil.

if god is so real and so awsome why don't people in every church dedicated their LIVES to it?

in a perfect world everyone who claimed to be a christian would dedicate their entire lives to God. when a person gives their life to Christ they don't become a full pledged overnight, theres a thing called "spiritual maturity" that each and every christian goes through.

if god knows what we are going to do before we do it why create us?? why create us in the first place just to have something worship you?? what is god getting out of creating life on earth? why do they describe heaven as the streets of gold when man put the value on gold? god should think of gold the same as dirt since he created that too?

if God knew what Satan was going to betray him then why he create him??? knowledge of man is foolishness in the sight of God... his knowledge passes all understanding

one rule or whatever you wanna call it is to be obedient to your parents but what if your parents tell you to worship a tree in a park will you go to hell for obeying your parents??

lol, another "rule or whatever you wanna call it" says you shouldnt worship idols "false gods or image of worship"

why doesn't god show us it exist insted of us "just having faith"?

faith is the substance of things hoped for, and evidence of things not seen... its impossible to serve God without faith.. who gives a fucc anyways, people witnessed Christ perform all those miracles and they still hung him on the cross. even after the rapture people are still going to refuse to believe so the ignorance of man is nothing new

and why do people call on Jesus and pray to Jesus if God is above Jesus?

no one can get to the Father except through the Son.. Jesus died for the sins of man, and he is who connects us with the Father